
The UNSW School of Aviation has a long history of publication across a broad spectrum of topics, with notable contributions to a range of journals.
Below is a collection of articles and papers authored (or co-authored) by our academics. This curated list dates back to 2015, with links to the actual articles where available.
Bold is used to denote UNSW Aviation affiliation or current UNSW Aviation staff member.
Calabrese CG; Molesworth BRC; Hatfield J, 2023, 'The effect of punishment and feedback on correcting erroneous behavior', Journal of Safety Research, 87, pp. 481 - 487,
Zhou H; Molesworth BR; Burgess M; Hatfield J, 2023, 'Noise and dynamic decision making', The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 154, pp. A30 - A30,
Molloy O; Molesworth BRC; Williamson A; Senserrick T, 2023, 'Improving young drivers' speed compliance through a single dose of feedback', Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 95, pp. 228 - 238,
Dunn MJM; Molesworth BRC; Koo T; Lodewijks G, 2023, 'Effects of incremented auditory feedback on remote vehicle operator task performance', Drone Systems and Applications, 11, pp. 1 - 13,
Dissanayaka YHPSAY; Molesworth BRC; Estival D, 2023, 'Miscommunication in Commercial Aviation: The Role of Accent, Speech Rate, Information Density, and Politeness Markers', International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, 33, pp. 79 - 97,
Ackland CA; Molesworth BRC; Grisham JR, 2023, 'Pilot mental health during the COVID-19 pandemic: prevalence rates from semi-structured interviews, and associated vulnerability and protective factors', Frontiers in Psychology, 14,
Ebrahim Y; Molesworth BRC; Molloy O, 2023, 'The Link between Individual Predictors of Risk and Risky Flight Behavior: A Systematic Review', International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, 33, pp. 35 - 60,
Molloy O; Molesworth BRC; Li J, 2023, 'Examining Self-Reported Young Novice and Young Experienced Drivers’ Speeding Behavior: An Exploratory Study', in Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, SAGE Publications, Washington D.C., presented at Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Washington D.C., 23 October 2023 - 27 October 2023,
Molloy O; Molesworth B; Li J, 2023, 'Examining Self-Reported Young Novice and Young Experienced Drivers’ Speeding Behavior: An Exploratory Study', in Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, pp. 1331 - 1336,
Shaukat S; Wu CL, 2023, 'Impact of hydrogen fuel cell technology on aircraft maintenance: Reliability, cost, and safety', in Challenges and Opportunities for Aviation Stakeholders in a Post-Pandemic World, pp. 49 - 63,
Shaukat S; Wu C-L, 2023, 'Impact of Hydrogen Fuel Cell Technology on Aircraft Maintenance', in Advances in Business Strategy and Competitive Advantage, IGI Global, pp. 49 - 63,
Chen WT; Wu CL, 2023, 'Aircraft acquisition optimization under demand and cost fluctuations: Before and after leasing standard changes', Journal of Air Transport Management, 112,
Liu NTY; Wu CL, 2023, 'Assessing the effect of flight information presentation styles on the usability of airline web booking interface', Journal of Air Transport Management, 106,
Widmer S; Shaukat S; Wu CL, 2023, 'Aircraft Line Maintenance Scheduling Using Simulation and Reinforcement Learning', in Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 600 - 611,
Koo TTR; Chen YL; Zhang Z; Lu KL; Deng R; Banfield T; Papatheodorou A, 2023, 'The sustainability characteristics of international air routes: A composite index approach', Tourism Management, 98,
Zhao R; Koo TTR; Liu W; Lodewijks G; Zhang F, 2023, 'A service network design for scheduled advanced air mobility using human-driven and autonomous air metro', Decision Analytics Journal, 8,
Kuok RUK; Koo TTR; Lim C, 2023, 'Interaction effects of air services on tourism demand', Annals of Tourism Research, 101,
Li X; Hossein Rashidi T; Koo TTR, 2023, 'Tourists’ travel mode and length of stay: Application of a fully nested Archimedean copula structure', Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 172,
Kei Kuok RU; Koo TTR; Lim C, 2023, 'Economic Policy Uncertainty and International Tourism Demand: A Global Vector Autoregressive Approach', Journal of Travel Research, 62, pp. 540 - 562,
Dunn MJM; Molesworth BRC; Koo T; Lodewijks G, 2023, 'Effects of incremented auditory feedback on remote vehicle operator task performance', Drone Systems and Applications, 11, pp. 1 - 13,
Gu Y; Wiedemann M; Ryley T; Johnson ME; Evans MJ, 2023, 'Hydrogen-Powered Aircraft at Airports: A Review of the Infrastructure Requirements and Planning Challenges', Sustainability (Switzerland), 15,
Tse NLH; Wiedemann M; Xing K, 2023, 'Strengthening the Understanding of the Context for Airport City Planning: A Case Study on Airport City Parafield', Collegiate Aviation Review, 41, pp. 55 - 77,
Wiedemann M; Vij A; Banerjee R; O'Connor A; Soetanto D; Ardeshiri A; V A; Wittwer G; Sheard N, 2023, Validating the benefits of increased drone uptake for Australia: Geographic, demographic and social insights,
Wiedemann M, 2023, Aviation flying high on alternative sources of power, 360info, ,
Bentley TA; Caponecchia C; Onnis LA; Brunetto Y; Farr-Wharton B; Cattani M; Neto A; Vassiley A, 2023, 'A systems model for the design of occupational health and safety management systems inclusive of work-from-home arrangements', Applied Ergonomics, 109,
Farr-Wharton B; Bentley T; Onnis LA; Caponecchia C; Neto ADA; O’Neill S; Andrew C; O'Neill S, 2023, 'Older Worker-Orientated Human Resource Practices, Wellbeing and Leave Intentions: A Conservation of Resources Approach for Ageing Workforces', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20, pp. 1 - 13,
Bentley T; Onnis LA; Vassiley A; Farr-Wharton B; Caponecchia C; Andrew C; O’Neill S; De Almeida Neto A; Huron V; Green N, 2023, 'A systematic review of literature on occupational health and safety interventions for older workers', Ergonomics, 66, pp. 1968 - 1983,
Coman R; Caponecchia C, 2023, 'Optimizing aged care environments to promote resident functional mobility and reduce staff injury risk', Frontiers in Aging, 4,
Caponecchia C; Mayland E; Huron V, 2023, Research Project Industry Summary: Managing accessibility of public spaces,
Huang-Lung J; Chun Ho K; Lung T; Palagyi A; McCluskey P; White AJ; Boufous S; Keay L, 2023, 'Healthcare costs following falls and cataract surgery in older adults using Australian linked health data from 2012-2019', Public health research & practice, 34,
