Rain on the Platform - Tan Lijie, Selected Works

《月臺過雨》— 譚荔潔精選作品展

Overview | 概述

Exhibition | 展覽

This exhibition showcases video and other photographic works by the artist Tan Lijie evocative of multiple shifting encounters between lived realities and enchanted realms. The intersectional multi-dimensionality of Tan’s work gives rise to subtly transporting atmospheres as well as unfolding relays of indeterminate thought and feeling. Spaces combine, interchange and deliquesce; time slows down, accelerates, compresses, expands, halts and reverses; sound intersects with silence and noises on the edge of hearing; narratives begin only to fade out, commencing differently elsewhere and at other times; meanings, intentions and identities are in plain sight but never made entirely emphatic. 

For more details, view the catalogue



Opening | 開幕活動

This exhibition is co-organised and supported by the Judith Neilson Chair in Chinese Contemporary Art, University of New South Wales, Sydney and National Chen Kung University Art Center, Taiwan. The opening will be held from 2:00pm to 4:30pm on Saturday, 11 May 2024 at the National Chen Kung University Gallery, Taiwan. This free event is open to all and will feature an engaging conversation with the artist Tan Lijie. If you are unable to attend in person, subscribe to our mailing list to receive alerts for on-demand. 


Online Roundtable | 線上圓桌討論

On 17 May, please join us online for a round table discussion accompanying the exhibition 'Rain on the Platform - Tan Lijie, Selected works' at the National Chen Kung University Art Center, Taiwan. The round table will be chaired by Prof. Ming Turner (NCKU) and will include the artist, Tan Lijie and the curators, Dr. Lynne Howarth-Gladston and Prof. Paul Gladston (UNSW). The panel will discuss the artist's work as well as the intentions of the curators in staging the exhibition. The panel will also invite questions from the audience.

請您在5月17日線上參加位於臺灣國立成功大學藝術中心的月臺過雨》— 譚荔潔精選作品展圓桌討論,討論將由國立成功大學陳明惠副教授主持,並邀請到藝術家譚荔潔以及策展人 Lynne Howarth-Gladston博士以及葛思諦教授(新南威爾斯大學)參與。討論將圍繞藝術家的作品以及策展人舉辦展覽的意圖展開。此次活動將含觀眾提問環節。

Exhibition introduction
Exhibition | 展覽

When: 6 May - 7 June, Where : NCKU (Taiwan) | 時間: 5月6日-6月7日, 地點: 國立成功大學 (臺灣)

Opening | 開幕

When : 2pm - 4:30pm, 11 May (Taipei time) , Where: NCKU (Taiwan) | 時間: 5月11日下午倆點至四點半 (台北時間), 地點: 國立成功大學 (臺灣)

Roundtable | 圓桌討論

When : 2:30pm - 3:45pm, 17 May 2024 (Taipei time) , Where: Online | 時間: 5月17日下午倆點半至三點四十五 (台北時間), 地點: 線上

Online roundtable

Registration | 註冊參與

Exhibition: This exhibition is free and open to all.

Opening: The opening will feature an engaging conversation with the artist Tan Lijie. If you are unable to attend in person, subscribe to our mailing list to receive alerts for on-demand.

Online Roundtable: Please register here to join the live event or receive the post-event recording.




The Artist | 藝術家簡介

TAN Lijie (b.1991) was awarded a Master of Fine Arts degree from the Intermedia School of the China academy of Fine Arts, Hangzhou, PR China (2017) and studied as an exchange student at Kingston University, London, UK (2015). One-person exhibitions of Tan’s work have been held at the Salamanca Arts Centre, Hobart, Australia (2023) and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (2022). Tan’s work has also been included in group exhibitions at the Salamanca Arts Centre, Hobart, the Cipa Gallery, Beijing, the Central Academy of Fine Arts Museum, Beijing and the Djanogly Gallery, University of Nottingham, UK. Tan’s video The World was awarded Best Creative (Drama) at the Global Chinese University Student Film Awards (2012). Tan’s video, Haussmann in the Tropics is in the collection of the White Rabbit Gallery, Sydney. 


