Economics research students

Filtered cards
three students with laptops at cafe laughing

Robert Annabel

Research Student

PhD Candidate, UNSW Sydney, expected 2024, Masters of Pre-Doctoral Business Studies, UNSW Sydney, 2020, Bachelor of Actuarial Studies (Co-op) (Honours), UNSW Sydney, 2019

Pakasa Bary

Research Student

MSc International Economics, University of Birmingham, Bachelor of Economics, University of Indonesia


Alice Calder

Research Student

MA Applied Economics, George Mason University, BA Philosophy and Political Economy, University of Exeter

G V A Dharanan

Research Student

M.A. Economics, University of Rochester



Sharunya Gnanasubramaniam

Research Student

M.Sc in Agricultural Economics, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, B.Sc in Agricultural Economics, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka

Ian Hoefer-Martí

Research Student

PhD Economics (in progress) – UNSW School of Economics, MSc Economics – Universiteit van Amsterdam, BA Economics – Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Chih-Han Hsueh

Research Student

MSc Economics, University of Nottingham, BA Philosophy, Politics and Economics, University of Nottingham

Danyue Liang

Research Student

MPDBS Economics, University of New South Wales, MA applied Economics, Nanyang Technological University, BA Finance, Sun Yat-sen University

Yaxin Liu

Research Student

Master of Economics, The University of Sydney



Sydney Chauwa Phiri

Research Student

MA Economics, University of Zambia


Daniel Robbins

Research Student

Bachelor of Philosophy with First Class Honours in Economics, University of Western Australia


Arash Taheri

Research Student

Bachelor of Arts/Philosophy – University of Sydney, Master of Economic Analysis – University of Sydney

Christopher Teh

Research Student

Bachelor of Commerce & Economics (Honours), Monash University

DJ Thornton

Research Student

Master of Pre-Doctoral Business Studies (with Excellence) BCom/BSc: Economics & Advanced Mathematics, UNSW Sydney, Honours (Class I), Pure Mathematics

Fangzhou Yu

Research Student

PhD in Economics (in progress) at UNSW, Master of Statistics at ANU, Bachelor of Economics at Xi'an Jiaotong University