Senserrick T; Möller H; Boufous S; Stevenson M; Williamson A; Patton G; McLean R; Chen HY; Cullen P; Woodward M; Ivers R; Moeller H, 2023, 'Learning With a Supervisor Who has Traffic Offences and Young Driver Crashes: The DRIVE Study 13-Year Follow-Up', Journal of Adolescent Health, 73, pp. 859 - 865,
Islam SMS; Maddison R; Uddin R; Ball K; Livingstone KM; Khan A; Salmon J; Ackerman IN; Adair T; Adegboye OA; Ademi Z; Adhikary RK; Ahinkorah BO; Alam K; Alene KA; Alif SM; Amare AT; Ameyaw EK; Aminde LN; Anderlini D; Angell B; Ansar A; Antony B; Anyasodor AE; Arnet VK; Astell-Burt T; Atorkey P; Awoke MA; Quintanilla BPA; Ayano G; Bagheri N; Barnett A; Baune BT; Bhandari D; Bhaskar S; Biswas RK; Borschmann R; Boufous S; Briggs AM; Buchbinder R; Bulamu NB; Burns RA; Carvalho AF; Cerin E; Cherbuin N; Chowdhury EK; Ciobanu LG; Clark SR; Cross M; Dadi AF; de Courten B; De Leo D; de Luca K; Doyle KE; Edvardsson D; Edvardsson K; Efendi F; Endalamaw A; Fauk NK; Feng X; Fitzgibbon BM; Flavel J; Gebreyohannes EAA; Gesesew HA; Gill TK; Godinho MA; Gupta B; Gupta VK; Hambisa MT; Hamiduzzaman M; Hankey GJ; Hassanian-Moghaddam H; Hay SI; Hebert JJ; Huda MM; Huda TM; Islam MM; Islam MS; Islam RM; Kaambwa B; Kandel H; Kassie GM; Kelly JT; Kerr JA; Kiross GT; Knibbs LD; Kulkarni VV; Lalloo R; Le LKD; Leigh J; Leung J; Li S; Mahumud RA; Mamun AA; Marzan MB; McGrath JJ; Mehlman ML; Meretoja A; Mersha AG; Miller TR, 2023, 'The burden and trend of diseases and their risk factors in Australia, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019', The Lancet Public Health, 8, pp. e585 - e599,
Ivers R; Moller H; Cullen P; Senserrick T; Rogers K; Boufous S, 2023, 'A life-course approach to road safety - Findings from the DRIVE study', in Population Medicine, Vol. 5, pp. 320 - 320,
Koo TTR; Molesworth BRC; Dunn MJM; Lodewijks G; Liao S, 2022, 'Trust and user acceptance of pilotless passenger aircraft', Research in Transportation Business and Management, 45,
Wiggins MW; Yuris N; Molesworth BRC, 2022, 'Recent experience and performance during a critical in-flight event', Applied Cognitive Psychology, 36, pp. 1292 - 1299,
Calabrese CG; Molesworth BRC; Hatfield J; Slavich E, 2022, 'Effects of the Federal Aviation Administration's Compliance Program on aircraft incidents and accidents', Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 163, pp. 304 - 319,
Ackland CA; Molesworth BRC; Grisham JR; Lovibond PF, 2022, 'Pilot Mental Health, Methodologies, and Findings: A Systematic Review', Aerospace Medicine and Human Performance, 98, pp. 696 - 708,
Thorpe A; Estival D; Molesworth B; Eidels A, 2022, 'Pilot errors: Communication comes last', Safety Science, 149,
Dunn MJM; Molesworth BRC; Koo T; Lodewijks G, 2022, 'Measured effects of workload and auditory feedback on remote pilot task performance', Ergonomics, 65, pp. 886 - 898,
Zhou H; Molesworth BRC; Burgess M; Hatfield J, 2022, 'The effect of broadband noise on learning and dynamic decision-making and how cognitive workload and sex moderate its effect', Applied Ergonomics, 98,
Cheung MF; Molesworth BRC, 2022, 'The Effect of Vocal Tone of Feedback on Student Pilot Performance', International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, 32, pp. 39 - 53,
McMurtrie KJ; Molesworth BRC, 2022, 'Confidence and Trust in the 'Just Culture' Construct', in Transportation Research Procedia, Elsevier, pp. 214 - 225,
Feng J; Wu CL; Zhu J, 2022, 'Airport route development strategy planning and performance measurement with a dynamic performance management framework', PLoS ONE, 17,
Wu CL; Ma NK, 2022, 'The impact of customised mobile marketing on passenger shopping behaviour in the airport terminal', Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 66,
Bai Y; Wu CL, 2022, 'The Causality Analysis of Airports and Regional Economy: Empirical Evidence from Jiangsu Province in China', Sustainability (Switzerland), 14,
Chen Y; Wu CL; Ma NK, 2022, 'A Heuristic-Based Airport Shopping Behavior Model with Agent-Based Simulation', in Proceedings - Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 382 - 393,
Lau PL; Koo TTR, 2022, 'Multidimensional decomposition of Gini elasticities to quantify the spatiotemporality of travel and tourism distribution', Tourism Management, 88,
Dunn MJM; Molesworth BRC; Koo T; Lodewijks G, 2022, 'Measured effects of workload and auditory feedback on remote pilot task performance', Ergonomics, 65, pp. 886 - 898,
Cheng TC; Caponecchia C; O'Neill S, 2022, 'Workplace safety and future and emerging ways of work: A systematic literature review', Safety Science, 155,
O'Neill S; Glennie M; Farmer J; Caponecchia C; McDermott V; Blackman D; Rooney J; Huron V, 2022, Measuring for a mentally healthy workplace: a practical guide for medium to large organisations,,
O'Neill S; Glennie M; Farmer J; Caponecchia C; Blackman D; McDermott V; Huron V; Rooney J, 2022, Measuring for a mentally healthy workplace: a practical guide for small business and sole traders, National Mental Health Commission, Sydney, NSW, 2,,
Frostad JJ; Nguyen QAP; Baumann MM; Blacker BF; Marczak LB; Deshpande A; Wiens KE; LeGrand KE; Johnson KB; Abbasi-Kangevari M; Abdoli A; Abolhassani H; Abreu LG; Abrigo MRM; Abu-Rmeileh NME; Adekanmbi V; Agrawal A; Ahmed MB; Al-Aly Z; Alanezi FM; Alcalde-Rabanal JE; Alipour V; Altirkawi KA; Alvis-Guzman N; Alvis-Zakzuk NJ; Amegah AK; Amini S; Amiri F; Amugsi DA; Ancuceanu R; Andrei CL; Andrei T; Antriyandarti E; Anvari D; Arabloo J; Arab-Zozani M; Athari SS; Ausloos M; Ayano G; Aynalem YA; Azari S; Badiye AD; Baig AA; Balakrishnan K; Banach M; Basu S; Bedi N; Bell ML; Bennett DA; Bhattacharyya K; Bhutta ZA; Bibi S; Bohlouli S; Boufous S; Bragazzi NL; Braithwaite D; Nagaraja SB; Butt ZA; Dos Santos FLC; Car J; Cárdenas R; Carvalho F; Castaldelli-Maia JM; Castañeda-Orjuela CA; Cerin E; Chattu SK; Chattu VK; Chaturvedi P; Chaturvedi S; Chen S; Chu DT; Chung SC; Dahlawi SMA; Damiani G; Dandona L; Dandona R; Darwesh AM; Das JK; Dash AP; Dávila-Cervantes CA; De Leo D; De Neve JW; Demissie GD; Denova-Gutiérrez E; Dey S; Dharmaratne SD; Dhimal M; Dhungana GP; Diaz D; Dipeolu IO; Dorostkar F; Doshmangir L; Duraes AR; Edinur HA; Efendi F; Tantawi ME; Eskandarieh S; Fadhil I; Fattahi N; Fauk NK, 2022, 'Mapping development and health effects of cooking with solid fuels in low-income and middle-income countries, 2000–18: a geospatial modelling study', The Lancet Global Health, 10, pp. e1395 - e1411,
