Partners: Refugee Education Special Interest Group (refugee-education.org), RCOA, Amnesty International
FMRN members: Sally Baker, Anna Xavier, Samah Shda
- Dr Rachel Burke (University of Newcastle)
- Dr Sally Baker (University of New South Wales)
- Dr Tebeje Molla (Deakin University)
- Dr Bonita Marie Cabiles (University of Melbourne)
- Dr Alison Fox (The Open University).
Project Description:
The purpose of the research is to document current ethics-in-practice support for Higher Degree Research (HDR) students and supervisors at Australian universities. We are investigating existing resources and gaps in provision of support for HDR students and supervisors working in ethically complex CALD-related contexts, such as research involving participants with histories of marginalisation, trauma, and precarious socio-political standing.
- Dr Sally Baker (CI), University of New South Wales
- Dr Clemence Due, University of Adelaide
- Dr Rachel Burke (University of Newcastle)
- Dr Joel Anderson (Australian Catholic University)
- Associate Professor Loshini Naidoo (Western Sydney University)
- Dr Lisa Hartley (Curtin University)
- Dr William Mude (Central Queensland University)
- Carolina Morison (Macquarie University)
- Dr Teresa De Fazio (Victoria University)
- Associate Professor Ravinder Sidhu (University of Queensland)
- Dr Tebeje Molla (Deakin University)
Research Funder:
This research project has received funding from the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE).
Project description:
The aim of this project is to explore the effects of remote learning environments induced by the Covid-19 pandemic and its impact on the capacity of universities to offer equitable teaching and learning services to Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Refugee and/or Migrant (CALDMR) populations. This study intends to address the challenges and opportunities of (enforced) remote learning for CALDMR students and their teachers and other university support staff through a qualitative, mixed-methods studyunderpinned by the strengths-based approach of Appreciative Inquiry.
- Alex Newman, Deakin University
- Sally Baker, University of New South Wales
- Clemence Due, University of Adelaide
- Karen Dunwoodie, Deakin University
Research Funder:
This research project has received funding from the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE).
Project Description:
To address our limited understanding of the role played by career guidance in supporting CALDM/R students to transition into higher education and obtain employment when they graduate, the present study addressed four research questions: i) How are Australian universities presently supporting CALDM/R students (both school leavers and mature students) to transition out of higher education studies and how effective is the career guidance they provide to this group?; ii) What specialised career guidance, if any, is provided to CALDM/R students during their higher education studies?; iii) What works well and what is missing from the career support provided by universities to CALDM/R?; and iv) What would ‘best practice’ career guidance look like for CALDM/R students?
Baker, S., Anderson, J., Burke, R., De Fazio, T., Due, C., Hartley, L., Molla, T., Morison, C., Mude, W., Naidoo, L. & Sidhu, R. (2022). COVID-19 online learning landscapes and CALDMR students: Opportunities and challenges. Final Report for Student Equity in Higher Education Research Grants Program, 2020. Perth: National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education, Curtin University.
Newman, A., Baker, S., Due, C., and Dunwoodie, K. (2022). Career Guidance for Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Migrants and/or Refugees. Final Report for Student Equity in Higher Education Research Grants Program, 2019. Perth: National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education, Curtin University.
Hartley, L., Fleay, C., Baker, S., Burke, R., & Field, R. (2018) People Seeking Asylum in Australia: Access and Support in Higher Education. Final Report for Student Equity in Higher Education Research Grants Program, 2017. National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education, Curtin University, Perth: Western Australia.
Baker, S. & Lenette C. (2019). Australian OUR forum (Project Eucalyptus) Collaborate, Create & Change: Post-Forum Report. Available at https://apo.org.au/node/222161
People from Refugee and Asylum Seeking Backgrounds: An open access annotated bibliography. Sydney: Refugee Education Special Interest Group. Available at: https://apo.org.au/node/214811
Australian Research on Refugee Integration Database (ARRID). Sydney: Refugee Education Special Interest Group. Available at: https://refugee-education.org/arrid