
Tropical cyclones around Australia tend to become more frequent during La Niña events. Less is known about how the Indian Ocean temperatures can modulate the frequency and intensity of tropical cyclones near Australia. The project aims to explore whether there is a link between the Indian Ocean sea surface temperature variability and tropical cyclones in the Australian sector and how this relationship is simulated in climate models. The project involves managing a substantial amount of climate model output that has been generated with specific conditions in the Indo-Pacific region.


Understand whether and how Indian Ocean sea surface temperature affects the characteristics of tropical cyclones near Australia.

We’re looking for a student with:

  • Background in maths, physics, or related areas.
  • Desired skill to deal with large data sets.

Student benefits

The student will gain experience in managing large model output, applying statistical methods to climate data, and will acquire knowledge of Australian meteorology and climate.

Supervisor: Andrea Taschetto

Get involved

To learn more about this project, contact Associate Professor Andrea Taschetto