Boufous S; Moller H; Patton G; Woodward M; Stevenson MR; Senserrick T; McLean R; Cullen P; Wang A; Rogers K; Chen HY; Ivers RQ; Moeller H, 2022, 'Acculturation and risk of traffic crashes in young Asian-born Australian drivers', Injury Prevention, 29, pp. 74 - 78,
Keay L; Ho KC; Rogers K; McCluskey P; White AJR; Morlet N; Ng JQ; Lamoureux E; Pesudovs K; Stapleton FJ; Boufous S; Huang-Lung J; Palagyi A, 2022, 'The incidence of falls after first and second eye cataract surgery: a longitudinal cohort study', Medical Journal of Australia, 217, pp. 94 - 99,
Möller H; Cullen P; Senserrick T; Rogers K; Boufous S; Ivers RQ; Moeller H, 2022, 'Driving offences and risk of subsequent crash in novice drivers: the DRIVE cohort study 12-year follow-up', Injury Prevention, 28, pp. 396 - 404,
Moeller H; Ivers R; Cullen P; Rogers K; Boufous S; Senserrick T, 2022, 'EVIDENCE FOR A LIFE-COURSE APPROACH TO ROAD SAFETY', in INJURY PREVENTION, BMJ PUBLISHING GROUP, pp. A38 - A38,
Thorpe A; Johnson M; Hercus C; Boufous S, 2022, 'Improving road safety for food delivery cyclists', Christchurch, New Zealand, presented at Australasian Road Safety Conference 2022, Christchurch, New Zealand, 28 September 2022
Boufous S; Beck B; Macniven R; Pettit C; Ivers R, 2022, 'Reported changes in cycling habits among older adults during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, New South Wales, Australia', in Contributions to the 10th International Cycling Safety Conference 2022 (ICSC2022), Technische Universität Dresden, pp. 196 - 198, presented at International Cycling Safety Conference,
Ebrahim Y; Molesworth BRC; Rantz W, 2021, 'Risk-taking Propensity: A Comparison between Pilots and Members of the General Population', International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, 32, pp. 138 - 151,
McMurtrie KJ; Molesworth BRC, 2021, 'The Impact of a Legally Defined Just Culture on Voluntary Reporting of Safety Information', Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors, 11, pp. 88 - 97,
Low I; Molesworth BRC; Burgess M, 2021, 'The fatiguing effect of broadband noise: An EEG-based study', Accident Analysis and Prevention, 151,
Molloy O; Molesworth B; Williamson A, 2021, 'Examining The Medium In Which Feedback Is Delivered on Young Drivers’ Speed Management Behavior: An On-Road Study', Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, 64, pp. 2013 - 2017,
Molloy O; Molesworth B; Williamson A, 2021, 'On-road study investigating the mode of feedback delivery on young drivers’ speed management', Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 76, pp. 393 - 402,
Chui TKS; Molesworth BRC; Bromfield MA, 2021, 'Feedback and Student Learning: Matching Learning and Teaching Style to Improve Student Pilot Performance', International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, 31, pp. 71 - 86,
Dunn M; Molesworth B; Koo T; Lodewijks G, 2021, 'Observed effects of audiovisual cueing on remote pilot manual flying experience', in 24th Air Transport Research Society World Conference, Online - Sydney, presented at 24th Air Transport Research Society World Conference, Online - Sydney, 26 August 2021 - 29 August 2021
Molloy O; Molesworth B; Williamson A, 2021, 'The impact of the medium in which feedback is presented on young drivers’ speed management behaviour', in Proceedings of the 2021 Australasian Road Safety Conference, Australasian College of Road Safety, Melbourne, pp. 34 - 34, presented at Australasian Road Safety Conference, Melbourne, 28 September 2021 - 30 September 2021,
Xue D; Hsu LT; Wu CL; Lee CH; Ng KKH, 2021, 'Cooperative surveillance systems and digital-technology enabler for a real-time standard terminal arrival schedule displacement', Advanced Engineering Informatics, 50,
Yang CW; Wu CL; Lu JL, 2021, 'Exploring the interdependency and determinants of tourism participation, expenditure, and duration: An analysis of Taiwanese citizens traveling abroad', Tourism Economics, 27, pp. 649 - 669,
Scala P; Mota MM; Wu CL; Delahaye D, 2021, 'An optimization–simulation closed-loop feedback framework for modeling the airport capacity management problem under uncertainty', Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 124,
Wu CL; Lim SX, 2021, 'Effects of enterprise bargaining and agreement clauses on the operating cost of airline ground crew scheduling', Journal of Air Transport Management, 91,
Keshavarzian P; Wu CL, 2021, 'Exploring the Effect of Sequentially Receiving Airline and Destination Information on the Choice Behavior of Tourism Destinations', Journal of Travel Research, 60, pp. 251 - 266,
Feng J; Wu CL; Zhu J, 2021, 'Exploring the effect of airport incentive programs: the practice of Narita International Airport', Transportation Planning and Technology, 44, pp. 785 - 806,
Kim TH; Wu CL, 2021, 'Methodology for defining the new optimum level of service in airport passenger terminals', Transportation Planning and Technology, 44, pp. 378 - 399,
Jung J; Koo T; Hay P; Smith S, 2021, 'The predictors of the decisions by gifted students to pursue STEM careers: The case of Brazilian international students in Australia', in Smith S (ed.), International Handbook of Giftedness and Talent Development in the Asia-Pacific, Springer International Handbooks of Education, Singapore, pp. 1343 - 1366,
Jung JY; Koo TTR; Hay PK; Smith SR, 2021, 'The Predictors of the Decisions by Gifted Students to Pursue STEM Careers: The Case of Brazilian International Students in Australia', in Handbook of Giftedness and Talent Development in the Asia-Pacific, Springer Singapore, pp. 1343 - 1365,
Zhao R; Liu W; Zhang F; Koo T; Lodewijks G, 2021, 'Passenger shuttle service network design in an airport', Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics, 10, pp. 1099 - 1125,
Li X; Hossein Rashidi T; Koo TTR, 2021, 'Exploring the temporal travel choices: a joint modelling of how long to travel and when', Current Issues in Tourism, 24, pp. 2532 - 2553,
Curlier J; Koo T; Lodewijks G, 2021, 'Identifying the key learning outcomes for climate change education in aviation programs', presented at 24th Air Transport Research Society World Conference, online - Sydney, 26 August 2021 - 29 August 2021
Caponecchia C; Way KA, 2021, 'Bullying and Violence.', in The Core Body of Knowledge for Generalist OHS Professionals. 2nd Ed., Australian Institute of Health and Safety, Tullamarine, VIC
