seL4 is a strict microkernel, meaning that all OS services are implemented as user-level programs. Pancake is a new programming language under development at TS aimed at easing verification of sDDF drivers.
The Pancake language itself is still under development. This project is to evaluate and analyse the current Pancake language by using it to implement various OS components, compare the performance of the equivalent C implementations, and analyse shortcomings of the generated code to help the compiler developers focus on the most relevant optimisations.
Computer Science and Engineering
Operating systems | Programming languages
- Research environment
- Expected outcomes
- Supervisory team
- Reference material/links
The Trustworthy Systems (TS) Group is the pioneer in formal (mathematical) correctness and security proofs of computer systems software. Its formally verified seL4 microkernel, now backed by the seL4 Foundation, is deployed in real-world systems ranging from defence systems via medical devices, autonomous cars to critical infrastructure. The group's vision is to make verified software the standard for security- and safety-critical systems. Core to this a focus on performance as well as making software verification more scalable and less expensive.
- Test suite of Pancake and C programs;
- Report outlining the experience with Pancake, discussion of limitations and other shortcomings, and suggestions for improvement.