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The Economic and Labour Relations Review  

The Economic and Labour Relations Review (ELRR) is a double-blind, peer-reviewed journal that brings together research in economics and labour relations. Its multi-disciplinary approach encourages articles that critically assess dominant orthodoxies and alternative models to facilitate informed debate. 

We particularly welcome submissions that adopt a post-Keynesian or heterodox approach to economics or that explore equality or justice-based approaches to labour relations and social policy. 

The production of ELRR is supported by the Industrial Relations Research Group (IRRG) within the School of Business, UNSW Canberra, and is housed within the UNSW Business School, UNSW Sydney. Between March 2012 and December 2022, ELRR was published by SAGE Publications. From March 2023 to December 2027, it will be published by Cambridge University Press.

ELRR's 2023 Journal Impact Factor is 1.500, resulting in a Clarivate ranking of 26/49 among Industrial Relations & Labour journals and 287/597 among Economics journals. Its 2023 Scopus CiteScore is 4.600, resulting in an Elsevier ranking of 81/230 in Organisational Behaviour/Human Resource Management and 196/716 in Economics and Econometrics. Its current SNIP metric is 0.947.

Journal issues

Read the current issue and access past issues of the Economic and Labour Relations Review journal.

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Calls for Papers

Calls for Papers are publicised occasionally.The current CfPs are:

More details are found in the section below.

Editorial approach

Articles, book reviews and obituaries are published online as they’re received and finalised. Articles are then grouped, where possible thematically, for publication in the journal's four issues per year.

To contact the editorial staff please email Jason Antony or Di Kelly

  • Working Future: The Australian Government’s Agenda on Jobs and Opportunities

    Guest editor: Adjunct Professor PN (Raja) Junankar


    In September 2023, the Australian Government issued a comprehensive White Paper on Jobs and Opportunities. It contained a labour market reform agenda, based on a year of taskforce programme planning in the wake of the September 2022 tripartite Jobs and Skills Summit. The White Paper states that the government is ‘working to create an economy where everyone who wants a job is able to find one without having to search too long. These should be decent jobs that are secure and fairly paid’ (p. vii).

    Following an overarching economic analysis, the White Paper sets out a five-pillar productivity agenda and roadmaps for a ten-year programme of reform, amplified in detailed taskforce reports, for example, on women’s economic equality and the care and support economy.

    We seek critical discussion of the White Paper’s analysis of the Australian economy, and the agenda inherent in its detailed reform programme. We welcome evaluations of the overarching economic assumptions — for example, the prospects for reform within neoliberal policy constraints — and assessments of the concrete proposals to achieve reform in specific areas.

    We welcome papers that use a multi-disciplinary approach to policy questions.

    Issues for consideration

    Papers may address the following issues, amongst others:

    • Prospects for full employment: markets or government intervention?
    • Policies to achieve full employment in a neoliberal economy
    • Underlying productivity assumptions, including prospects for technology changes and skills deepening
    • The road to jobs that are safe, secure, fairly paid, and beneficially flexible, including specifically for First Nations people, women, young people, or migrants
    • Reforms to the industrial regulation of wages
    • Approaches to skills development
    • Policies for the care and support economy.


    This is an ongoing theme which we plan to publish continually online as papers are received and accepted. A critical mass of articles will be assembled for the December 2024 (35(4)) issue. Papers published earlier will be available in FirstView.

    The final submission date for inclusion in the December 2024 collection is 1 June 2024.

    Submission process

    Guest editor

    Professor PN (Raja) Junankar was born and brought up in India. He has a PhD from the University of Essex and has held substantive and visiting teaching and research positions at universities in the UK, USA, Canada, India, France, and Sudan. He was a Reader in Economics in the Public Policy Program, at Australian National University from 1988 to 1997 and Professor of Economics at Western Sydney University from 1998 to 2009. He is now an Emeritus Professor at the University of Western Sydney and an Adjunct Professor at the Industrial Relations Research Group, School of Business, UNSW Canberra. He edited The Economics of Unemployment (4 volumes, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2000), and more recently published his single-authored three-volume set, Economics of the Labour Market: Unemployment and the Costs of Unemployment; Development Economics: The Role of the Agricultural Sector in Development; and The Economics of Immigration: The Impact of Immigration on the Australian Economy (all Palgrave Macmillan, 2016). He has been a consultant for the European Commission, the OECD, the International Labour Organisation, the International Monetary Fund, the Economic Commission for Asia and the Pacific (UN), the Indonesian Government and various government agencies in Australia. His current research interests are in the fields of labour economics (especially unemployment and long-term unemployment), immigration, informal labour markets in developing countries, and macroeconomics.


