Alumni essentials
Start here to get the most out of your alumni experience.

The basics

Update your details
If you're a UNSW graduate or supporter and you have changed your address, please keep us up to date with your latest contact details.

Alumni email address
Showcase your affiliation with UNSW wherever you are in the world with a personalised ‘’ email address, offering ad-free, browser-based access for seamless communication with colleagues, industry and potential employers.


Alumni connect
Join over 4,000 like-minded UNSW graduates worldwide, all eager to share their knowledge and connect with you.
Alumni networks
Throughout the year, our global network of alumni volunteers offers exciting opportunities for alumni to connect, both socially and professionally, in some of the world’s most vibrant cities.
The Lounge
A space for staff, alumni and their guests to enjoy a smart dining experience on campus.
The Lounge

Upskill + career

Learn to Lead
Unlock your leadership potential with Learn to Lead—a self-paced online course crafted exclusively for UNSW alumni.
Learn to Lead
Career Compass
From career advisors and free expert coaching to inspiring insights from graduates, Career Compass will help you navigate your career with confidence.
Learn more
UNSW Founders for alumni
Elevate your entrepreneurial journey with the UNSW Founders Program, Australia's leading university initiative for start-up success.
Founders program

AGSM Discount
The Australian Graduate School of Management (AGSM) offers a 15% discount to alumni for all short courses.
AGSM Discount