Research project highlights

Our school is at the forefront of civil, environmental and geospatial engineering research, working annually with over 100 industry and government organisations. We're committed to advancing a more prosperous, safe and just society while forging ahead with innovative research fields.
Our UNSW researchers collaborate with engineers, scientists, managers and policymakers from small innovative start-ups to global organisations to find innovative solutions to future challenges. Our research covers:
- transport futures
- driverless cars
- on-demand public transport
- bio-secure mobility
- water futures – such as quantifying uncertainty and sponge cities
- restorative engineering
- global connections
- construction futures
- super drones
- timber futures
- concrete futures
- people-centric engineering
- the logistics of hunger
- creating virtual cities
- geospatial revolutions.
Read about our research insights and visions for local and global futures in construction, environmental, geospatial, infrastructure, transport, and water engineering in the new digital, disruptive diverse world.