    For more information, please contact or

    Indigeneity, Labour Relations, and Work

    Guest Editors: Sharlene Leroy-Dyer, University of Queensland; Mark Jones, University of Melbourne; Diane Ruwhiu, University of Otago

    Context/Theoretical framework

    There has been a lack of Indigenous voices in academic literature on labour and workplace relations. ELRR is seeking contributions to a Themed Collection that will amplify Indigenous voices, knowledge, and perspectives, in labour relations and work. Indicative topics that papers may address include:

    • Indigenous justice and human rights/labour standards
    • Indigenous participation in labour markets
    • Indigenous labour history
    • Indigenous stolen wages
    • The economic and employment risks and opportunities for Indigenous peoples
    • Indigenous employment equity (or lack of)
    • Indigenous labour relations and public policy
    • Indigenous labour and unions
    • Indigenous labour supply
    • Protection of the working rights of Indigenous peoples
    • Colonial power and labour relations
    • Indigenous peoples and contemporary labour market
    • Indigenous labour market, discrimination, and exclusion
    • Settler colonialism and indigenous labour studies
    • Indigenous employment and business
    • Economic benefits of Indigenous labour
    • Indigenous employment policy and practice
    • Indigenous labour and disability
    • Reconciliation and Indigenous labour.

    This Themed Collection aims to amplify Indigenous voices, knowledge, and perspectives. We encourage Indigenous researchers from across the world to consider contributing to this important collection.

    Submission process and deadlines

    The completed Themed Collection will be published in Volume 36(1) (March 2025) of The Economic and Labour Relations Review (ELRR), although individual articles may be published earlier as accepted in FirstView.

    Step 1: Abstract submission

    Prospective authors are invited to submit an abstract. Please do not hesitate to discuss your proposed article with Guest Editors:

    Abstract submission deadline: 1 March 2024. Successful authors will be notified shortly after this date.

    Step 2: Full paper submission

    Full paper submission deadline: COB 12 July 2024. Please see instructions for authors.

    Submission process

    Papers should ideally be no more than 8,000 words in length

    Submissions should conform to house style.

    Papers should be uploaded to ScholarOne.

    Review process

    All submissions will be double-blind peer-reviewed.

    The Economics of Occupational Health and Safety

    Guest editors: Professor Michael Belzer; Emeritus Professor Michael Quinlan

    The Economic and Labour Relations Review invites contributions for a themed collection on the Economics of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS), to be published in ELRR 35(3), September 2024. Contributions can consider economic aspects of OHS, approached from a wide range of perspectives, including:

    • Critical reviews of the intersection of economics with OHS
    • The political economy of OHS regulation of death/disaster
    • Specific aspects of the economic/OHS relationship, including:
      • the effects of economic drivers in supply chains
      • contracting and precarious/informal sector work
      • the association between pay and safety, including particular industries or sectors
      • economic factors driving OHS
      • economic welfare consequences of OHS externalities

    Comparative papers are also welcome.


    Abstracts should be submitted to the theme editors by the new deadline of 20 February 2024.

    Full Manuscripts should be submitted to the journal by 1 May 2024.

    Submission process

    Submissions should be within the journal’s scope.

    Drafts should be uploaded to ScholarOne.

    Submissions should conform to house style.

    All papers will be double-blind peer-reviewed, and ideally no more than 8,000 words in length.

    Gender and Work: Emerging issues

    Guest editors: Yuvisthi Naidoo; Anne Junor; Tanya Carney


    The purpose of this call for papers is to assemble a stocktake, assessing progress towards gender equality in work, paid and unpaid, formal and informal. Sustainable Development Goals 5 and 8, formulated pre-COVID as part of a program for the decade 2020–2030, identify gender equality as a ‘necessary foundation for a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable world’. They call for steps towards women’s and girls’ empowerment through ‘inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all’. Yet four years into the decade, the world confronts ongoing pandemic threats, a need of ever-increasing urgency to forestall climate catastrophe, and devastating human rights consequences of new wars, political repression and forced migration. Neoliberalisation, as a variegated and still-ascendant global project, is deeply gendered. Developments in AI have emerging implications for gendered work and policy formation. Claudia Goldin’s 2023 Nobel Economics prize, awarded for her North American-centred long-term historical analysis, emphasises the entrenched role of maternity in gender work and pay inequity. The majority of the world’s women are working in the informal economy. Is there room for hope? How are obstacles to gender equity in work being confronted, and how effectively?


