Brad Goodwin, Superintendent, Strategy & Innovation, NSW Ambulance. AGSM CEMD 2017

Superintendent, Strategy & Innovation
NSW Ambulance

Raising the voice of experience

As a Superintendent with NSW Ambulance, Brad brings first-hand experience to senior management. Over 20 years in out-of-hospital emergency health roles as a former intensive care paramedic gives him a unique ability to help guide the next generation of first responders.

"In my world you need to actively anticipate what's next. You have to plan two or three steps ahead with every decision you make."

Responding to first responders' needs

Brad's role often involves lots of negotiation in high-pressure environments, with limited time to get the best outcome for all. Reconciling competing interests is integral to the job.

"In many ways, I'm a link between management and our workforce, meaning lots of negotiation in a high pressure environment with limited time to get a result."

Brad's studies at the AGSM began soon after he discovered his own Aboriginal heritage while working as a paramedic in Mongolia and China. After completing the Aboriginal Career and Leadership Development Program through AGSM and the NSW Public Service Commission, he gained entry to the AGSM General Manager Program.

"The AGSM helped me develop my communication skills and facilitation style. I learned to put the email away and just go knock on people's doors. If people can see your face and can talk to you, it's much easier to shape a productive conversation."
Joining the AGSM helped me developed my confidence. Practical skills from the Authentic Communicator program have helped me in meetings and presentations, discussions, interviews and more. I've gained new skills to influence conversations to generate better overall outcomes.

Brad Goodwin
Superintendent, Strategy & Innovation
NSW Ambulance

Being one advocate for all

Representing NSW Ambulance across a wide range of forums demands strong communication skills.

Navigating conversations with politicians, paramedics and other emergency services such as the police and fire brigade in the communities they serve takes more than an understanding of the issues It also demands well-honed soft skills like empathy.

"I get out of bed with the same purpose as what I did on day one as a paramedic you do the job to help people."

Brad is also co-founder of a unique enterprise in the Aboriginal business sector. He started a recruitment company for paramedics before pivoting into the first aid space with 'Integrity Health & Safety'.

"We've grown into Australia's largest aboriginal work health and safety company with several State and Federal Government agency contracts. We're also supplying large corporate organisations with defibs, first aid kits and services and training."

Brad has leveraged Integrity Health & Safety's success to benefit the wider Aboriginal community - a percentage of profits go to CATSINaM (Congress of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Nurses and Midwives). Brad is also the Aboriginal representative on the board of Northern Sydney Local Health District.

Finding the best way among many

"AGSM teaches real thought leadership skills, especially on how to influence conversations. This is extremely valuable in a dynamic environment, where you're pulled in a thousand different directions every day."

Being the conduit for often competing interests and ideas challenges Brad in new ways every day. His AGSM studies have empowered him to lead others and be led by the right solution for all.

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