Covid-19 Criminalisation in NSW: A 'Law and Order' Response to a Public Health Crisis?
(2022) by researchers at the Centre for Crime, Law and Justice, Faculty of Law and Justice, UNSW
Replacing the Youth Justice System for Children Aged 10-13 Years in NSW: A 'Best Interests' Response
(2021) by researchers at the Centre for Crime, Law and Justice, Faculty of Law and Justice, UNSW |

Navigating Fieldwork in the Social Sciences: Stories of Danger, Risk and Reward (2020) Editors: Wadds, P., Apoifis, N., Schmeidl, S., Spurway, K.
Policing Nightlife: Security, Transgression and Urban Order (2020) by Phillip Wadds |
Criminal Laws: Materials and Commentary on Criminal Law and Process of NSW, 7th edition (2020) By David Brown, David Farrier, Luke McNamara, Alex Steel, Michael Grewcock, Julia Quilter, Melanie Schwartz, Thalia Anthony and Arlie Loughnan |
Obstacles to Effective Support of People Released from Prison Report (2020) Melanie Schwartz, Sophie Russell, Eileen Baldry, David Brown, Chris Cunneen, Julie Stubbs |
Young Australians’ attitudes to violence against women and gender equality: Findings from the 2017 National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey (NCAS) (2019). Politoff, V., Crabbe, M., Honey, N., Mannix, S., Mickle, J., Morgan, J., Parkes, A., Powell, A., Stubbs, J., Ward, A., & Webster, K. |
Attitudes towards violence against women and gender equality among Aboriginal people and Torres Strait Islanders: Findings from the 2017 National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey (NCAS) (2019) Cipps, K., Diemer, K., Honey, N., Mickle, J., Morgan, J., Parkes, A., Politoff, V., Powell, A., Stubbs, J., Ward, A., & Webster, K. |
A Fine Line Painkillers and Pleasure in the Age of Anxiety (2019) Dertadian, George (Kev) |
Rethinking Strip Searches by NSW Police (2019) Grewcock, M and Sentas, V. |
Craftivism and Yarn Bombing: A Criminological Exploration (2019) Alyce McGovern |
Australians’ attitudes to violence against women and gender equality. Findings from the 2017 National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey (NCAS) (2018) Webster, K., Diemer, K., Honey, N., Mannix, S., Mickle, J., Morgan, J., Parkes, A., Politoff, V., Powell, A., Stubbs, J., & Ward, A. |
Anti-Terrorism Law and Foreign Terrorist Fighters (2018) Jessie Blackbourn, Deniz Kayis and Nicola McGarrity
Monitoring Racial Profiling: Introducing a scheme to prevent unlawful stops and searches by Victoria Police (2017) Vicki Sentas, Janet Chan and Tamar Hopkins. |
Policing Young People in NSW: A Study of the Suspect Targeting Management Plan (2017) Youth Justice Coalition, report authors Vicki Sentas & Camilla Pandolfini |