    We call for articles with a theoretical, policy or empirical focus that provide any one of the following:

    • a comprehensive and systematic analysis of a specific issue of gender and work, reviewing key texts and drawing out new conceptual frameworks or policy directions;
    • a critical case study or evaluation of a gender and work initiative, drawing out its implications for policy and practice;
    • new empirical evidence relating to an aspect of one of the topics below (noting that detailed technical or methodological exposition should be presented in supplementary files).

    Scope of the collection

    A non-exhaustive list of possible topics includes:

    • Gender and decent work: taking stock mid-way through the Sustainable Development decade
    • Working from home: Care and careers; access, locality, health, safety and the right to disconnect
    • Gender and sustainability: Climate change and gendered working lives
    • Rebuilding disrupted lives: gendered livelihoods in the wake of political upheaval
    • Gender, indigeneity and work: voice and sovereignty
    • Gender, migration, refugee status and work
    • Gender segregation and gender pay equity
    • Care work, value and the concept of productivity
    • Fluid gender identities and workplace experiences
    • Sexualities and work
    • Addressing gender-based harassment at work
    • Neoliberalisation and gender
    • Regulatory change: gender, work and labour relations
    • Gender, skill and flexible work
    • Gender aspects of occupational health and safety
    •  Evaluation of trade union gender initiatives
    • Gender, work and family — evaluation of government policies or organisational approaches
    • Gender, technology and the future of work
    • AI and gender equity
    • Education, training and the empowerment of girls and women
    • Gender, work and ageing
    • The Australian Working Future Agenda — The Women’s Economic Equality Ten-Year Plan
    • Claudia Goldin’s historical explanation of the gender workforce participation and pay gaps

    This Themed Collection aims to amplify Indigenous voices, knowledge, and perspectives. We encourage Indigenous researchers from across the world to consider contributing to this important collection.

    Submission process and deadlines

    ELRR will publish articles relevant to this theme individually in FirstView as they are finalised, and will draw together a significant, diverse and representative collection of contributions for publication in a Themed Collection to be included in the June 2025 Issue, 36(2).

    The final submission date for inclusion in the June 2025 collection is 1 November 2024.

    • Submissions should be within the journal’s scope and conform to the journal’s house style and formatting requirements.
    • Potential authors are encouraged to consult the guest editors early in the planning stage, and to submit provisional abstracts to them
    • When your draft is ready for peer review it should be uploaded to ScholarOne
    • All papers will be double-blind peer-reviewed, including more exploratory conceptual papers suitable for the Contested Terrains section.

    Guest editors

    Yuvisthi Naidoo is an expert on the measurement and understanding of living standards. Her research program has direct policy relevance to improving the lives of socially and economically disadvantaged people. As an experienced mixed-method researcher, Yuvisthi’s projects have provided an evidence-base across a broad range of critical social policy issues, including: poverty and inequality; deprivation and social exclusion; costs of living and well-being. Applying these research foci across the life course, Yuvisthi has published on ageing societies, social security recipients, gender equity and the status of children and families.

    Anne Junor’s research focuses on the recognition and valuing of invisible service skills. The lead author of a research-based tool for identifying such skills, she has provided evidence to Australian national and state industrial relations tribunals, helping redress the historical undervaluation of work in gendered occupations (social and community services, school administrative/learning support work and aged care). Her academic publications are based on this work and on grant-funded collaborative research covering education industry job insecurity, work seen as low-skill, aircraft maintenance outsourcing, and new public management/governance.

    Tanya Carney is a scholar of the intersection of maternity and care with paid employment. Her research interests lie in standard and non-standard employment and how contractual structures governing paid work arrangements and renumeration (e.g. working hours, working from home, job security) shape employment participation, career opportunities and economic outcomes for those with caring responsibilities, mainly women, and also those requiring time for self-care (such as those with disability or experiencing chronic illness).

    Green transition or social transformation? Socio-economic costs and challenges of energy transition for working people

    Guest editor: Piotr Żuk

    Context/Theoretical framework

    At this time of burgeoning pressures to deal with the evident and potential damage from climate change, it is obvious that how energy is obtained, developed, transmitted and used, is under immense economic, social, and political pressures.

