The Age, Gender and Diversity Matrix Tool has been developed by adjunct associate professor Eileen Pittaway, and Dr Linda Bartolomei, from the Forced Migration Research Network, UNSW Sydney.
The matrix tool is based on more than 30 years of working with refugee women and girls across the world, in refugee camps, in urban refugee sites and upon resettlement. They have used the tool in consultations with literally thousands of refugee women, men, girls and boys, and with a wide range of humanitarian actors. The findings have influenced refugee policy and practice at a national and international level. It is designed to acknowledge that refugees are not homogenous and that each age and diverse group within communities have different needs, with gender being a major cross-cutting issue. Based on the UNHCR Age, Gender and Diversity Framework and Policy, examines a range of current key issues on the left axis, as they impact the diverse groups across the top axis.
The matrix exercise helps to explore ways that different groups in the community are affected by issues. It is a method that facilitates an in-depth exploration of some of the problems identified in discussions on human rights or in stories and evidence shared by participants. It builds a more detailed picture of how different individuals and groups in the community experience human rights and what the main issues of concern are to the community.
The matrix developed for this project looks at the barriers women and girls face in achieving the aims of UNHCR’s Age Gender and Diversity policy, including the UNHCR Updated Commitments to Refugee Women and Girls.
The data displayed on this website has been developed as an outcome of the Refugee Women and Girls key to the Global Compact project which is funded by the Australian Government’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
This website contains a tool for analysing and identifying the different age, gender and diversity issues which should inform humanitarian and development responses to issues of concern. It has been successfully used around the world with refugees, local and international NGOs UNHCR and other UN agencies.
Key issues have been identified for each of the Pledging Areas Identified in the Global Refugee Forum, 2019. This occurred in multiple countries in a comprehensive consultation with refugees, NGOs and UN bodies using this matrix. Full text to support the summarises included in each box of the matrices can be found on the completed matrix page which is based on the evidence presented in the reports addressing issues raised by Refugee Women and Girls.
Previous research can also be used to complete the matrix.
The issues of rape and sexual abuse were reported so often across all categories, that it has been added as a separate issue.
The matrix is flexible, and categories on each axis can be modified to suit specific needs analysis and inform solutions. The completed matrix includes issues raised by Refugee Women and Girls and showcases how to use this tool. The following matrices are empty are ready to use.
- Matrix 1 outlines issues for all women and girls across age and diversity groups, highlighting SGBV as a major cross-cutting issue.
- Matrix 2 outlines issues for all men and boys across age and diversity groups.
- Matrices 3 and 4 have been modified for analysis of disability needs. Matrix 3 for the needs of women and girls with a disability. Matrix 4 for needs of men and boys with a disability
- Matrix 5 has been modified for analysis of Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression (SOGIE) communities. As the needs of each of these communities are significantly different, separate matrices could be generated to cover each group, for example, one for Lesbians, one for the Transgender Community etc.
- Matrices 6 and 7 have been modified for analysis of Indigenous community needs. Matrix 6 for the needs of women and girls from Indigenous communities. Matrix 7 for the needs of men and boys in Indigenous communities.
Advocates and Pledge authors can decide on the categories they wish to focus on. The blank matrices can be downloaded here.
Please note that as the matrix is filled, clear connections and intersections between the issues under consideration become apparent and highlight the compounding impact of the research.