Plenary One: Opioids

Session Chair: Ms Carolyn Paterson

Using linked cohorts to examine population-wide effects of opioid agonist treatments in NSW. | Scientia Professor Louisa Degenhardt, AO

Keynote Address: The UK supervised heroin treatment trial: success and failure to advance science, policy and practice. | Professor Sir John Strang

Keynote Address: Examining Trends in Drug-Related Deaths – the crucial importance of cohorts in informing our understanding of changing risks and harms. | Professor Matthew Hickman

Global coverage of interventions to prevent and manage injecting drug use related harms in prisons: a systematic review. | Dr Thomas Santo Jr

Development of opioid use disorder following treatment with opioid analgesics for non-cancer pain relief: an Australian state-wide nested case-control study. | Dr Chrianna Bharat

Poster Presentations

Session Chair: Professor Mel Miller

Ms Joanna Zhou: Retention in opioid agonist treatment following childbirth and associated factors.

Ms Kendal Chidwick: Trends in prescription opioid analgesic utilisation in Australia from 2015 to 2022.

Dr Ria Hopkins: Age, period, and cohort trends of substance poisoning, alcohol-related disease, and suicide deaths in Australia, 1980-2019..

Ms Olivia Price: Population ageing and the apparent decline in the initiation of injecting drug use in Australia.

Dr Tayla Degan: Co-occurring DSM-IV mental disorders among people with methamphetamine dependence.

Ms Emily Symes: Presentations and characteristics of trans and gender-diverse patients presenting to an Australian Emergency Department.

Plenary Two: New, Novel, and Trending

Session Chair: Professor Nadine Ezard

The Changing Face of Overdose. | Professor Shane Darke

Emerging drugs of concern - Prompt Response Network update.| Dr Brendan Clifford

Emerging drug use, harms, and markets trends: Findings from Drug Trends 2024. | Dr Rachel Sutherland

Breakout One: Treatment & Trials

Session Chair: Professor Apo Demirkol

New behavioural and pharmacological trials for smoking cessation. | Associate Professor Ryan Courtney & Professor Hayden McRobbie

LAIB in Prison: A report on qualitative data from patients who commenced treatment during a clinical trial. | Dr Amelia Woods

The impact of the NSW MERIT diversion program reoffending, imprisonment, and health. | Professor Donald Weatherburn

We need to talk about contingency management. | Associate Professor Rebecca McKetin

Breakout Two: Community Engagement & Responses

Due to a camera failure in 'Breakout Two: Community Engagement & Responses', not all recordings have been captured. These presentations are being rerecorded and will be available shortly.

Breakout Three: Strong Foundations: Pregnancy & Families

Session Chair: Dr Hester Wilson

Influences of methamphetamine use on family relationships: Interviews with family members. | Ms Paige Webb

Effectiveness of prescription smoking cessation pharmacotherapies during pregnancy: a multi-national study. | Dr Alys Havard

Trends in the use of opioid agonist treatment for opioid dependence in pregnancy. Dr Duong Tran

Use of opioid agonist therapy in pregnancy: Timing of initiation and treatment retention. Ms Bianca Varney

Plenary Three: Alcohol

Session Chair: Mr Matthew Craig

WHO's Global Alcohol Action Plan 2022–2030.  What are the critical issues for Prevention and Policy? Professor Jürgen Rehm

Recent trends in alcohol use and harms in Australia. Dr Wing See Yuen

Alcohol Retailers Lobbying activities: A Comparative Analysis of profit and Non-profit alcohol retail industry body policy submissions. Dr Michala Kowalski