About this project
The Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS) is a national monitoring system for ecstasy and related drugs that is intended to identify emerging trends of local and national interest in the markets for these drugs. The EDRS is based on the Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS) methodology and consists of interviews with people who regularly use ecstasy and other stimulant, as well as analysis and examination of indicator data sources related to ecstasy and other related drugs. EDRS is designed to be sensitive to trends, providing data in a timely manner, rather than describing issues in extensive detail.
Associate Professor Amy Peacock,
Deputy Director, NDARC and Program Lead, Drug Trends
Email: amy.peacock@unsw.edu.au
Dr Rachel Sutherland,
Deputy Director, NDARC and Program Lead, Drug Trends
Email: rachels@unsw.edu.au
You can access EDRS Reports via the following links:
Drug Trends National Reports
Drug Trends Jurisdictional Reports
Drug Trends Bulletins -
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Interested in accessing existing interview data to conduct analyses or requesting additional data be asked of the participants in the Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS)? Please contact the Drug Trends team (drugtrends@unsw.edu.au) for more information.
Professor Paul Dietze, Burnet Institute
A/Professor Raimondo Bruno, University of Tasmania
A/Professor Caroline Salom, University of Queensland
Professor Simon Lenton, National Drug Research Institute
Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care
Project Members
Get involved
Researchers at the National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre would like to invite people who use ecstasy and other stimulants to participate in a one-hour CONFIDENTIAL and ANONYMOUS interview for the Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS). Participants are reimbursed $40 for their time and expenses.
You can contact us directly by SMS, phone, or email to get involved. You must contact the coordinator for the state in which you currently live. You have come to the NT page. If you are not in the NT, click 'contact us' below for information on your state.
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New South Wales
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Western Australia
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Northern Territory
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Australian Capital Territory
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