Tuckey MR; Zadow A; Li Y; Caponecchia C, 2021, 'Prevention of Workplace Bullying Through Work and Organizational Design', in Handbooks of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment, Springer Singapore, pp. 29 - 58,
Caponecchia C, 2021, 'Risk Management: Bullying as a Workplace Health and Safety Hazard', in Handbooks of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment, Springer Singapore, pp. 3 - 27,
Branch S; Caponecchia C; Murray JP, 2021, 'Strengthening the Evidence Base of Workplace Bullying Interventions Through Prevention and Implementation Research', in Handbooks of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment, Springer Singapore, pp. 293 - 328,
Caponecchia C; Wyatt A, 2021, 'Defining a “Safe System of Work”', Safety and Health at Work, 12, pp. 421 - 423,
Tan D; Caponecchia C, 2021, 'COVID-19 and the public perception of travel insurance', Annals of Tourism Research, 90,
Coman RL; Caponecchia CD; Gopaldasani V, 2021, 'Impact of Public Seating Design on Mobility and Independence of Older Adults', Experimental Aging Research, 47, pp. 262 - 272,
González Cabeza I; Molesworth B; Good M; Caponecchia C; Steffensen R, 2021, 'Investigating the Predictive Validity of the COMPASS Pilot Selection Test', International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, 31, pp. 252 - 268,
Bentley T; Caponecchia C; Onnis L-A; Farr-Wharton B; Vassiley A; O'Neill S; Andrew C; De Almeida Neto A; Huron V, 2021, The Healthy Older Worker: A Systematic Review of Literature on Work Health and Safety Interventions for Older Workers
Mayland E; Caponecchia C; Onnis L-A; Manca D; Vinod G; Jokic T; Coman R; O'Neill S; Farr-Wharton B; Bentley T, 2021, Facilitators, motivators and barriers to improved management of psychosocial risks at work
Caponecchia C; Mayland E; Huron V; Onnis L-A; Coman R; O'Neill S; Nguyen H; Gopaldasani V; Manca D; Jokic T; Bentley T, 2021, Managing mental health at work: A systematic review of interventions
Farr-Wharton B; Bentley T; Onnis LA; Caponecchia C; De Almeida Neto A; O'Neill S; Andrew C, 2021, A quantitative study on the relationship between workplace factors, work-related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSD) and psychosocial risk (PSR) in older New South Wales-based workers.
Caponecchia C; Viray M, 2021, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Training : Inclusive Online Learning Guidelines,
Möller H; Ivers R; Cullen P; Rogers K; Boufous S; Patton G; Senserrick T; Moeller H, 2021, 'Risky youth to risky adults: Sustained increased risk of crash in the DRIVE study 13 years on', Preventive Medicine, 153, pp. 106786,
Ward JL; Azzopardi PS; Francis KL; Santelli JS; Skirbekk V; Sawyer SM; Kassebaum NJ; Mokdad AH; Hay SI; Abd-Allah F; Abdoli A; Abdollahi M; Abedi A; Abolhassani H; Abreu LG; Abrigo MRM; Abu-Gharbieh E; Abushouk AI; Adebayo OM; Adekanmbi V; Adham D; Advani SM; Afshari K; Agrawal A; Ahmad T; Ahmadi K; Ahmed AE; Aji B; Akombi-Inyang B; Alahdab F; Al-Aly Z; Alam K; Alanezi FM; Alanzi TM; Alcalde-Rabanal JE; Alemu BW; Al-Hajj S; Alhassan RK; Ali S; Alicandro G; Alijanzadeh M; Aljunid SM; Almasi-Hashiani A; Almasri NA; Al-Mekhlafi HM; Alonso J; Al-Raddadi RM; Altirkawi KA; Alvis-Guzman N; Amare AT; Amini S; Aminorroaya A; Amit AML; Amugsi DA; Ancuceanu R; Anderlini D; Andrei CL; Androudi S; Ansari F; Ansari I; Antonio CAT; Anvari D; Anwer R; Appiah SCY; Arabloo J; Arab-Zozani M; Ärnlöv J; Asaad M; Asadi-Aliabadi M; Asadi-Pooya AA; Atout MMDW; Ausloos M; Avenyo EK; Avila-Burgos L; Quintanilla BPA; Ayano G; Aynalem YA; Azari S; Azene ZN; Bakhshaei MH; Bakkannavar SM; Banach M; Banik PC; Barboza MA; Barker-Collo SL; Bärnighausen TW; Basu S; Baune BT; Bayati M; Bedi N; Beghi E; Bekuma TT; Bell AW; Bell ML; Benjet C; Bensenor IM; Berhe AK; Berhe K; Berman AE; Bhagavathula AS; Godinho M; Boufous S; Biswas RK; Maulik PK; Sachdev P; Jha V; Pesudovs K; Peden A; Ivers R; Leung J; Iqbal U, 2021, 'Global, regional, and national mortality among young people aged 10–24 years, 1950–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019', The Lancet, 398, pp. 1593 - 1618,
Mőller H; Rogers K; Cullen P; Senserrick T; Boufous S; Ivers R, 2021, 'Socioeconomic status during youth and risk of car crash during adulthood. Findings from the DRIVE cohort study', Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 75, pp. 755 - 763,
Cullen P; Möller H; Woodward M; Senserrick T; Boufous S; Rogers K; Brown J; Ivers R; Moeller H, 2021, 'Are there sex differences in crash and crash-related injury between men and women? A 13-year cohort study of young drivers in Australia', SSM - Population Health, 14, pp. 100816,
Boufous S; Beck B; Macniven R; Pettit C; Ivers R, 2021, 'Facilitators and barriers to cycling in older residents of New South Wales, Australia', Journal of Transport and Health, 21,
Senserrick T; Boufous S; Olivier J; Hatfield J, 2021, 'At what stages of licensing do graduated driver licensing systems reduce crashes? Example from Queensland, Australia', Accident Analysis and Prevention, 152,
Alemi A; Corman F; Pang Y; Lodewijks G, 2020, 'Evaluation of the influential parameters contributing to the reconstruction of railway wheel defect signals', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, vol. 234, pp. 1005 - 1016,
Liu X; Pei D; Lodewijks G; Zhao Z; Mei J, 2020, 'Acoustic signal based fault detection on belt conveyor idlers using machine learning', Advanced Powder Technology, vol. 31, pp. 2689 - 2698,
Zeng Q; Beelaerts van Blokland W; Santema S; Lodewijks G, 2020, 'Benchmarking company performance from economic and environmental perspectives: Time series analysis for motor vehicle manufacturers', Benchmarking, vol. 27, pp. 1127 - 1158,
Hu X; Lodewijks G, 2020, 'Detecting fatigue in car drivers and aircraft pilots by using non-invasive measures: The value of differentiation of sleepiness and mental fatigue', Journal of Safety Research, vol. 72, pp. 173 - 187,
Zeng Q; Beelaerts van Blokland W; Santema S; Lodewijks G, 2020, 'A company performance index for motor vehicle manufacturers: company performance measurement with environmental concerns', International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management,
Zhang F; Liu W; Lodewijks G; Travis Waller S, 2020, 'The short-run and long-run equilibria for commuting with autonomous vehicles', Transportmetrica B, pp. 1 - 28,