The Curators | 策展人

Lynne HOWARTH-GLADSTON is an artist, curator and academic researcher. She has exhibited her paintings internationally, including in China, the UK and Australia and was co-curator (with Paul Gladston) of the exhibitions ‘New China/New Art: Contemporary Video from Shanghai and Hangzhou’, Djanogly Gallery, University of Nottingham, UK (2015), ‘Dis-/Continuing Traditions: Contemporary Video Art from China,’ Salamanca Arts Centre, Hobart, Tasmania (2021) and ‘Enchanted Realities – Tan Lijie Selected Works,’ Salamanca Arts Centre, Hobart, Tasmania (2023). Her Ph.D. thesis is the first to engage critically with the work of the nineteenth-century botanical painter Marianne North. She was a contributor to the BBC4 documentary, Kew’s Forgotten Queen: The Life of Marianne North (2016).

Lynne HOWARTH-GLADSTON是一位藝術家、策展人和研究學者。她的畫作曾在國際上展出,包括中國、英國和澳大利亞等地,並與葛思諦共同策劃了多個展覽:“新中國/新藝術:來自上海與 杭州的當代影像藝術”,2015年在英國諾丁漢大學達納格利畫廊展出;“傳統的中斷與延承:來自中國的當代影像藝術”,2021年在塔斯馬尼亞州霍巴特市的薩拉曼卡藝術中心展出;以及“魅力現實--譚荔潔精選作品展”,2023年在塔斯馬尼亞州霍巴特市的薩拉曼卡藝術中心展出。她的博士學位論文是首篇對19世紀植物畫家瑪麗安·諾斯的作品進行深入批判性研究的著作。此外,她還參與了BBC4頻道紀錄片《邱園裡被遺忘的女王:瑪麗安·諾斯的一生》(2016年)的製作。

Paul GLADSTON is the inaugural Judith Neilson Chair Professor of Contemporary Art, University of New South Wales, Sydney and a Distinguished Affiliate Fellow of the UK-China Humanities Alliance, Tsinghau University, Beijing. His numerous book-length publications include the monographs Contemporary Chinese Art: A Critical History (2014) - awarded ‘best publication’ at the Awards of Art China (2015) - and Contemporary Chinese Art, Aesthetic Modernity and Zhang Peili: Towards a Critical Contemporaneity (2019) as well as the co-edited collections Visual Culture Wars at the Borders of Contemporary China: Art, Design, Film, New Media and the Prospects of “Post-West” Contemporaneity (2021) and Rethinking Displays of Chinese Contemporary Art: Diversity and Tradition (2024). He was an academic advisor to the internationally acclaimed exhibition ‘Art of Change: New Directions from China,’ Hayward Gallery-South Bank Centre, London (2012).


Exhibition highlights | 展覽亮点

Delve Deeper: Relevant Research by the Chair

Paul Gladston, Lynne Howarth-Gladston, Jason Kuo and Johnson Tsong-zung Chang eds. (2024), Rethinking Displays of Chinese Contemporary Art: Cultural Diversity and Tradition, London and Singapore: Palgrave. (Contemporary East Asian Visual Cultures, Societies and Politics series). Read here.

Paul Gladston (2023), 'Dis-/continuing traditions: Chinese contemporary art, polylogic translation and the traces of Confucian-literati culture', in Translation Studies and China: Literature, Cinema, and Visual Arts, 217-234. Read here.

Paul Gladston and Lynne Howarth-Gladston (2022), ‘Chinese Confucian-literati Culture and Post-Enlightenment Philosophical Aesthetics’, in Colleen Coalter ed., Bloomsbury Philosophy Library – Bloomsbury History of Modern Aesthetics, Bloomsbury, London and New York. Read here.

This exhibition tours works shown at 'Enchanted Realities - Tan Lijie, Selected Works 2013-2022', which was curated by Lynne Howarth-Gladston and Paul Gladston for the Salamanca Arts Centre, Hobart and the Barracks Gallery, New Norfolk, Tasmania in 2023.