Sarah Walker | Taking the lab to the field
Using lab-in-the-field experiments to inform policy

05/09/2017 - 12:00 - 13:00
Room 464, UNSW Business School, UNSW
- September 05, 2017
- Speaker: Sarah Walker (UNSW Business School)
- Topic: Taking the lab to the field: using lab-in-the-field experiments to inform policy
Lab experiments conducted in a naturalistic environment, termed “lab-in-the-field” experiments, are becoming an increasingly popular methodology. This talk discusses the use of the methodology to inform policy decisions. I focus first on the ability of lab-in-the-field experiments to test for the external validity of results obtained in the lab, compare behavior across various cultures, and explore behavioral mechanisms. I then discuss specific examples of the use of these experiments to assist in the design and targeting of policy, particularly in developing countries.
Additional information regarding Dr Sarah Walker can be found here.