Plasma Thrusters
The space industry has been experiencing unprecedented growth in recent years with continually changing and emerging commercial, defence, and science mission needs.
Indeed, estimates suggest that between 17,000-50,000 satellites could be launched over the next 10 years, the vast majority of which will require onboard propulsion systems for in-space manoeuvres such as orbit transfers, orbit maintenance, collision avoidance, and deorbiting. Consequently, there is growing interest in extending electric propulsion operation to both lower and higher power levels. There is also a strong interest in alternative propulsion technologies, as well as alternative propellants due to problems with many existing propellants (such as cost, toxicity concerns, and supply chain disruptions). Propellant choice is an important consideration as it largely defines propulsion system performance, operation, and design.
UNSW Canberra Space is performing fundamental and applied research investigating a range of novel propellants and new innovative space propulsion concepts to address some of these needs. We are also investigating the modification of some of these space technologies for dual-use ground-based applications.
Iodine-fuelled Electric Propulsion Systems
Electric propulsion systems are particularly attractive because of their high fuel efficiency, and some of the most successful technologies employed to date include gridded ion and Hall thrusters. Such systems have historically used xenon as a propellant because of its large atomic mass, its relatively low ionization potential, and its chemical inertness. However, xenon is very rare (1 part per 11.5 million in the atmosphere) and global production is both limited and susceptible to strong market fluctuations.
In recent years, short-term replacements for xenon, such as krypton, have been proposed and demonstrated. However, although cheaper and more plentiful, krypton can still be expensive. In addition, the storage density of krypton is almost 3x lower than xenon, while the thrust-to-power ratio is around 25% lower: factors which increase the size and power consumption of the propulsion system. Similar, but more serious, problems also exist for argon which has recently been used for the first time as a propellant for Hall thrusters.
An emerging alternative propellant is iodine which was first demonstrated in space in 2020. Iodine is almost 100x cheaper than xenon and global production is about 500x greater. In addition, iodine can be stored unpressurized as a solid with a density almost 3x higher than xenon, 9x higher than krypton, and 15x time higher than argon. While iodine has been successfully demonstrated as a propellant in several gridded ion and Hall thrusters, significant challenges remain in developing an all-iodine electric propulsion system, particularly at higher power levels. Both gridded ion and Hall thrusters require electron-emitting devices for operation and/or neutralization of the generated ion beams. For some neutralizer technologies, such as hollow cathodes, strong challenges associated with iodine-compatible materials remain. Additionally, iodine has a uniquely different plasma chemistry compared with conventional noble gas.
UNSW Canberra Space is performing fundamental research investigating iodine-fuelled gridded ion thrusters, Hall thrusters, and neutralizers, and is studying how device scaling laws are modified to aid the design of next-generation propulsion systems.
Radio-Frequency Electrothermal Plasma Thrusters
A wide range of new propulsion technologies are currently being investigated and electrodeless Radio-Frequency (RF) plasma discharges are particularly attractive because of the absence of directly-immersed electrodes. Such plasma discharges consist of an RF coil wrapped around the outside of a hollow dielectric tube and through which a feed gas is injected. The RF current in the coil produces a time-varying electric field that can sustain a high-density, partially-ionized, plasma. Such devices, also known as Inductively Coupled Plasmas (ICPs), can operate from pressures below 1 Pa to above 100 kPa. By applying a magnetic field, electromagnetic waves can be excited by the RF coil, and if the field is designed correctly, a magnetic nozzle can be created leading to plasma acceleration and thrust generation for space propulsion applications. Such systems, known as ambipolar thrusters operate at low pressure (typically less than 1 Pa) and are classified as electrostatic thrusters as ions are accelerated by ambipolar electric fields in the plasma. Although still a relatively immature technology, several companies have produced commercial products.
