
The project: “Micro-Habitat Use by Two Species of Dasyurids in the Arid Zone” studies the habitat use of Sminthopsis macroura and Sminthopsis crassicaudata.  From previous studies, it appears that each species prefers a different microhabitat within the larger landscapes. 

This project will look at the movement of individuals once they are placed in an area where they have no prior knowledge and see how they then use the habitat. It will also examine the prey species available in the preferred micro-habitats.


This project aims to:

  • Determine the spatial preferences of each species.
  • Examine any potential interaction between species.
  • Examine the effect of vegetation on micro-habitat selection.
  • Examine the prey availability in preferred micro-habitats.

Student benefits

During this project, you’ll have the chance to:

  • Field survey techniques in particular pitfall and Elliot trapping.
  • Use fluorescent pigment to track the movements of small mammals.
  • Have the chance to work in a unique and challenging environment.
  • Contribute to the conservation knowledge of small mammals.

Supervisors: Dr Keith Leggett and Dr Jaz Lawes

Get involved

To learn more about this project, contact Dr Keith Leggett.

T: +61 8 8091 2511