Wu W; Zhang F; Liu W; Lodewijks G, 2020, 'Modelling the traffic in a mixed network with autonomous-driving expressways and non-autonomous local streets', Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, vol. 134, pp. 101855 - 101855,
Dunn MJM; Molesworth BRC; Koo T; Lodewijks G, 2020, 'Effects of auditory and visual feedback on remote pilot manual flying performance', Ergonomics, vol. 63, pp. 1380 - 1393,
Estival D; Molesworth BRC, 2020, 'Errors in air-ground pilot communication: an experimental study', The Especialist, vol. 41,
Molesworth BRC; Burgess M; Wilkinson J, 2020, 'Can babble and broadband noise present in air transportation induce learned helplessness? A laboratory based study with university students', Applied Acoustics, vol. 157,
Schultz M; Evler J; Asadi E; Preis H; Fricke H; Wu CL, 2020, 'Future aircraft turnaround operations considering post-pandemic requirements', Journal of Air Transport Management, vol. 89,
Chen Y; Wu CL; Koo TTR; Douglas I, 2020, 'Determinants of airport retail revenue: a review of literature', Transport Reviews, vol. 40, pp. 479 - 505,
Tang NYA; Wu CL; Tan D, 2020, 'Evaluating the implementation of performance-based fuel uplift regulation for airline operation', Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, vol. 133, pp. 47 - 61,
Drabas T; Wu CL, 2020, 'A market spill–recapture unconstraining model for estimating airline true demand', Journal of Revenue and Pricing Management, vol. 19, pp. 43 - 60,
Shaukat S; Katscher M; Wu C-L; Delgado F; Larrain H, 2020, 'Aircraft line maintenance scheduling and optimisation', Journal of Air Transport Management, vol. 89, pp. 101914 - 101914,
Yip B; Koo T; Papatheodorou A; Graham A; Halpern N; Lau P-L, 2020, 'The airport dependency index', in Graham A; Adler N; Niemeier H-M; Betancor O; Antunes AP; Bilotkach V; Calderon E; Martini G (ed.), Air Transport and Regional Development Policies, Routledge,
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Cai J; Jiang X; Lodewijks G; Pei Z; Wu W, 2018, 'Residual ultimate strength of damaged seamless metallic pipelines with combined dent and metal loss', Marine Structures, vol. 61, pp. 188 - 201,
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Luan X; De Schutter BD; van den Boom T; Corman F; Lodewijks G, 2018, 'Distributed optimization for real-time railway traffic management', IFAC papers online, vol. 51, pp. 106 - 111,
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Cai J; Jiang X; Lodewijks G, 2018, 'Numerical investigation of residual ultimate strength of dented metallic pipes subjected to pure bending', Ships and Offshore Structures, vol. 13, pp. 519 - 531,
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Luan X; Wang Y; De Schutter B; Meng L; Lodewijks G; Corman F, 2018, 'Integration of real-time traffic management and train control for rail networks - Part 2: Extensions towards energy-efficient train operations', Transportation Research Part B: Methodological, vol. 115, pp. 72 - 94,
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Hu Q; Corman F; Wiegmans B; Lodewijks G, 2018, 'A tabu search algorithm to solve the integrated planning of container on a inter-terminal network connected with a hinterland network', Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol. 91, pp. 15 - 36,
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He D; Pang Y; Lodewijks G; Liu X, 2018, 'Healthy speed control of belt conveyors on conveying bulk materials', Powder Technology, vol. 327, pp. 408 - 419,
Cai J; Jiang X; Lodewijks G; Pei Z; Wu W, 2018, 'Residual ultimate strength of damaged seamless metallic pipelines with metal loss', Marine Structures, vol. 58, pp. 242 - 253,
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Molloy O; Molesworth BRC; Williamson A, 2018, 'Improving young drivers’ speed management behaviour through feedback: A cognitive training intervention', Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, vol. 54, pp. 324 - 337,
McMurtrie KJ; Molesworth BRC, 2018, 'Australian Flight Crews’ Trust in Voluntary Reporting Systems and Just Culture Policies', Aviation Psychology and Applied Human Factors, vol. 8, pp. 11 - 21,
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McMurtrie KJ; Molesworth BRC, 2018, 'The Variability in Risk Assessment Between Flight Crew', International Journal of Aerospace Psychology, vol. 27, pp. 65 - 78,
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Hatfield J; Williamson A; Kehoe EJ; Lemon J; Arguel A; Prabhakharan P; Job RFS, 2018, 'The effects of training impulse control on simulated driving', Accident Analysis and Prevention, vol. 119, pp. 1 - 15,
Senserrick T; Boufous S; Olivier J; Hatfield J, 2018, 'Associations between graduated driver licensing and road trauma reductions in a later licensing age jurisdiction: Queensland, Australia', PLoS ONE, vol. 13,
Hatfield J; Poulos RG; Rissel C; Flack LK; Grzebieta R; McIntosh AS; Murphy S, 2018, 'Factors associated with cyclists’ self-reported choice of lane position', Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, vol. 55, pp. 403 - 414,
Boufous S; Hatfield J; Grzebieta R, 2018, 'The impact of environmental factors on cycling speed on shared paths', Accident Analysis and Prevention, vol. 110, pp. 171 - 176,
Baker R; Coenen P; Howie E; Lee J; Williamson A; Straker L, 2018, 'Musculoskeletal and Cognitive Effects of a Movement Intervention During Prolonged Standing for Office Work', Human Factors, vol. 60, pp. 947 - 961,
Baker R; Coenen P; Howie E; Williamson A; Straker L, 2018, 'The short term musculoskeletal and cognitive effects of prolonged sitting during office computer work', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, vol. 15,
Baker R; Coenen P; Howie E; Williamson A; Straker L, 2018, 'A detailed description of the short term musculoskeletal and cognitive effects of prolonged standing for office computer work', Ergonomics, vol. 61, pp. 1 - 38,
Young KL; Charlton J; Koppel S; Grzebieta R; Williamson A; Woolley J; Senserrick T, 2018, 'Distraction and Older Drivers: An Emerging Problem?', JOURNAL OF THE AUSTRALASIAN COLLEGE OF ROAD SAFETY, vol. 29, pp. 18 - 29,
Molesworth BR C; Burgess M;Wilkinson J, 2017, 'Summary Findings of Study on Comparison Between Open-Plan Office Noise and Broadband Noise on Working Memory and Recognition Memory', Acoustics Australia, vol. 45, pp. 16 - 17.
