Our research

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Woman holding sign with text Stop Gender Based Violence outdoors

The Gendered Violence Research Network is dedicated to preventing and responding to gendered violence wherever it occurs – in workplaces, in homes, and at institutions like universities.

According to the 2021-22 Personal Safety Survey, around 1 in 6 women and 1 in 18 men have experienced some form of physical or sexual violence at the hands of a current or previous cohabitating partner since the age of 15. GVRN are committed to producing research and conducting training and consultancy that aims to prevent and respond to domestic and family violence in workplaces, universities, homes and in society broadly.

Spotlight on our research

According to the 2021-22 Personal Safety Survey, around 1 in 5 women and 1 in 16 men have experienced some form of sexual violence since the age of 15. GVRN is committed to producing high quality research about sexual violence and how to prevent it. The following are some examples of our work on sexual violence prevention and response.

Spotlight on our research

  • National Standards of Practice Manual for Services Against Sexual Violence (Third Edition): GVRN was engaged in 2021 by the National Association of Services Against Sexual Violence (NASASV) to develop a best practice manual for services working with clients affected by sexual violence. This manual can be found here
  • Preventing and responding to workplace sexual harassment in the NSW public sector: GVRN was engaged by the NSW Public Service Commission to develop content for an Online Sexual Harassment Response Tool for members of the public service to be able to access anonymous and confidential information about sexual harassment at work including support and reporting options. This sexual harassment response tool is called SupportLink and is now in operation.
  • Rapid Evidence Review into professional standards and sexual harassment - In 2021, GVRN was commissioned by the Professional Standards Councils to conduct a rapid evidence review of the prevalence of sexual harassment in the legal profession and identify the various impacts it can have on legal professionals, workplaces, consumers, and strategies that have been implemented to address it. The final paper can be found here

The term ‘gendered violence’ refers to “harmful acts directed at an individual based on their gender. It is rooted in gender inequality, the abuse of power and harmful norms” (See the Stop. Empower. Support. UNSW Gendered Violence Strategy & Action Plan). Gendered violence is a recognition that domestic and family violence, and sexual violence is often perpetrated as a result of the same harmful norms and attitudes. Gendered violence includes behaviour such as sexual assault, sexual harassment, domestic and family violence, intimate partner violence, gendered harassment, and dating violence. For definitions of these terms, see pages 38-40 of the Stop. Empower. Support. Strategy.

The following are some examples of our work on gendered violence prevention and response.

Spotlight on our research

  • Stop, Empower, Support UNSW Gendered Violence Strategy 2022-25: GVRN was engaged in 2021 by UNSW’s Conduct & Integrity Office to draft a gendered violence strategy and action plan aimed at preventing and responding to gendered violence on campus. This strategy and associated actions are currently in implementation. Read through the Strategy here.