
Referral Process
Referrals for individual services, including assessment and intervention, can only be made by a treating health professional, care provider, or service.
Please address all referrals, written enquiries or requests to access information to:
Dr Amanda Olley
Clinical Director
The Neuropsychology Clinic @ UNSW
School of Psychology
We accept referrals funded under Lifetime Care and NDIS (for plan-managed and self-managed clients only). For NDIS and Lifetime Care participants, the fee is estimated at 10-12-hours at the Psychology rate.
Please keep in mind that we are a training clinic, and we strive to balance the training needs of students with the clinical needs of the client. We are not an emergency or acute care service (see Exclusions below). Where it is determined that someone is not suitable for the service, an alternative service will be suggested where possible.
All referrals should be faxed to the following clinic fax number: (02) 8214 6848 or complete the contact form below
Please note that groups will only run when minimum numbers of participants have registered their interest. Individual cognitive intervention and carer support sessions may be offered in place of a group program in some instances.
- Referral for Individual Services
- Referral for Group Services
Please note waitlists for individual assessments are currently closed.
A 6-week evidence-based ‘Making the Most of Your Memory’ program for everyday memory problems designed for those with epilepsy, stroke, or other neurological conditions and acquired brain injuries. It is suitable for older adults who are worried about their memory as well as those with a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment.
The memory group is offered in clinic, and can be run on-line using MEMORehab online platform
A 6-week program introducing you to evidence-based techniques for enhancing attention, memory, problem solving, planning, and time management. It is suitable for those with cognitive difficulties due to mild to moderate acquired brain injury and other health related conditions.
The Carers Way Ahead program is designed to help families and carers of people living with a brain injury to improve their understanding of challenging behaviours and respond in a positive and helpful way. In the program, carers learn strategies to help respond to challenging behaviours presented by the person with a brain injury they are supporting. There are two ways to access the program
- Self-Directed: The program can be completed online, in your own time. The free web-based program consists of seven modules, including two educational modules, four modules on specific challenging behaviours and a module to support carer wellbeing. Each module takes around 20 minutes to complete. You can access the program by following this link https://carerswayahead.psy.unsw.edu.au/.
- Group-Based: The program is facilitated by a psychologist in a group setting. You will have the opportunity to meet other carers too!
The Carers Way Ahead for dementia is a brand new program designed to help families and carers learn to respond in positive and helpful ways to their person with dementia as their abilities and behaviours change over time.
“Reading a smile (and other great expressions)” is an empirically tested program developed by Clinical Psychologist Cristina Bornhofen and Neuropsychologist Skye McDonald designed to remediate emotion perception. Initially designed for people with acquired brain injuries it is also suitable for any population in need of emotion perception training and is designed specifically for clients with cognitive impairments. The program is designed to work with two clients and a therapist.