About us

The Behavioural Insights for Business and Policy network develops and applies best practices to ensure behavioural insights from experimental research in Accounting, Economics, Finance, Management, Information Systems and Technology Management, Marketing, Risk and Actuarial Studies, and Psychology are credible and robust.
Network activity highlights (since inception in 2016)
- 54 research-focused luncheon seminars
- 6 education-oriented workshops
- 4 external impact-oriented roundtables
Network member highlights (since inception in 2016)
- Drawn from across the UNSW Business School, our network members have a total of more than 50 A*/FT50 publications from 2012-2023, including in Economic Journal, The Review of Economic Studies, The Review of Financial Studies (multiple), Review of Finance, Management Science (multiple), Academy of Management Review, Marketing Science (multiple), The Accounting Review (multiple), Journal of Business Ethics, Experimental Economics, and American Economic Journal - Micro.
- Our network members have received ARC grant awards in excess of $30 million since 2015.
- Additional member details can be found on the Members & Associates page.