Student name |
Project title |
Primary supervisor |
Liam Acheson | Pilot randomised controlled trial of lisdexamphetamine for the treatment of methamphetamine withdrawal | Professor Michael Farrell |
Chrianna Bharat |
Data-Supported Decision Making: optimising substance dependence treatment using linked data (read more) |
Rebecca Bosworth |
Reduction of drug-related harm in prison: A global assessment of the current situation and evaluation of specific programs (read more) |
Professor Michael Farrell |
Skye Trudgett (Bullen) |
Evaluation of nation-wide programs for high-risk young people |
Alexander Burnett |
The impact of comorbid mental health disorders on the treatment outcomes of people prescribed long-term opioids for chronic non-cancer pain. |
Leigh Coney |
“What are harms associated with cryptomarket use?” |
Dr Amy Peacock |
Christopher Eassey |
Re-Thinking Harm Reduction Strategies in Sydney's Night Time Economy: A Cross-National Comparative Analysis (read more) |
George Economidis |
Evaluation of Functional Family Therapy - Child Welfare (FFT-CW) and Multisystemic Therapy for Child Abuse and Neglect (MST-CAN) in NSW |
Juliana Erthal |
Analysis of Global Changes in Opioid Medicine Production and Availability: Country, Regional and International Trends |
Baillee Farah | This research investigates policies and practices of patron eviction in Sydney's key nightlife precincts in relation to negotiations and experiences of pleasure and harm while using alcohol and other drugs. | Dr Rachel Sutherland |
Improving the evidence base for services working with people who are at high risk of re-offending after release from prison (read more) |
Ria Hopkins | Identifying and addressing issues in access to health services among people using opioids for chronic pain. | Dr Natasa Gisev |
Christel Macdonald | The factors influencing court diversion of individuals with a drug/alcohol-related mental illness under s.32/33 of the Mental Health (Forensic Provisions) Act. | Professor Michael Farrell |
Madeline News | Closing the Gap? Critical Perspectives on Health Policy and Indigenous Self-Determination | Professor Anthony Shakeshaft |
Madeleine Powell | Transforming the health system response to parents with drug and alcohol misuse and mental health problems to prevent child maltreatment: a population data linkage study. | Kathleen Falster |
Olivia Price | Preventing infectious disease and associated harms among people who inject drugs | Professor Louisa Degenhardt |
Drug & Alcohol Research- Comorbidities (mental and physical health) |
Professor Louisa Degenhardt | |
Shivanjali Singh |
Cannabis and its Acceptance by Patients and Health Professionals (CAPH) |
Professor Michael Farrell |
Nicole Snowdon | AOD interventions in headspace centres | Dr Ryan Courtney |
Lucy Tran | To better understand the nature of mental health disorders among people who use methamphetamine, treatment options for these mental disorders, and the effect that these mental disorders have on treatment outcomes for methamphetamine use | Professor Louisa Degenhardt |
Saki (Ruba) Talukder | Barriers to Treatment Utilization and Smoking Cessation among People with Mental Health Disorder | Dr Ryan Courtney |
Paige Webb | The impact of methamphetamine use on the families of users | Associate Professor Rebecca McKetin |
Amelia Woods | A retrospective analysis of treatment provision and needs for incarcerated patients with Alcohol Use Disorders in NSW | Professor Anthony Shakeshaft |
Trajectories of Alcohol-related Harms in Young People (
Professor Michael Farrell |