Hybrid format (in-person & online)

University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia

Theme: Harmony, Compassion and Empowerment

The University of New South Wales will host the 49th International Systemic Functional Congress in Sydney in July 2024 – in “hybrid” format (simultaneously in-person and online). The theme of the conference is "Harmony, Compassion, Empowerment" and we invite participants to join together to explore how language and communication can be used to create a more tolerant, just, and equitable society.

We invite contributions reporting on research which is motivated by compassion, a commitment to open-mindedness and which seeks to confront disadvantage, discrimination and marginalisation. We hope that through such work, we might contribute to fairer and more harmonious world.

We welcome Systemic Functional Linguistics-based papers, as well as those which seek collaboration with SFL. Our goal is to support the development of a diverse and inclusive community of scholars who hope to make the world a better place.

We look forward to the 49th International Systemic Functional Congress being an informative, stimulating and thought-provoking event. We hope you will join us in Sydney in 2024 (in person or online) as we explore how compassion, harmony and empowerment can be communicated in our contemporary world.

Plenaries, abstracts, and timelines

We are pleased to have announced the following plenary speakers.

We are currently in the process of identifying papers of outstanding interest amongst the submitted abstracts and inviting their authors to present their work as one of the plenaries.

In the meantime, if you require further information, please email us at ISFC@unsw.edu.au.