
SDRH documents

Our global team of experts produce quality research in natural and social sciences, law and governance, including reports, academic papers, policy briefs and technical guidance. Our publications are subject to peer review and held to the academic standards of the University in which we are based. This research is used to inform project implementation and provide technical or policy guidance to countries.

Global Technical Guidance on Ocean Accounting for Sustainable Development

The Technical Guidance for Ocean Accounts describes a statistical framework for measuring the ocean and its relationship with society and the economy.

Enabling Decision-Makers to Measure Progress
Ocean Accounts for Sustainable Ocean Plans

The ocean economy is a complex and multifaceted system involving numerous and diverse users whose activities often conflict.

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Progress Report: Latin America and Caribbean Community of Practice

This report is based on a comprehensive literature review and semi-structured interviews with country-informed individuals.

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Linking Ocean Accounting to Marine Spatial Planning

This report outlines what ocean accounts are and how they can link to, and support, marine spatial planning (MSP).

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Compiling preliminary SEEA Ecosystem Accounts for the OSPAR regional sea

The OSPAR Convention, which concerns the protection of the marine environment for the North-East Atlantic, has committed to accounting for natural capital and ecosystem services, where the UN System of Environmental Economic Accounting – Ecosystem Accounting (SEEA EA) provides an international accounting standard for guidance in compiling accounts.

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The Systems Flows Model for Ocean accounts

Accounting systems that go beyond economic metrics alone and integrate societal, economic and environmental information to measure and manage progress towards ocean sustainable development are essential.

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Emerging intersection between Marine Spatial Planning and Ocean Accounting

This paper presents the first analysis of the intersection between marine spatial planning (MSP) and ocean accounting (OA) to identify operational opportunities and barriers for co-development.

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Roadmap to Australia's Sustainable Ocean Plan: Ocean Summit White Paper

This White Paper, co-authored by Ocean Decade Australia, UNSW and EY Australia, is a synthesis of the discussions held at the 2023 Ocean Summit.

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The ocean as a solution to climate change: updated opportunities for action

Ocean Panel report finds seven actionable ocean-based climate solutions that could cut the emissions gap by 35% in a 1.5°C pathway in 2050.

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Policy briefs

The GOAP Secretariat has prepared a series of policy briefs outlining how ocean accounts can be integrated into different frameworks and concepts to accelerate and support the transition to a sustainable ocean economy.

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Launching the Blue Carbon Handbook

The handbook draws from science and on-ground experience to share perspectives on blue carbon projects as a nature-based solution for climate action and sustainable development.

Strengthening national biodiversity and climate action links

As countries update their NDCs, NAPs and NBSAPs, they must pioneer new approaches to capitalize on synergies between climate and biodiversity action. 

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Financing a sustainable ocean economy: lessons from Seychelles

Small island states are most at risk to the effects of climate change but their vast ocean territories also make them central to the solutions.

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Nature's leading women

We’re inviting experts to provide their views on gender equity in biodiversity and climate through an online survey.

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Green technology and regulatory settings in Australia

New analysis from UNSW explores regulatory challenges and opportunities in Australia associated with four 'green' energy technologies.

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Designing Regenerative Economies

This project aims to explore the legal, policy and governance reform pathways that can support regenerative and distributive economies.

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Reaching sustainability targets through citizen science

Researchers partner with Australian NGO to demonstrate the potential for Australia to use citizen science data to report on SDG goals.

Data-driven solutions: the Plastics Data Checklist

The UNSW Centre for Sustainable Development Reform has developed the Plastics Data Checklist and associated Guide to support countries to systematically assess the availability of national data on plastics throughout the lifecycle.

How citizen science projects support UN Sustainable Development Goals

This scientific paper unpacks the opportunities and challenges of augmenting SDG reporting with information gathered from citizen science communities and recommends ways for citizen science communities and governments to synergize efforts to manage plastics.

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