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Bekier M; Molesworth BR C, 2017, 'Altering user’ acceptance of automation through prior automation exposure', Ergonomics, vol. 60, pp. 745 - 753,
Caponecchia C; Costa DS J, 2017, 'Examining workplace bullying measurement using item response theory', Journal of Managerial Psychology, vol. 32, pp. 333 - 350,
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Schultz EL; Tan DT; Walsh KD, 2017, 'Corporate governance and the probability of default', Accounting and Finance, vol. 57, pp. 235 - 253,
Hay PK;Jung JY; Koo T, 2017, 'Predictors of STEM career intentions for gifted international exchange students with Australian educational experiences', in Predictors of STEM career intentions for gifted international exchange students with Australian educational experiences, World Gifted Conference, Sydney, Australia, presented at World Gifted Conference, Sydney, Australia, 20 - 23 July 2017
Koo TT; Hossein Rashidi T;Park J;Wu C;Tseng W, 2017, 'The Effect of Enhanced International Air Access on the Demand for Peripheral Tourism Destinations: Evidence from air itinerary choice behaviour of Korean visitors to Australia', Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice,
Koo TT; Lim C;Dobruszkes F, 2017, 'Causality in direct air services and tourism demand', Annals of Tourism Research, vol. 67, pp. 67 - 77,
Kim TH; Wu CL; Koo TR, 2017, 'Implications of the ageing society and internationalisation for airport services: A perspective on passenger demand for personal space at airport terminals', Journal of Air Transport Management, vol. 60, pp. 84 - 92,
Koo TT R; Lau PL;Dwyer L, 2017, 'The Geographic Dispersal of Visitors: Insights from the Power law', Journal of Travel Research, vol. 56, pp. 108 - 121,
Lau PL; Koo TT R; Dwyer L, 2017, 'Metrics to measure the geographic characteristics of tourism markets: An integrated approach based on Gini index decomposition', Tourism Management, vol. 59, pp. 171 - 181,
Lau PL; Koo TT R, 2017, 'A multilevel Gini decomposition approach to measuring the geographic concentration of tourism', Current Issues in Tourism, vol. 20, pp. 883 - 893,
Tan DT; Koo TT; Duval DT;Forsyth PJ, 2017, 'A method for reducing information asymmetry in destination–airline relationships', Current Issues in Tourism, vol. 20, pp. 825 - 838,
Koo TT; Papatheodorou A, 2017, 'Spatial Evolution of Airports: A New Geographical Economics Perspective', in Bitzan JD;Peoples JH (ed.), Advances in Airline Economics: The Economics of Airport Operations, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 235 - 259,
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Chen G;Liu Y; Lodewijks G; Schott DL, 2017, 'Experimental research on the determination of the coefficient of sliding wear under iron ore handling conditions', Tribology in Industry, vol. 39, pp. 378 - 390,
Li X;Liu Z;Jiang X; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'Method for detecting damage in carbon-fibre reinforced plastic-steel structures based on eddy current pulsed thermography', Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, pp. 1 - 19,
Zheng H;Negenborn RR; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'Robust Distributed Predictive Control of Waterborne AGVs--A Cooperative and Cost-Effective Approach', IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics,
Alemi A;Corman F; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'Condition monitoring approaches for the detection of railway wheel defects', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, vol. 231, pp. 961 - 981,
Corman F;Kraijema S;Godjevac M; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'Optimizing preventive maintenance policy: A data-driven application for a light rail braking system', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, vol. 231, pp. 534 - 545,
Liu Z; Lu G; Liu X; Jiang X; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'Image processing algorithms for crack detection in welded structures via pulsed eddy current thermal imaging', IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Magazine, vol. 20, pp. 34 - 44,
Liu Z;Fang G;Jiang L;Jiang X; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'Design and experimental study of a novel excitation coil based on pulsed eddy current thermography', INSIGHT, vol. 59, pp. 491 - 499,
Chen G;Schott DL; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'Sensitivity analysis of DEM prediction for sliding wear by single iron ore particle', Engineering Computations (Swansea, Wales), vol. 34, pp. 2031 - 2053,
Zheng H; Negenborn RR; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'Fast ADMM for Distributed Model Predictive Control of Cooperative Waterborne AGVs', IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 25, pp. 1406 - 1413,
Rogova E; Lodewijks G; Lundteigen MA, 2017, 'Analytical formulas of PFD and PFH calculation for systems with nonconstant failure rates', Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability, vol. 231, pp. 373 - 382,
Ma W; Schott D; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'Continuous line bucket lifting versus pipe lifting', Journal of Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, vol. 139,
Dafnomilis I; Hoefnagels R; Pratama YW; Schott DL; Lodewijks G;Junginger M, 2017, 'Review of solid and liquid biofuel demand and supply in Northwest Europe towards 2030 – A comparison of national and regional projections', Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, vol. 78, pp. 31 - 45,
Luan X; Miao J;Meng L;Corman F; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'Integrated optimization on train scheduling and preventive maintenance time slots planning', Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol. 80, pp. 329 - 359,
Li S; Negenborn RR; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'Planning inland vessel operations in large seaports using a two-phase approach', COMPUTERS & INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, vol. 106, pp. 41 - 57,
Cai J;Jiang X; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'Residual ultimate strength of offshore metallic pipelines with structural damage–a literature review', Ships and Offshore Structures, vol. 12, pp. 1037 - 1055,
Agbo AA;Li W;Atombo C; Lodewijks G; Zheng L, 2017, 'Feasibility study for the introduction of synchromodal freight transportation concept', Cogent Engineering, vol. 4,
Ma W; Schott D; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'A new procedure for deep sea mining tailings disposal', Minerals, vol. 7,
Li S; Negenborn RR; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'Planning inland vessel operations in large seaports using a two-phase approach', Computers and Industrial Engineering, vol. 106, pp. 41 - 57,
Chen G; Schott DL; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'Bionic design methodology for wear reduction of bulk solids handling equipment', Particulate Science and Technology, vol. 35, pp. 525 - 532,
Li S; Negenborn RR; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'Closed-loop coordination of inland vessels operations in large seaports using hybrid logic-based benders decomposition', Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, vol. 97, pp. 1 - 21,
