A regular event to grow the Women in Engineering community, Coffee Check-in Chat is run each term in Week 4 and Week 9 for engineering students to meet one another, and touch base with faculty staff in a friendly and informal environment.

Come for a FREE coffee (or other hot drink), some Tim Tams and an informal chat, and stay for as little or as long as you like. Open to students of all year stages including undergrad, postgrad and HDR! 

Term 2, Week 4 Coffee Check-in Chat on 20 June will celebrate International Women in Engineering Day! 

More info: wie@unsw.edu.au


Term 2, 2024 dates:

Week 4: Thurs 20 June

Week 9: Thurs 25 July


10:30 - 11:30am


Event Address

On campus: Coffee on Campus (ground floor Ainsworth Building, J17)