Professor Rebecca McKetin
BSc(Psychol) Hons PhD
A/Prof Rebecca McKetin (BSc(Psychol)Hons. PhD) leads a program of research into stimulant use epidemiology and interventions at the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, UNSW. Her current research involves the online delivery of psychological help for people who use stimulants (Breaking the Ice) the trialling of new pharmacotherapy options for methamphetamine dependence (the Tina Trial, the N-ICE trial; the LiMA study) and the development of novel responses to methamphetamine use in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities (NIMAC). Rebecca established the first longitudinal treatment outcomes study for methamphetamine use internationally (the Methamphetamine Treatment Outcomes Study, MATES), a 3-year prospective cohort of 501 people dependent on methamphetamine, demonstrating the impact of community-based treatments for this drug. She has adapted in-direct prevalence estimation methods to estimate the number of dependent methamphetamine users in Australia and has been involved in the development of regional systems to monitor methamphetamine and other drugs in the Asia Pacific. Her work has been pivotal in quantifying the risk of psychosis, violence and other mental health outcomes related to the use of methamphetamine. She is a Senior Editor for Addiction, a consultant to the United Nations, and a member of the Australian Institute of Policy and Science.
- Publications
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- Grants
- Awards
- Research Activities
- Engagement
- Teaching and Supervision
McKetin R, Farrell M, Degenhardt L, Dore G, Shoptaw S, Kelly P, Turner A, Clare P, Arunogiri S, Colledge S. (AIs Berk, Sinclair, Reid, Hill, Hayllar, Goodman, Dean, Christmass, Byrne, Koeijers.) A Phase III randomised placebo-controlled trial of mirtazapine as a pharmacotherapy for methamphetamine (“Ice”) dependence. 2020 Medical Research Futures Fund Efficient Use of Existing Medicines. Grant no. 2007155. 2021-2025. $4,899,579.86
McKetin R, Farrell M, Degenhardt L, Berk M, Dean O, Dore G, Shoptaw S, Kelly P, Turner A, Clare P. (AIs Arunogiri, Colledge, Sinclair, Reid, Hill, Hayllar, Goodman, Christmass, Byrne, Koeijers.) A Phase III randomised placebo-controlled trial of mirtazapine as a pharmacotherapy for methamphetamine ("Ice") dependence (APP2000375). NHMRC Clinical Trials and Cohort Studies. $3,923,009.33. (Relinquished)
Berk M et al. Rossell S, Fitzgerald P. O’Neil A, Turner A, Rodgers A, Mihalopoulos C, Ng C, Galletly C, Davey C, Harris A, Pantelis C Loo C, Lubman D., Sisknd D, Forbes D, Meyer D, Jacka F, Malhi G, Murray G. Christensen H, Kulkarni J, Sarris J, McGrath J, Hoy K, Mills K, Nelson M, O’Donnell M, Gunn J, Millard M, Kyrios M, Yuce M, Glozier N, Martin N, Dean O, Almeida O, Batterham P, McKetin R, Bryant R, Osborne R, Harvey S, Hood S, Touyz S, Sundram S, Apostolopoulos V, Zoungas S, Venkatesh S, Russell S. Medical Research Futures Fund. 2020 Million Minds Mission Mental Health Research. Mental Health Australia General Clinical Trial Network (MAGNET). 2022-2027. $11,998,907.