Zheng H; Negenborn RR; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'Closed-loop scheduling and control of waterborne AGVs for energy-efficient Inter Terminal Transport', Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, vol. 105, pp. 261 - 278,
Zamiralova ME; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'Review of the troughability test ISO 703 for quantifying a uniform transverse bending stiffness for conveyor belts', Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, vol. 17, pp. 249 - 270,
He D; Pang Y; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'Green operations of belt conveyors by means of speed control', Applied Energy, vol. 188, pp. 330 - 341,
Feng F; Pang Y; Lodewijks G; Li W, 2017, 'Collaborative framework of an intelligent agent system for efficient logistics transport planning', Computers and Industrial Engineering, vol. 112, pp. 551 - 567,
Derakhshani SM; Schott DL; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'Modeling particle sedimentation in viscous fluids with a coupled immersed boundary method and discrete element method', Particuology, vol. 31, pp. 191 - 199,
Alemi A; Pang Y; Corman F; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'Railway wheel defect identification using the signals reconstructed from impact load data', in Structural Health Monitoring 2017: Real-Time Material State Awareness and Data-Driven Safety Assurance - Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Structural Health Monitoring, IWSHM 2017, pp. 1511 - 1518
Wang K; Yan X; Yuan Y; Jiang X; Lodewijks G;Negenborn RR, 2017, 'Study on route division for ship energy efficiency optimization based on big environment data', in 2017 4th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety, ICTIS 2017 - Proceedings, pp. 111 - 116,
Guo W; van Blokland WB; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'Survey on characteristics and challenges of synchromodal transportation in global cold chains', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 420 - 434,
Lin X; Negenborn RR; Duinkerken MB; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'Quality-aware modeling and optimal scheduling for perishable good distribution networks: The case of banana logistics', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 483 - 497,
Cai J; Jiang X; Lodewijks G;Pei Z;Zhu L, 2017, 'Experimental investigation of residual ultimate strength of damaged metallic pipelines', in Proceedings of the International Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering - OMAE,
Wang K; Yan X; Yuan Y; Jiang X; Lodewijks G; Negenborn RR, 2017, 'PSO-based method for safe sailing route and efficient speeds decision-support for sea-going ships encountering accidents', in Proceedings of the 2017 IEEE 14th International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, ICNSC 2017, pp. 413 - 418,
Mahajan A; Dafnomilis I;Hancock V; Lodewijks G;Schott D, 2017, 'Assessing the representativeness of durability tests for wood pellets by DEM Simulation - Comparing conditions in a durability test with transfer chutes', in EPJ Web of Conferences,
Veeke HP M;Ottjes JA; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'Model design for agent-based simulation', in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 42 - 46,
Feng F; Pang Y; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'Towards context-aware supervision for logistics asset management: Concept design and system implementation', in Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, pp. 3 - 19,
Lin X; Negenborn RR; Lodewijks G, 2017, 'Quality-Aware Predictive Scheduling of Raw Perishable Material Transports', in Freitag M;Kotzab H;Pannek J (eds.), DYNAMICS IN LOGISTICS, LDIC 2016, SPRINGER INT PUBLISHING AG, Bremen, GERMANY, pp. 65 - 76, presented at 5th International Conferences on Dynamics in Logistics (LDIC), Bremen, GERMANY, 22 - 25 February 2016,
Grzebieta RH; Olivier J; Boufous S, 2017, 'Reducing the rate of serious injuries to cyclists', Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 207, pp. 242 - 243,
Hatfield J; Dozza M; Patton DA; Maharaj P; Boufous S; Eveston T, 2017, 'On the use of naturalistic methods to examine safety-relevant behaviours amongst children and evaluate a cycling education program', Accident Analysis and Prevention, vol. 108, pp. 91 - 99,
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Khalil I; El Bcheraoui C; Charara R; Moradi-Lakeh M; Afshin A;Kassebaum NJ; Collison M; Daoud F;Chew A; Krohn KJ;Colombara D;Cornaby L; Ehrenkranz R; Graetz N; Kutz M;Troeger C; Wang H; Abate KH; Abd-Allah F; Abdulle AM;Abera SF; Ahmad Kiadaliri A; Ahmadi A; Ahmed MB; Alam K; Alasfoor D; Alghnam S; Ali R; Alizadeh-Navaei R; Al-Raddadi R; Alsharif U; Altirkawi KA; Anber N; Ansari H; Antonio CA T; Anwari P; Asayesh H; Atey TM; Avila-Burgos L; Barker-Collo SL; Bazargan-Hejazi S; Bedi N; Beyene AS; Bhutta ZA; Boufous S; Butt ZA; Castañeda-Orjuela CA; Chitheer AA; Dalal K; Danawi H; Davitoiu DV; Djalalinia S; Endries AY; Eshrati B; Esteghamati A; Faro A; Farvid MS; Fereshtehnejad SM; Fischer F; Gao W; Gebrehiwot SW; Gebrehiwot TT; Hafezi-Nejad N; Haghparast Bidgoli H; Hailu GB; Hamadeh RR; Hamidi S; Hendrie D;Heredia-Pi IB; Jacobsen KH;James SL;Jayatilleke AU;J iang G; Jonas JB; Kasaeian A;, 2017, 'Transport injuries and deaths in the Eastern Mediterranean Region: findings from the Global Burden of Disease 2015 Study', International Journal of Public Health, pp. 1 - 12,
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Cryer C; Miller TR ;Lyons RA; Macpherson AK; Pérez K;Petridou ET;Dessypris N;Davie GS;Gulliver PJ;Lauritsen J; Boufous S ;Lawrence B;de Graaf B;Steiner CA, 2017, 'Towards valid ‘serious non-fatal injury’ indicators for international comparisons based on probability of admission estimates', Injury Prevention, vol. 23, pp. 47 - 57,
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Chevalier A;Coxon K;Chevalier AJ;Clarke E;Rogers K;Brown J; Boufous S;Ivers R;Keay L, 2017, 'Predictors of older drivers’ involvement in rapid deceleration events', Accident Analysis and Prevention, vol. 98, pp. 312 - 319,
Mitchell RJ; Williamson A; Molesworth B, 2016, 'Application of a human factors classification framework for patient safety to identify precursor and contributing factors to adverse clinical incidents in hospital', Applied Ergonomics, vol. 52, pp. 185 - 195.
Senserrick T; McRae D; Wallace P; de Rome L; Rees P; Williamson A, 2016, Development of Victoria’s new motorcycle licence tests and motorcycle learner stage Check Rides program, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Contract No. 8972: Stage 4, 5, 6 and Contract No. 8972: Stage 5, 6, 7 deliverables
Senserrick T; McRae D; Wallace P; de Rome L; Rees P; Williamson A, 2016, Development of education and assessment components of Victoria’s new motorcyclist graduated licensing system: Summary report, VicRoads, Final deliverables Contract No. 8651, 8972, 9053
Hatfield J; Senserrick T; Boufous S; Mooren L; Williamson A, 2016, Human Factor Considerations for a Licensing Point System Part 1: Literature review, Transport and Road Safety Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney
Senserrick T; McRae D; Wallace P; de Rome L; Rees P; Williamson A, 2016, Development of motorcycle learner stage ‘Check Rides’ program: principles for Check Rides., VicRoads, Contract No. 9053: Stage 2 deliverable. Report.
