Civil & Environmental Engineering

The Geodetic Infrastructure and Analysis Theme has a particular focus on Precise Positioning using Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), to address the accuracy requirements of Geodesy, Surveying, Mapping and Precision Navigation. These are typically at the sub-metre level, but include accuracies as high at the centimetre-level, and require special GNSS hardware, measurement modeling & analysis, operational procedures, and geodetic infrastructure – all research strengths of the SNAP Lab. For example, the deployment and operation of government-run and private permanent GNSS reference receiver networks is a recent development recognises the central role of precise GNSS positioning. Such reference stations are critical components of a National Positioning Infrastructure (NPI). There is also interest in the development of a Space Based Augmentation System (SBAS) for Australia, to support new mass market applications of sub-metre accurate and reliable positioning for Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS). Plans for a new geodetic datum for Australia and New Zealand; the implementation of NPI; the deployment of next generation GNSS; the development of new techniques of Precise Point Positioning (PPP); and advances in international geodesy all have complex impacts on high accuracy users.
SNAP researchers have been engaged in ground breaking research into geodetic GNSS topics since the mid-1980s.
Geodetic Infrastructure and Analysis Theme