McKetin R, Degenhardt L, Farrell M, Clay S, Sutherland R, Colledge S, Grebely J, Marshall A, Arunogiri S, Ginley M, Nagle J, Christmass M, MacCartney P, Membrey D. Integrating contingency management for methamphetamine use into routine clinical care in Australia. Seed funding National Centre for Clinical Research on Emerging Drugs (NCCRED) Seed Funding Round 4. 2021-2022 $86,109
Ward J, Reilly R, McKetin R, Ezard N, Treloar C, Dunlop A, Wand H Roe Y, Butt J. Quinn B. An acceptability and feasibility study of the We Can Do This online therapeutic program in primary care and residential rehabilitation settings. National Centre for Clinical Research into Emerging Drugs Seed Funding $68,400
Arunogiri S, Bedi G, McGregor I, Buismanpijlman F, McKetin R, Lubman D, Manning V, Rubenis A. An open label pilot study of intranasal oxytocin for methamphetamine withdrawal in women. National Centre for Clinical Research into Emerging Drugs Seed Funding round 3 (application no. NCR3SF18) 2019, $95,604.50
McKetin R, Dean O, Lubman D, Dietze P, Higgs P, Kelly P, Turner A, Quinn B, Carter G. The N-ICE trial: A randomised controlled trial of the safety and efficacy of N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) as a pharmacotherapy for methamphetamine (“ice”) dependence NHMRC Project Grant APP1128147. 2017-2019, $1,551,368
Ward J, McKetin R, Treloar C, Conigrave K, Dunlop A, Wilkes E, Gray D, Quinn B, Wand H, Ezard N. Novel interventions to address methamphetamines in Aboriginal communities, including a randomised trial of a web based therapeutic tool used to treat dependence in clinical settings. NHMRC Project Grant No. 1100696. 2016-2020, $2,177,908
Lintzeris N, Ali R, Dunlop A, Ezard N, White J, McKetin R, Bruno R, Carr A, Dolan K. randomised double-blind placebo-controlled study of lisdexamfetamine for the treatment of methamphetamine dependence. NHMRC Project Grant no. 1109466. 2016-2019. $1,327,084
Dore G, Degenhardt L, Lloyd A, Farrell M. (Chief Investigators). Grebely J, Larney S, Larance B, Hickman M, Houghton M, Cox A, Luciani F, Bull R, McKetin R, Dunlop A. (Associate investigators). Improving the health of people with problematic drug use: hepatitis C and drug dependence. Program Grant, 1150078. $9,060,140, 2019-2023.
Berk M, McGrath J, Malhi G, McNeil J, McGorry P, Jacka F, Cotton S, Walder K, Dean O, Williams L. (Chief Investigators). Amminger, McKetin, Hopwood, Ng, Dodd, Venkatesh, Sarris, McGee, Siskind, Turner (Associate Investigators). The CRE for the Development of Innovative Therapies for Psychiatric Disorders. NHMRC CRE 1135112. 2019-2023.
Butterworth P, Anstey K, Cherbuin N, Easteal S, McKetin R, Leach L, Olesen S, Burns R, McNamee P. Mental health and the PATH to Midlife. Project Grant No. APP1081617. 2016-2017, $758,689
Teesson M, Andrews G, Newton N, Slade T. Chapman C Allsop S, Hides L, McBride N. (Chief Investigators) Barrett E, Kay-Lambkin F, McGorry P, McKetin R, Robinson J, Sanderson K. (Associate investigators). Preventing anxiety, depression and substance use in adolescents. NHMRC Targeted Mental Health 1047291. 2011-2016, $1,709,987.
Chalmers J, Bright DA, McKetin R. Drunk, high or sober: How do alcohol and illicit drug prices affect young Australians' plans for Saturday night? ARC linkage grant LP110100263 (Partner organization: Department of Justice and Attorney General, NSW) 2011 – 2012, 2011 $30,667, 2012 $39,929
Copeland J, Norberg M, Hides L, McKetin R. The Ecstasy Check-Up: A multi-site trial of a brief intervention for ecstasy use among regular ecstasy users. National Health and Medical Research Council Project Grant 630570. 2010-2012, $454,725
Darke S, Kaye S, Ross J, McKetin R. Violent crime amongst methamphetamine users. National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund. 2007-2008, $213,456
McKetin R, Mattick R, Ali R, Ross J, Lubman D. Longitudinal Treatment Outcomes for Methamphetamine Dependence: A Treatment Cohort Study. National Health and Medical Research Council 350974. 2005-2009, $709,500
Dawe S, Kavanagh D, Young R, Saunders J, McKetin R, Teesson M. An empirical investigation of psychosis proneness among amphetamine users: current and predictive validity. National Health and Medical Research Council 326220. 2005-2008, $454,500
McKetin R, Rushby R, Evans N, and Pritchard E, Mattick RP. The emergence of potent forms of methamphetamine in Sydney: Developing our understanding of Australia’s dynamic methamphetamine markets. National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund. 2003-2006, $270,359