    Amidst the massive shifts in power, profits and rights in such changes, it is essential to explore and analyse how these shifts will challenge workers and their families; the best ways of achieving fair outcomes are very important. We are also interested in how the traditional conflict between labour and capital will develop under the new conditions of the green transition.

    This Themed Collection seeks to identify ideals and practical policies for fair outcomes through articles, including critical case studies. In September 2025 the Themed Collection will be introduced with a Guest Editorial which draws together the strands of the important matters evident in the Themed Collection as a whole.

    Article topics might include:

    • financial costs and risks of energy transition for workers
    • international comparative studies of transition with programs to support jobs and energy transition costs
    • decarbonisation in coal basins and other centres of fossil fuels, and socio-economic alternatives
    • changing energy and intergenerational duty of care
    • potential for cooperation for a just energy transition — trade unions, the labour movement and the ecological movement
    • energy and transport costs as a challenge for, and a tool of control, of the working class
    • technological, economic or social change?
    • decentralisation, democratisation and socialisation of energy policy
    • sustainable change for local and regional economies
    • environmental class and economic-political tensions in the Anthropocene
    • achieving a global energy transformation.

    Other articles which highlight the threats and challenges posed by energy transition or demonstrate the links between social, economic, and environmental policy are also encouraged, as are international comparative studies of transition.

    Submission process and deadlines

    The completed Themed Collection will be published in Volume 36(3) (September 2025) of The Economic and Labour Relations Review (ELRR), although individual articles may be published earlier as accepted, in FirstView.

    Step 1: Abstract submission

    Prospective authors are invited to submit an abstract. Please do not hesitate to discuss your proposed article with Guest Editor Piotr Żuk.

    Abstract submission deadline: 30 October 2024. Successful authors will be notified shortly after this date.

    Step 2: Full paper submission

    Full paper submission deadline: COB 30 April 2025. Please see the journal’s instructions for authors preparing and submitting articles.

    Submission process
    • Articles should normally be no more than 8,000 words in length (Contested Terrains around 3,000–4,000 words)
    • Submissions should conform to house style. Refer to the journal’s formatting and technical requirements (please see pages on preparing and submitting material)
    • Final papers should be uploaded to ScholarOne.
    Review process

    All submissions will be double-blind peer-reviewed.

  • ELRR doesn’t use the term 'Special Issue'. Nevertheless, Guest Editors are welcome to submit proposals for Themed Collections.

    Guest Editors may work with the Editorial Board to propose themes that fit within the journal's Scope Statement (see below) and publish calls for papers on these themes on the journal's website. A Board member will be appointed to work with the Guest Editors to oversee the range, quality and coherence of the collection. 

    After submission of abstracts, the Board member will work with Guest Editors to invite authors of the most promising abstracts to prepare papers into publication drafts for workshopping. The Guest Editors are welcome to write an introductory thematic overview. All draft papers, normally including the introduction, are then subject to the regular anonymised peer review process, with the Editor and Board making the final decision as to acceptance.

    Thus, there’s no quality difference between papers in themed collections and regular individually submitted papers. 

  • Peer-reviewed articles that contribute in a lively way to a current controversy, or open up new ideas in an exploratory way, may be published in the 'Contested Terrains' section, provided they have a sound basis in scholarship.

  • All submissions must be made via ScholarOne™ Manuscripts. Manuscripts must adhere to strict guidelines.

  • The ELRR publishes original, scholarly and/or research-based articles, all of which are double-blind peer reviewed. The standard word length is 8000 maximum. 

    Submissions must be research-based and demonstrate high standards of scholarship. They must also be clear, accessible to the well-informed lay reader, and free from jargon. Each submission must clearly articulate the question being explored, and its relevance to an international readership, a current policy or theoretical debate. The theoretical, methodological or empirical approach to addressing that question must be outlined. In general, an article must make an original contribution to theory or policy by:  

    • developing a new concept or theory and explaining its derivation and policy or empirical implications; or 

    • using a systematic analysis or mapping of a literature  to provide a new critical perspective or write a ‘position paper’ on current debates or relevant policy issues; or  

    • using a literature review to derive a researchable question, then use empirical analysis to test an explanatory model that seeks to answer it. 

    Authors are expected to build on work published in the journal wherever possible, by reading past issues of the journal to engage with debates and themes that are relevant to their submission. 

  • ELRR welcomes book reviews of about 2000 words. These need to be submitted through ScholarOne. A full list of up-to-date books for review is available from the journal’s editorial office. The book review editors may also be contacted with review proposals. 

