Our research & impact
Research for impact
Our focus at the Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity (CPHCE) is health equity and primary health care. But we also link to other parts of the health system such as hospital care, the community sector and the other non-health sectors that are essential for effective primary health care and tackling health inequalities.
We also remain actively engaged in building capacity for research in primary care—for example, we provide research skills training and mentoring for primary health care practitioners and organisations.
At CPHCE, we believe the organisation and management of health services is critical for effective clinical care and health improvement programs. These must reflect the needs of communities and the barriers they face in maintaining good health. Our projects address policy, practice and infrastructure development.
Our research streams
The Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity (CPHCE) has five streams of research, each with several program areas.
Undertaking national, state and local research projects enables us to address large system issues with an impact at a community level.