A brief cognitive-behavioural intervention for cannabis dependence: Therapists treatment manual
NDARC Technical Report No. 64 (1998)
NDARC Technical Report No. 64 (1998)
Introduction: Cognitive Behaviour Therapy: an overview
1.1 Cannabis dependence
1.2 Forms of cannabis
1.3 Methods of use of cannabis
1.4 Cannabis dependence
1.6 Health and psychological effects of cannabis abuse
1.7 Cannabis treatment research
Intervention Protocol
2.1 Format of therapy
2.2 Timing and length of intervention
2.3 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria
2.4 Assessment procedure
2.5 Classification of treatment dropouts
Guidelines for delivery of Cognitive Behavioural Treatment program
SESSION 1: Setting the scene & introduction to motivational enhancement training
SESSION 2: Planning to Quit
SESSION 3: Managing Withdrawal and Cognitive Restructuring
SESSION 4: Review of Cognitive Strategies and Skills Enhancement
SESSION 5: Reviewing and consolidating. Introduction to new skills if required
SESSION 6: Relapse Prevention and Lifestyle Modification