  • ELRR plays a role as a journal of record and invites obituaries that document the academic contribution of significant scholars. We are currently seeking an Obituary Editor.

  • Before submitting your manuscript, please ensure you carefully read and adhere to all the guidelines and instructions to authors. Manuscripts not conforming to these guidelines may be returned. It’s essential that articles conform to the length limits specified.  

    Make a submission via ScholarOne™ Manuscripts

Access our reports and publications, including book chapters and journal articles based on the IRRG's key research themes. 

  • Books

    Titimur RA, Georgeou N & Chowdhury A (2021) COVID-19 and Bangladesh: Response, Rights and

    Resilience. Bangladesh: Dhaka: University Press. Journal Articles

    van Barneveld K, Quinlan M, Junor A, Kriesler P, Baum F, Chowdhury A, Junankar PN (Raja), Clibborn S, Flanagan F, Wright CF, Friel S, Halevi J and Rainnie A (2020) The COVID-19 pandemic: Lessons on building more equal and sustainable societies The Economic and Labour Relations Review 31(2): 133–157.

    Shkoler O, Rabenu E, Iqbal MZ, Ferrari F, Hatipoglu B et al. (2021) Heavy-work investment: Dimensionality, invariance across 9 countries and levels before and during the COVID-19's pandemic. Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 37(2): 67 – 83.

    Conference papers/proceedings

    Junor A, Hatipoglu B. & Rainnie, A. (2022) Implications for labour of government reactions to COVID 19 and unions and civil society organizations responses. First steps to a meta-analysis of post-COVID prospects. Paper presented at the Association of Industrial Relations Academics of Australia and New Zealand (AIRAANZ) Conference, Sydney, February.

    Junor A, Hatipoglu B & Rainnie A (2022) Australian government reactions to COVID 19: response strategies of unions and civil society groups. Paper presented at the ILPC 2022 40th International Labour Process Conférence, Padua, June. 

  • Book chapters
    Chowdhury A (2021) Inclusive economic growth policies: Myth vs reality. In: Zafarullah h &and

    Huque AS (eds) Handbook of Development Policy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 48-67.

    Journal articles

    Chowdhury A (2021) The United Nations and seven decades of development. Development 64(1): 129-148.

    JK Sundaram JK, Chowdhury A & Clark MT (2022) Is good governance good for African development? Journal of African Transformation 7 (1): 36-53.

    G Mallik G, Nguyen DN & Chowdhury A (2022) Does firm size really affect the outcome of loan applications? Economic Analysis and Policy 74, 806-820.

    Chowdhury A & Jomo KS (2022) The climate finance conundrum. Development 65(1): 29-41. 

  • Book chapters

    Hart N (2020) Marshall's external economies. Economic evolution and patterns of development. in K. Caldari, M. Dardi and S. Medema (Eds), Marshall and the Marshallian Heritage: Essays on Honor of Tiziano Raffaelli, Palgrave Macmillan, 79-100.

    Hart N (2020) ‘George Stigler: Marshall’s loyal but faithless follower. in Freedman C (ed), George Stigler, Enigmatic Price Theorist of the Twentieth Century. London: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 391- 420.

    Kriesler P, Harcourt GC and Halevi J (2020) Central Bank Independence Revisited. In Rochon LP and Bougrin H (eds) Essays in Honour of Lavoie and Seccareccia. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, pp. 209–222.

    Kriesler P and Harcourt GC (2020) Key elements of post-Keynesian economics. In Eatwell J, Pasquale C and Salvadori N (eds) Classical Economics, Keynes and Money: Essays in Honour of Carlo Panico. London: Routledge, pp 115-125.

    Journal articles

    Gregson S; Bongiorno F; Hampson I; Rhiannon L; Lyons T; Humphrys E, 2020, 'Roundtable. Assessing the Accord and Labor’s Role in Neoliberalism.', Labour History: a journal of labour and social history 118: 135-176.

    SU Dinh Thanh, Hart N, Nguyen Phuc Canh (2020) ‘Public Spending, Public Governance and Economic Growth at the Vietnamese Provincial Level: A Disaggregate Analysis. Economic Systems 44(4): 1-19.

    PNR (Raja) Junankar and Wong CY (2020) The impact of inflation targeting on inflation and growth: How robust is the evidence? IZA Discussion Paper No. 13284.

    Kriesler P and Halevi J (2020) Kalecki and Marx reconnected. Review of Political Economy 32(4): 604-614.

