This webinar explored the shifting cultural and social role of alcohol for young people in Australia and other high-income countries.

Fifteen years ago, in English speaking countries, sociological research on young people’s alcohol use was dominated by studies endorsing ‘cultures of intoxication’ and the pursuit of ‘determined drunkenness’. Such findings stand in stark contrast to current sociological research. In fact, contemporary studies more often report that young people associate alcohol with opposing ideals – emphasising moderation, control and responsibility. This presentation will review recent qualitative work, and draw on contemporary insights from sociologies of youth, risk and leisure, to discuss why and how alcohol use has seemingly become de-prioritised for young people.

About the speaker

Dr Amy Pennay is a Senior Research Fellow and Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow at the Centre for Alcohol Policy Research (CAPR) at La Trobe University. Amy’s research sits at the nexus of sociology and public health, investigating how social and cultural factors influence drinking practices and health outcomes. Her recent work has focused on youth drinking practices, (sub)cultures of drinking, and intersections of drinking and policy with social determinants such as gender, class, race, place and sexuality.

Date Commenced
23 Aug 2022
Resource Type
NDARC Seminars