Our research

We’re pioneering improved understanding of bushfire and associated processes, and their relation to firefighter and community safety.

Research event at UNSW Canberra

UNSW Bushfire is driving breakthroughs in fundamental and applied research into bushfire behaviour and propagation, including coupled/dynamic effects. We're developing scientifically rigorous models that integrate with fire safety and risk management systems.

The extreme fire conditions occurring in Australia are unprecedented due to prolonged drought, scorching temperatures, and strong winds. There are significant ecological, economic, health, and social costs associated with this extreme weather, which creates catastrophic bushfire conditions that exceed known firefighting technologies.

Learn more about our research and bushfire processes through our Bushfire Explainers featuring easy to read one pager articles, short explainer videos and a ‘Do you know’ series of micro videos.

Active areas of research

Dynamic fire propagation
Extreme fire development
including firestorm occurrence
Critical fire weather events
Mathematical modelling
of fire behaviour and associated processes
Bushfire risk
at the wildland-urban interface
Climate change
and fire extremes

How our research is having a real-world impact