    Le Thi Thu Diem & Hart N (2022) ‘Fiscal decentralization and income convergence: Evidence from Vietnam’, Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy (forthcoming: Published online: 25 Aug 2022. 

  • Report, monograph

    J Goodman, K Broadbent, T Brown, N Dados, A Junor, G Strachan (2020) Scholarly Teaching Fellows as a new category of employment in Australian universities: impacts and prospects for teaching and learning. Canberra: Department of Education, Skills and Employment.

    Submissions, expert witness statements

    Quinlan M and Underhill E (2021) Submission to Senate Select Committee on Job Security, 9 March. ecurity/Submissions

    Further verbal testimony presented on 9 October 2021

    Quinlan M (2022) participant in Department of Employment and Workplace Relations ‘Employee- Like’ forms of work consultation, Canberra (via Microsoft teams) 6 October. 

  • Book chapters

    Hatipoglu B, Denizci FC & Imamoglu T (2021) Biodiversity conservation through an agroecotourism project: The case of Ovacık Village, Turkey. Fennell D (Ed). Routledge Handbook of Ecotourism. London: Routledge, pp. 331-343.

    Journal articles

    Hatipoglu B & Inelmen K (2021) Effective management and governance of Slow Food’s Earth Markets as a driver of sustainable consumption and production, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 29 (11-12): 1970-1988. ABDC Category A*

    Conference papers, proceedings
    Hatipoglu B & Ertuna B (2021) A typology of sustainable banking in Turkey. Paper presented at the

    6th International Conference New Business Models (NBM), Halmstad, Sweden, June.

    Hatipoglu B & Uşaklı A (2021) SMEs, global value chains, and the governance of sustainability performance. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference New Business Models (NBM), Halmstad, Sweden, June.

    Hatipoglu B & Ertuna B (2021) Value creation for sustainability through corporate volunteerism. Paper presented at the 16th Corporate Responsibility Research Conference (CRRC), Israel, October.

    Hatipoglu B & Inelmen K (2022 March) Sustainability performance in export-oriented SMEs: The role of S-HRM systems and top management commitment. Paper presented at the Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien Konferenz 2022 – Green HRM and Sustainable Behaviour, Vienna, March.

    Hatipoglu B (2022 June). Why is it so hard to measure the impact of new business models? The Case of a collaborative initiative for reusing and recycling food waste. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference New Business Models (NBM), Rome, June.

    Hatipoglu B & Ertuna B (2022) A multilevel approach to evaluate the impacts of CSR based on societal perspectives. Paper presented at the 38th EGOS 2022 Colloquium, Vienna, July. 

  • Book chapters
    Junor A (2020) 'Emotional labour: Valuing skills in service sector employment'. In How Gender Can

    Transform the Social Sciences, Springer International Publishing: 149–158.

    Bannya AR & Bainbridge HTJ (2022). Front line managers and human resource management: A social exchange theory perspective. In Townsend K, Bos-Nehles A & Jiang K (eds.), Handbook of Research on Line Managers. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar

    Bannya AR, Bainbridge, HTJ & Chan-Serafin S (in press). HR practices and work relationships: A 20 year review of relational HRM research. Human Resource Management.

    Journal articles

    HTJ Bainbridge, K Townsend (2020) The effects of offering flexible work practices to employees with unpaid caregiving responsibilities for elderly or disabled family members. Human Resource Management 59 (5): 483-495.

    D Blackman, M Burgmann, P Hall, F Hayes, A Junor, M Smith (2020) From equal pay to overcoming undervaluation: the Australian National Pay Equity coalition 1988–2011. Journal of Industrial Relations 62 (4), 582-607.

    Gregson S & Humphrys E (2020) Philanthropy and the "Management" of Working-Class Women: The West Gate Bridge Disaster. Labour History: a journal of labour and social history 119: 143 – 172.

    Bainbridge HJT, Palm E & Fong MM (2021)Unpaid family caregiving responsibilities, employee job tasks and work‐family conflict: A cross‐cultural study Human Resource Management Journal 31 (3), 658-674.

    Bannya AR, Bainbridge H, Chan-Serafin S (2022) HR practices and work relationships: A systematic review. Academy of Management Proceedings 2022 (1), 13566.

    Conference papers/proceedings

    Hatipoglu B (2020) Community-Based social enterprises and social innovation: The case of women’s cooperatives in Turkey. Paper presented at the 5th International Conference New Business Models (NBM), Netherlands, July.