An alternative type of RF plasma thruster can instead be obtained by terminating the dielectric tube with a physical supersonic nozzle and operating at pressures almost 4-6 orders of magnitude higher (between about 10-100 kPa). Because of increased plasma-gas collisions at these higher pressures, intense gas heating (leading to temperatures above about 10,000 oC) occurs and thrust can be produced by accelerating this hot gas through a converging-diverging nozzle. Such systems, known as RF electrothermal plasma thrusters, offer several advantages over other propulsion technologies as no magnetic field or electron-emitting neutralizer is needed, there are no immersed electrodes (hence allowing reactive gases to be used), and only a single power supply is required. In contrast to RF ambipolar thrusters, the thrust-to-power ratio in RF electrothermal thrusters can be an order of magnitude higher, and thrust is nominally produced not by plasma ions, but predominately by hot neutral gas. RF electrothermal thrusters also generate a higher thrust-to-power ratio than gridded ion or Hall thrusters and so represent an attractive option for space missions requiring a combination of both reduced propellant consumption and faster orbital manoeuvres.
Together with collaborators at the Australian National University, UNSW Canberra Space is developing a new RF electrothermal plasma thruster technology that makes use of an innovative propellant injection configuration consisting of two counter-propagating vortices. Here, propellant is counter-intuitively injected with a tangential swirl from the downstream end of the thruster (just before the nozzle). Due to its initial angular momentum, the gas first spirals up along the inner surface of the thrusters towards the upstream end, before then reversing and spiralling back down towards the nozzle through the centre of the thruster. In this way, the gas flow field is segmented with a colder outer vortex flow helping to cool and reduce heat losses to the walls, and a hotter inner vortex flow that allows most of the input gas to pass through the hot central plasma region. Such bidirectional vortex flows offer a number of advantages including enhanced propellant mixing and heating, reduced heat losses to the walls, smaller thruster sizes, and the possibility of using alternative construction materials.
As with other propulsion technologies, propellant choice is an important consideration, and while noble gases such as helium and argon have previously been tested in RF electrothermal thrusters, such propellants are far from ideal. Water has emerged as a possible alternative propellant and is seen as an attractive green option. Water also has an important potential strategic advantage for future space missions as it is a substance thought to be found on the Moon, Mars, and certain types of asteroids. It may therefore be a viable propellant option to enable refuelling since it can be extracted and processed in-situ from various locations within the solar system. UNSW Canberra Space is exploring a range of possible propellant options, including water, which additionally has a number of attractive performance and engineering advantages.
Radio-Frequency Plasma Torches for Ground-Based Industrial Applications
The strong gas heating obtained in Radio-Frequency (RF) Inductively Coupled Plasmas (ICPs) is not only useful for thrust generation in electrothermal thrusters, but also for a number of ground-based industrial applications such as materials processing, nano-powder spheroidization and formation, gas conversion, analytical chemistry, and even high-enthalpy flow generators for hypersonic and aerothermodynamics testing. As ICPs are electrodeless discharges, there is little or no device erosion and consequent process contamination or lifetime limitations (in contrast to conventional arc discharges), and they can be used with a wide range of possible feed gases. Together with ANU, UNSW Canberra Space is investigating the use of vortex-enhanced RF ICPs for important ground-based applications such as the processing of metal ores and waste gas conversion.
- T. Lafleur and P. Chabert
Analytical model of a Hall thruster
Physics of Plasmas 31, 093507 (2024). - Pascale, T. Lafleur, and C. Corr
Parametric study of a vortex-enhanced supersonic inductive plasma torch
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 57, 435206 (2024). - T. Lafleur
Charged aerodynamics: Ionospheric plasma drag on objects in low-Earth orbit
Acta Astronautica 212, 370 (2023).
- O. Jia-Richards and T. Lafleur
Thrust validation of an iodine electric propulsion system: From numerical modelling to in-space testing
Journal of Propulsion and Power 39, 896 (2023). - J. Martinez Martinez and T. Lafleur
On the selection of propellants for cold/warm gas propulsion systems
Acta Astronautica 212, 54 (2023). - Pascale, T. Lafleur, and C. Corr
Bidirectional vortex stabilization of a supersonic inductively coupled plasma torch
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 56, 105202 (2023).