Event Date
Thu 30 Jun 2022 15:00

This presentation will explore the effects of the NSW 'lockout laws' in displacing assault to areas surrounding Kings Cross and the CBD.

This webinar will describe the circumstances leading up to the introduction of the so-called ‘lockout laws’ in NSW; laws that imposed stringent restrictions on the sale of alcohol in Kings Cross and the Sydney CBD. It will also examine the long-term impact of those laws on reported rates of assault in in Kings Cross, the Sydney CBD and areas surrounding those zones. The implications for liquor licensing policy will also be discussed.

About the speaker

Dr Don Weatherburn is a Professor at the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre and was formerly Executive Director of the NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research.

He graduated from the University of Sydney with first class honours in Psychology and was awarded a Ph.D. by that university in 1979. He has published on a wide range of topics including sentencing, criminal justice administration, drug law enforcement, alcohol-related violence, harm reduction and program evaluation. He has authored or co-authored more than 200 publications, including four books. His latest book 'The Vanishing Criminal' was published by Melbourne University Press last year. He is the recipient of a public service medal and is a member of the Academy of Social Science in Australia, the American Economic Association and the Australian and New Zealand Society of Criminology.

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Event date
Thu 30 Jun 2022 15:00
Resource type

NDARC Webinars