    Submissions, expert witness statements
    Junor A (2021) Fair Work Commission Matter AM2021/63, Amendments to the Aged Care Award 2010 and

    the nurses award 2010, Report of Honorary Associate Professor Anne Junor.

    Ertuna B & Hatipoglu B (2021) Board gender diversity and commitment to the sustainable development agenda: A systematic literature review and future research agenda in CEEC Paper presented at the Women in Management. Experiences from Central and Eastern European Countries Conference, Poland, December. 

  • Book chapters

    Sheldon P and Thornthwaite L (2022) Employers' associations in Australia. In: Gooberman L &

    Hauptmeier M (eds) Contemporary Employers' Organizations. London: Routledge, pp. 139-158.

    Hampson I and Sandberg Å (2022) The Swedish contribution to job quality. In: Warhurst C, Mathieu C and Dwyer R (eds) The Oxford Handbook of Job Quality. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.41-62.

    Journal articles
    Sheldon P & Thornthwaite L (2020) Employer and employer association matters in Australia in

    2019. Journal of Industrial Relations 62 (3): 403-424.
    Thornthwaite L & Sheldon P (2021) Employer and employer association matters in Australia in

    2020. Journal of Industrial Relations 63(3): 357-376.

    Reports, monographs

    Lee JH, Park J, Son Y, Jun I, Simms M, Sheldon P & EE Della Torre (2020) Exploring the role of employers' organisations. Seoul: Korea Labor Institute.

    Lee JH, Park JS, Son Y, Simms M, Sheldon P & Della Torre E (2022) Labour Market and Employment Policy: Significance and Role of User Organizations. Seoul: Korean Labour Institute.

    Conference papers/proceedings

    Piasecki P, Gall A. & Hatipoglu B. (2022) Co-operative values and principles oriented HRM practices, ‘co-operative difference’ and affective commitment: The moderating role of the size of organisation. Paper presented at the Future of Financial Mutuals, Bayes Business School, London, UK, September. 

  • Book
    Maxwell-Stewart H & Quinlan M (2022) Unfree Workers: Insubordination and Resistance in Convict Australia, 1788-1860. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

    Journal articles

    Quinlan M and Walters D (2020) Knowledge Activists on health and safety: Workmen-inspectors in metalliferous mining in Australia 1901–25 Labour History 119: 31-58.

    Tuffin R, Maxwell-Stewart H. & Quinlan M (2020) Integrating historical records through digital data linking: Convicts prosecuted for collective action in Van Diemen’s Land, Journal of Australian Colonial History, 22(7): 49-84.

    Quinlan M & Maxwell-Stewart H (2022) Inequality, worker mobilisation and lessons from history: Australia 1788-1900. Labour and Industry, 1-24. Multi-media

    Quinlan M (2022) Conviction Politics. A series of short and long reads (on sabotage, courts and collective action) and short videos (most notably one on collective dissent) or the Conviction Politics ARC linkage project available at

    Conference keynote

    Quinlan M (2022) Inequality, worker mobilisation and lessons from history, Keynote address to annual AIRAANZ Conference, Sydney University, February. 

  • Book chapters

    Kuzuoglu S & Hatipoglu BK (2021) The Lack of policy, planning, and governance: The mismanagement of visitor pressure in Cumalıkızık, Bursa—A world heritage site. In Mandić A & Petrić L. (eds) Mediterranean Protected Areas in the Era of Overtourism: Challenges and Solutions. Cham: Springer, pp. 241-263.

    Hatipoglu BK, Anıl O, Memiş S & Şahin D (2020) Entrepreneurship development and Slow Food events. In Cully V et al. Events Tourism. London: Routledge, pp. 86-102.

    Hatipoglu BK, Keskin Y & Yetgil S (2020).Cultural route management Through collaborative efforts. In Heritage Tourism Beyond Borders and Civilizations Springer, Singapore, pp. 267-282).

    Hatipoglu B (2021) Community-based social enterprises and social innovation: The case of women’s co-operatives in Turkey. In: Wasieleski D & Weber J (eds). Business and Society 360 Series on Social Entrepreneurship. Emerald Publishing. pp. 107-130.

    Acar S, Alvarez MD, Doğan E, Erkmen E, Ertuna B, Hatipoglu, BK., Salman-Öztürk,D (2021). 8 Femmes: A collage of experiences in Turkish female tourism scholarship In Correia A & Dolnicar S (eds.), Women's voices in tourism research: Contributions to knowledge and letters to future generations.

