Mr Duncan Rayner

Mr Duncan Rayner

Civil and Environmental Engineering

Project Engineer in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering's Water Research Laboratory (WRL)


Duncan Rayner is a Senior Engineer at the Water Research Laboratory in the School of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Duncan has a BE in Environmental Engineering and MEngSc in Water Resources Engineering. Duncan has been with WRL since 2007 and has been involved in numerous large studies during this time.

His primary fields of interest are related to environmental modelling, both physical and numerical, of coasts, rivers, wetlands and estuaries. Despite focussing on these areas, Duncan has been fortunate enough to be involved in a wide range of projects including outfall hydraulics and water quality modelling, flood studies and foreshore protection investigations.

(+61 2) 8071 9851
UNSW Water Research Laboratory Manly Vale Campus
  • Journal articles | 2021
    Rayner D; Glamore W; Grandquist L; Ruprecht J; Waddington K; Khojasteh D, 2021, 'Intertidal wetland vegetation dynamics under rising sea levels', Science of the Total Environment, vol. 766,
    Journal articles | 2021
    Sadat-Noori M; Rankin C; Rayner D; Heimhuber V; Gaston T; Drummond C; Chalmers A; Khojasteh D; Glamore W, 2021, 'Coastal wetlands can be saved from sea level rise by recreating past tidal regimes', Scientific Reports, vol. 11,