2023 International Study Tour

INFS3020: Information Systems and Technology International Study Tour 2023
27th August to 9th September 2023, Shanghai, China
This course affords students the opportunity to develop knowledge and understanding of an international aspect of information systems/technology (IS/IT) business operations (e.g. global IS/IT teams, distributed systems development, eBusiness, and localisation management) through first-hand observation of business operations in Asian countries such as China, India, and South Korea.
For 2023, the components of the course includes one pre-departure workshop conducted at the university and a two-week study trip to China. During the field trip, a number of leading national and international companies operating in the IS/IT sector and in other sectors with a significant IS/IT footprint will be visited. This is to enable students to develop an appreciation of the ways in which IS/IT-enabled business operations and business systems differ across cultures and countries. On their return, students will be required to prepare a group written report that builds on a real-world problem they have identified during their field trip observations of the business landscape and the country. A group presentation and personal reflection report are also expected to be delivered post the trip.
INFS3020 is available to UNSW undergraduate students enrolled in an Information Systems program, Commerce majoring in Information Systems, or a double degree with Information Systems as one of the programs, and who have met the following eligibility criteria at the commencement of this course:
- have completed a minimum of 72 UOC, of which 36 UOC must be INFS-coded courses (you can count COMM190 as one INFS-coded course if needed); and
- are in good academic standing.
Providing you have room in your program, INFS3020 may count as an INFS elective (even if it is not included in the online handbook at the year you commenced) or Business School Elective.
INFS3020 is run in an intensive mode, primarily in August and September prior to the commencement of classes for Term 3, plus assessments in Term 3. It is counted towards your Term 3 load.
Application, Selection & Enrolment:
Applications for the INFS3020 are now open now until 11:59pm on Sunday 4 June 2023.
To apply, complete the Expression of Interest form and upload your up-to-date academic statement and a copy of the photo page of your passport.
Up to 30 students (minimum of 18) can be enrolled in the course. The selection is based on your academic merit and the justification presented in your application.
Eligible students wishing to complete this course will be required to submit an online Expression of Interest by the advertised date.
The School of Information Systems and Technology Management (ISTM) admin team will enrol eligible students who have been notified of their acceptance into this course before T3 2023 commences.
If you have any queries about the application, please email the INFS3020 course LIC: Associate Professor Zixiu Guo at z.guo@unsw.edu.au.
Key Dates and Information to know
We aim to visit leading technology companies during this study tour. A detailed and confirmed schedule will be provided to the selected students early of July.
5 May 2023:
Applications for INFS3020 2023 are now open.
4 June 2023:
Applications close at 11:59pm on Sunday, 21 May 2023.
6 June 2023:
Students will be notified of the outcome of their application as to whether they were successful or unsuccessful in securing a spot on this course.
12 June 2023:
Payment of a non-refundable $1,000.00AUD deposit (securing your place in this course) is due. An online payment link will be provided to you via email and at this weblink.
23 June 2023:
Non-refundable final payment of the balance is due
30 June 2023:
Start your application for a Chinese visa
Week 7-9 Term 2 2023:
Compulsory Pre-Departure Session - 3-hour session. (Date, time, & location TBA)
26 August 2023:
Depart Sydney for the commencement of the study tour in China.
27 August 2023:
Arrive in Shanghai, and proceed to the hotel that has been booked for the study tour whilst you are in China.
9 September 2023:
Depart China for the conclusion of the study tour.
Term 3 2023:
- Compulsory debrief session (Date, time, & location TBA)
- Individual Report and personal reflection
- Group project presentation (Date, time, & location TBA)
In addition to normal course fees, students will incur additional costs of approximately between $2,300 to $2,700 (depending on the total number of enrolled, the more students, the less cost) for all program costs, accommodations, transports to the companies, and organized social and cultural activities. Flights and visa costs are not included in this amount.
There are costs that are not included in your payment and you should ensure that you have sufficient funds to cover transport to/from Sydney airport, and to the hotel/airport in Shanghai, phone calls, SIM card, laundry, admission costs at additional social and cultural tours, incidentals, and entertainment. In addition to these, you should allow at least $30 per day to spend on basic items such as food and drinks.
If you are offered a place in this course, the initial non-refunded deposit of $1000 is due before 2nd June 2023. This payment indicates your acceptance of the offer.
As the application deadline is on the 4th of June (end of week one), it would be great if this change can be updated immediately as I will promote the course again in week one classes.
Domestic students may be eligible for travel grants valued between $2000 and $3000 through the Australian Government New Colombo Plan Mobility Program. This is a competitive nomination process, and all applications are assessed on an individual basis.
Accommodation is provided for all students in a safe and central location. Students will stay in twin rooms and are required to stay together as a group.
The study tour will be conducted in Shanghai. The companies to be visited will be confirmed prior to the pre-departure Information Session.
Students may apply for an OS-HELP loan for this course (subject to meeting eligibility criteria). This financial assistance initiative by the Australian government assists with expenses incurred in overseas study. For further information including eligibility, please visit OS-HELP on the main UNSW website.
Each student is responsible for his/her own health before and during the course. You should consult your doctor to get advice about vaccinations or other health issues. You should also consult the Australian Government website for travellers: www.smartraveller.gov.au
UNSW's travel insurance policy covers students taking this course. You are obliged to read and understand all the details of the policy. While UNSW aims to assist you with cost-effective insurance, the coverage may not meet the requirements of all students going on this course. In such cases, we strongly recommend you arrange your own travel coverage through a private insurance provider.
We are excited to announce that we are planning a return to the international travel component of the INFS3020 from T3 2023!
The UNSW Business School continues to closely monitor the current global COVID-19 pandemic and are following the university’s approach to maintain a considered, evidence-based position guided by public health experts and government advice.
Should the situation change, and we are unable to travel to a specific INFS3020 location of China due to restrictions or public health risk, we will cancel the course and fees you have submitted to the trip will be fully refunded.
Information Session - 12 May
To help you understand the nature of this course and to help you make your decision, an online information session will be held on 12 May to answer any questions you may have.
Please join us from 10am. This session will be recorded.
Still have Questions?
If you have any queries about the application, please email the INFS3020 course LIC: Associate Professor Zixiu Guo.
Refer a Friend
Do you know another student who would like to be considered for a place on this course? If yes, please feel free to share the application link with them.