    Journal articles
    Hatipoglu B (2021) Evaluation of university-based platforms in support of social entrepreneurship.

    Journal of Higher Education 11 (2) Pt 1: 244 – 254.

    Hatipoglu B, Ertuna B & Salman D (2022) Small-sized tourism projects in rural areas: The compounding effects on societal wellbeing, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 30(9), 2121-2143. ABDC Category A* 

  • Book chapters
    Sheldon P and Gregson S (2020) Michael Quinlan—Intellectual journey of a scholar, teacher and policy expert. In: Sheldon P, Gregson S, Lansbury RD

    and Sanders K (eds) The Regulation and Management of Workplace Health and Safety: Historical and Emerging Trends. London: Routledge, pp. 1-16. Gregson S & Humphrys E (2020) 'The West Gate Bridge collapse: how disaster happens', in Sheldon P; Gregson S; Lansbury R; Sanders K (ed.), The

    Regulation and Management of Workplace Health and Safety: Historical and Emerging Trends. London: Routledge, pp. 27 – 55

    Quinlan M (2020) Postscript: Inequality, Deprivation/Resistance and Building a Sustainable Society. In Sheldon P, Gregson S, Lansbury R, and Sanders K (eds). The Regulation and Management of Workplace Health and Safety: Historical and Emerging Trends. New York: Routledge, pp. 161- 174.

    Journal articles
    Gregson S & Quinlan M (2020) Subcontracting and low pay kill: lessons from the health and safety consequences of sweated labour in the garment

    industry, 1880–1920, Labor History 61 (5-6): 534-550.
    Gregson S & Quinlan M (2020) Lessons from the past in Occupational Health and Safety. Labour History: a journal of labour and social history 119 :v – xiv.

    Walters D & Quinlan M, (2020) An International History of Coalminers’ Actions to Voice Resistance to the Appropriation of their Safety and Health, 1870- 1925, Relations Industrielles, 75(2): 376-399.

    Quinlan M (2020) Five Challenges to Humanity: Learning from pattern/repeat failures in past disasters, Economic & Labour Relations Rev., 31(3): 444-466. Quinlan M (2021) Editorial: COVID-19, Health and Vulnerable Societies, Annals of Work Exposure and Health, 65(3): 239-243.

    Ngo M, Matthews L, Quinlan M and, Bohle P (2021) Bereaved family members’ views and experiences of the value of coronial inquests into fatal work incidents, OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying. 82(3):446-466.

    Matthews L, Finney Lamb C, Jessup GM, Ngo M & Quinlan M (2022): Family accounts of their experiences and expectations of authorities following sudden workplace death in Queensland, Australia, Victims & Offenders.

    Johnstone R, Bluff E and Quinlan M (2022), Regulating health and safety in work for digital labour platforms in Australia: The example of food deliverers, Journal of Occupational Health Law (in press).

    Johnstone R., Bluff E and Quinlan M. (2022) Editorial introduction: A special focus on occupational health and safety law and policy and work for digital labour platforms, Journal of Occupational Health Law (in press).

    Conference keynote
    Quinlan M (2022) Psychosocial hazards: A comparative perspective, keynote address to AIRAANZ psychosocial hazards, Perth, August.

    Conference paper
    Gregson S & Humphrys E (2020) 'Memorialising workers: the West Gate Bridge collapse'. AIRAANZ conference proceedings 2020, Queenstown New

    Zealand. presented at Doing things differently? IR practice and research beyond 2020, Queenstown New Zealand, 11 February 2020 - 14 February 2020.

    Expert witness statements
    Quinlan M (2021) Statement of Emeritus Professor Michael Quinlan with regard to the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References

    Committee - Road transport inquiry on the importance of a viable, safe, sustainable and efficient road transport industry, presented 9 February 2021.

    Quinlan, M. (2020) Expert background report addressing specific issues for the Board of Inquiry into the explosion at the Grosvenor coalmine in Queensland in May 2020. Also prepared a second statement and gave expert witness testimony to the Inquiry on 19 August 2020:

    Quinlan, M. (2021) Statement of Emeritus Professor Michael Quinlan with regard to the Senate Rural and Regional Affairs and Transport References Committee - Road transport inquiry on the importance of a viable, safe, sustainable and efficient road transport industry, presented 9 February 2021.

    Quinlan, M. (2022) Invited participant DEWR Road Transport Roundtable, Canberra, 29 August. 

Journal issues

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