Estival D; Farris C; Molesworth B, 2016, Aviation English: A lingua franca for pilots and air traffic controllers, 10.4324/9781315661179
Estival D; Molesworth B, 2016, 'Native english speakers and EL2 pilots: An experimental study', in Aviation English: A Lingua Franca for Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers, pp. 140 - 181, 10.4324/9781315661179
Estival D; Farris C; Molesworth B, 2016, 'Conclusions and future research', in Aviation English: A Lingua Franca for Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers, pp. 182 - 192, 10.4324/9781315661179
Molesworth B, 2016, 'Contextual factors impacting on aviation communication', in Aviation English: A Lingua Franca for Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers, pp. 111 - 139, 10.4324/9781315661179
Farris C; Molesworth B, 2016, 'Communications between air traffic control and pilots', in Aviation English: A Lingua Franca for Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers, pp. 92 - 110, 10.4324/9781315661179
Bekier M; Molesworth BRC, 2016, 'Altering user’ acceptance of automation through prior automation exposure', Ergonomics, pp. 1 - 9, 10.1080/00140139.2016.1216610
Molesworth BRC; Koo TTR, 2016, 'The influence of attitude towards individuals’ choice for a remotely piloted commercial flight: A latent class logit approach', Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, vol. 71, pp. 51 - 62, 10.1016/j.trc.2016.06.017
Burgess M; Molesworth BRC, 2016, 'The Noise Reduction Provided by Aviation Headsets', Acoustics Australia, vol. 44, pp. 95 - 99, 10.1007/s40857-016-0050-y
Molesworth BRC; Seneviratne D; Burgess M, 2016, 'Selling safety: the use of celebrities in improving awareness of safety in commercial aviation', Ergonomics, vol. 59, pp. 989 - 994, 10.1080/00140139.2015.1109712
Tsui WHK; Tan DT; Shi S, 2016, 'Impacts of airport traffic volumes on house prices of New Zealand’s major regions: a panel data approach', Urban Studies: an international journal for research in urban studies
Tan DT; Koo TTR; Duval DT; Forsyth PJ, 2016, 'A method for reducing information asymmetry in destination–airline relationships', Current Issues in Tourism, pp. 1 - 14, 10.1080/13683500.2016.1174193
Tan DT; Tsui WHK, 2016, 'Investigating causality in international air freight and business travel: The case of Australia', Urban Studies: an international journal for research in urban studies, 10.1177/0042098015620520
Koo TTR; Caponecchia C; Williamson A, 2016, 'How important is safety in making flight choices? Evidence from simple choice experiments', Transportation, pp. 1 - 17, 10.1007/s11116-016-9730-6
Lau PL; Koo TTR, 2016, 'A multilevel Gini decomposition approach to measuring the geographic concentration of tourism', Current Issues in Tourism, pp. 1 - 11, 10.1080/13683500.2016.1190321
Rashidi TH; Koo TTR, 2016, 'An analysis on travel party composition and expenditure: A discrete-continuous model', Annals of Tourism Research, vol. 56, pp. 48 - 64, 10.1016/j.annals.2015.10.003
Koo TTR; Lau P; Dwyer L, 2016, 'The Geographic Dispersal of Visitors: Insights from the Power law', Journal of Travel Research, 10.1177/0047287515625131
Martiniuk ALC; Chen HY; Glozier N; Patton G; Senserrick T; Williamson A; Woodward M; Ivers R, 2015, 'High alcohol use a strong and significant risk factor for repetitive self-harm in female and male youth: A prospective cohort study', American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, vol. 41, no. 5, pp. 465 - 473.
Mitchell RJ; Cameron CM; McClure RJ; Williamson AM, 2015, 'Data linkage capabilities in Australia: Practical issues identified by a Population Health Research Network 'Proof of Concept project'', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 319 - 325.
Gregson S; Hampson I; Junor A; Fraser D; Quinlan M; Williamson A, 2015, 'Supply chains, maintenance and safety in the Australian airline industry', Journal of Industrial Relations, vol. 57, no. 4, pp. 604 - 623.
Olsen NS; Williamson AM, 2015, 'Development of safety incident coding systems through improving coding reliability', Applied Ergonomics: human factors in technology and society, vol. 51, pp. 152 - 162.
Mitchell RJ; Williamson A; Molesworth B, 2015, 'Use of a human factors classification framework to identify causal factors for medication and medical device-related adverse clinical incidents', Safety Science, vol. 79, pp. 163 - 174.
Nguyen H; Williamson A, 2015, 'When Practice Does Not Make Perfect: Effects of Strategic Cognitive Processes on Errors During Skill Development', Applied Cognitive Psychology.
Koo TTR; Caponecchia C; Williamson A, 2015, 'Measuring the effect of aviation safety risk reduction on flight choice in young travellers', Safety Science, vol. 73, pp. 1 - 7.
Williamson A; Grzebieta R; Eusebio J; Zheng W; Wall J; Charlton J; Lenné M; Haley J; Barnes B; Rakotonirainy A; Woolley J; Senserrick T; Young K; Haworth N; Regan M; Cockfield S; Healy D; Cavallo A; Di Stefano M; Wong HL; Cameron I; Cornish M, 2015, 'The Australian Naturalistic Driving Study: from beginnings to launch', in Proceedings of the 2015 Australasian Road Safety Conference, presented at Australasian Road Safety Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 14 - 16 October 2015.
Williamson A; Friswell R; Olivier J; Grzebieta R; Zeller R, 2015, 'Understanding drivers’ motivation to take a break when tired', in Proceedings of the 2015 Australasian Road Safety Conference, presented at Australasian Road Safety Conference, Gold Coast, QLD, Australia, 14 - 16 October 2015.
Senserrick T; Russell M; McRae D; Wallace P; Blythe R; Mitsopoulos-Rubens E; de Rome L; Rees P; Williamson A, 2015, 'Development of Victoria's New Motorcycle Graduated Licensing System', presented at Australasian Road Safety Conference, Gold Coast QLD, 14 - 16 October 2015.
Mooren LE; Williamson AM; Grzebieta R, 2015, 'Evidence that truck driver remuneration is linked to safety outcomes: a review of the literature', in Proceedings of the 2015 Australasian Road Safety Conference, presented at Australasian Road Safety Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 14 - 16 October 2015.
Krasnova O; Molesworth Brett; Williamson Ann, 2015, 'The effect of cognitive-based training interventions on driver speed management behavior: A driving simulator study.', in Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 59th Annual Meeting, SAGE, pp. 1796 - 1800, presented at Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 59th Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, the United States of America, 26 - 30 October 2015.
Krasnova Oleksandra; Molesworth Brett; Williamson Ann, 2015, 'The effect of training approaches and feedback for young and novice drivers on the relationship between the actual and perceived speed.', in The effect of training approaches and feedback for young and novice drivers on the relationship between the actual and perceived speed., pp. 14 - 21, presented at 19th Triennial Congress of the IEA, Melbourne, Australia, 9 - 14 August 2015.
Hatfield J; Friswell R; Williamson A, 2015, Road Crash Injuries: Cost and Prevention, Austroads Ltd., Sydney NSW 2000 Australia, AP-R491-15.
Senserrick T; McRae D; Wallace P; de Rome L; Rees P; Williamson A, 2015, Development of Victoria’s new motorcycle learner permit and licence tests: trialling, refinement, documentation and induction program – learner permit tests., Contract No. 8972: Stage 5+6 Deliverables Report
Senserrick T; McRae D; Wallace P; de Rome L; Rees P; Williamson A, 2015, Development of Victoria’s new motorcycle learner permit and licence tests: draft test development and trial design – learner permit tests., Contract No. 8972: Stage 3+4 Deliverables Report
Senserrick T; McRae D; Wallace P; de Rome L; Williamson A, 2015, Development of Victoria’s new motorcycle learner permit and licence tests: review and select target competencies and testing methodologies., Contract No. 8972: Stage 2 Deliverable Report
Senserrick T; McRae D; Wallace P; de Rome L; Rees P; Williamson A, 2015, Development of motorcycle learner stage ‘Check Rides’ program: development of a specific Check Ride program, Contract No. 9053: Stage 3 Deliverable Report
Senserrick T; McRae D; Wallace P; de Rome L; Rees P; Williamson A, 2015, Development of motorcycle learner stage ‘Check Rides’ program: principles for Check Rides., Contract No. 9053: Stage 2 deliverable. Interim report.
Senserrick T; McRae D; Wallace P; de Rome L; Rees P; Williamson A, 2015, Pre-learner motorcyclist curriculum development: pilot and evaluate draft instructor materials., Contract No. 8651: Stage 7 deliverable.
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Senserrick T; McRae D; Wallace P; de Rome L; Rees P; Williamson A, 2015, Pre-learner motorcyclist curriculum development: develop draft curriculum including instructor, trainer and pre-learner materials., Contract No. 8651: Stage 4 Deliverable.
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