• Thanh Doan, best 3rd year PhD talk, School of Chemistry, UNSW, 2024

    Bram Soliman, Best Oral Presentation, 14th International Nanomedicine Conference, Sydney, Australia, 24th-26th June 2024

    Sam Somerville, Best Oral Presentation, 1st NSW Electrochemistry Symposium, USYD, 16th July 2024

    Jayani Halpegama, best 1st year PhD talk prize, School of Chemistry

    Farhat Ikram, best 3rd year PhD talk prize, School of Chemistry, UNSW

    Zeno Rizqi Ramadan, winner Don Craig Memorial Prize for Crystallography, UNSW

  • Daniel Hagness, best 3rd year PhD talk prize, School of Chemistry, UNSW, 23 May 2023.

    Dr Yanfang Wu, Best Oral Presentation, 13th International NanoMedicine Conference, Sydney, Australia, 19th-21st June 2023

    Dr. Cong Vu, 2023 Science and Innovation Awards, Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry, $22,000.

    Ying Yang, Sanjun Fan, James A Webb, Yuanqing Ma, Jesse Goyette, Xueqian Chen, Katharina Gaus, Richard Tilley, Justin Gooding, winner, Elsevier Biosensors and Bioelectronics Prize for the most original contribution, 33rd Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors, Busan, Korea, 5-8 June 2023

  • Marzia Cavallo, best 1st year PhD talk prize, School of Chemistry, UNSW

    Kevin Mariandry, Best ECR Poster, ICEAN conference, Newcastle 17-21 Oct (2022).

    Shreedhar Gautum,Dean's Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis, 2022.

    Yanfang Wu, Metrohm-EDRACi Young Investigator Award, 2021.79. Peter O’Mara, Dean's Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis, 2022.

  • Ali Alinezhad Chamazketi, Dean's Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis, 2021.

    Dongfei Chen, Science Faculty Writing Scholarship 2021.

    Dr. Xiaoyu Cheng, “2015 National Award for Outstanding Self-financed Chinese Students Study Abroad” by the Chinese Scholarship Council. One of only 500 awards worldwide.

    Dr. Yanfang Wu, runner up Elsevier Biosensors and Bioelectronics Award for the best paper at the World Biosensor Congress 2021.

    Hsiang-Sheng Chen,Dean's Award forOutstanding PhD Thesis, 2021.

    Parisa Moazzam, Science Faculty Writing Scholarship 2021.

    Peter O’Mara, Science Faculty Writing Scholarship 2021.

    Thanh Cong Vu, Science Faculty Writing Scholarship 2021.

    Yanfang Wu, Metrohm-EDRACi Young Investigator Award, 2021.79. Peter O’Mara, Dean's Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis, 2022.

  • Hsiang-Sheng Chen, winner Don Craig Prize 2020.

  • Danielle Bennett, School of Chemistry, UNSW, oral presentation prize (2019).

    Duyen Nguyen, Best Poster Prize at the ECR and Postgraduate Symposium, RACI Polymer Group 15 July (2019).

    Fida’A Ahmad Alshawawreh, Distinguished Academic Achievement Award, Embassy of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Canberra, 10 Nov (2019).

    Yanfang Wu, Deans Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis, 2019.

    Peter O’Mara, School of Chemistry, UNSW, poster presentation prize (2019).

    Sharmin Hoque, Presentation Prize, ISE Student Symposium on Electrochemistry and 21st Australia and New Zealand Electrochemistry Symposium (21AES) in Brisbane 29-30 Apr (2019).

    Shreedhar Gautum, School of Chemistry, UNSW, oral presentation prize (2019).

    Will Rousenel, poster presentation prize, ARC Centre of Excellence in Functional Nanomaterials, 6th Annual Conference, Coffs Harbour, NSW, November 9th to 11th, 2009.

    Yanfang Wu, Dean’s Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis, 2019

  • Dr. Iman Roohaniesfahani, Recipient, NSW Fresh Science (2018).

    Jiaxin (Lily) Lian, School of Chemistry, UNSW, poster prize (2018).

    Roya Tavallaie, won the ARC Centre of Excellence in Convergent Bio-Nano Science and Technology, 2018 Most Significant CBNS Publication Award (Director's Choice).

    Yanfang Wu, UNSW writing fellowship (2018).

  • Manish Sriram, UNSW representative, Global Fellows Programme in Germany on “Cities of the Future” 17–21 July 2017.

    Raheleh Pardehkorram, Small Prize for best PhD oral presentation at the 8th International Nanomedicine Conference, Sydney, 3-5 July 2017.

  • Manish Sriram, ACS Sensors Poster Presentation Prize, 7th International Nanomedicine Conference, Sydney, 27-29 June 2016.

  • Dr. Stephen Parker, Royal Society of New South Wales Scholarship 2015.

    Dr. Xiaoyu Cheng, “2015 National Award for Outstanding Self-financed Chinese Students Study Abroad” by the Chinese Scholarship Council. One of only 500 awards worldwide.

    Dr. Yanfang Wu, runner up Elsevier Biosensors and Bioelectronics Award for the best paper at the World Biosensor Congress 2021.

  • Annie Rajadurai, winner poster prize, 5th International Nanomedicine Conference, Sydney, 30 June – 2 July 2014.

    Dr. Bakul Gupta, poster prize winner, SEALS (South Eastern Area Laboratory Services) research symposium entitled “Improving health care and safety through better research, diagnostic tests and communication,” Royal Women’s Hospital, Sydney, 8th December 2014.

    Dr. Ying Zhu, “2014 National Award for Outstanding Self-financed Chinese Students Study Abroad” by the Chinese Scholarship Council. One of only 500 awards worldwide.

    Maryam Parviz, poster prize winner in "UNSW Nanomaterial and Electrochemistry symposium," UNSW Sydney, 5th December 2014.

    Stephen Parker, winner oral presentation prize, 5th International Nanomedicine Conference, Sydney, 30 June – 2 July 2014.

    Swahnnya De Almeida, winner poster prize, 5th International Nanomedicine Conference, Sydney, 30 June – 2 July 2014.

    Swahnnya De Almeida, winner UNSW Science Postgraduate Research Competition (one minute thesis), Sydney 8 August 2014.

  • Dr. Stuart Lowe, winner Mark Wainwright Analytical Centre ECR Oral Presentation Prize, 4th International Conference on NanoMedicine, Sydney 1-3 July 2013.

    Lachlan Carter, winner poster prize, 19th Australian and New Zealand Electrochemistry Symposium, Melbourne 25-26 November 2013.

    Roya Tavallaie, winner Mark Wainwright Analytical Centre PhD Poster Presentation Prize, 4th International Conference on NanoMedicine, Sydney 1-3 July 2013.

    Stephen Parker, won AINSE Post Graduate Research Award, 2011-2013.

  • Aravind Ramachandran, UNSW School of Chemistry Michael Paddon-Row PhD top-up Scholarship, 2012.

    Devi Liana, University Medal in Nanotechnology 2012.

    Roya Tavallaie, won Molecular Devices Poster Prize, School of Chemistry Poster Day, UNSW, 30th August 2012.

    Stephen Parker, Symposium 1, Poster Prize, 10th Spring Meeting of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Perth, April 15-18, 2012.

    Stephen Parker, won AINSE Post Graduate Research Award, 2011-2013.

  • Kyloon Chuah, UNSW School of Chemistry David Black PhD top-up Scholarship 2011.

    Stephen Parker, UNSW School of Chemistry Michael Paddon-Row PhD top-up Scholarship, 2011.

    Stephen Parker, won AINSE Post Graduate Research Award, 2011-2013.

  • Bakul Gupta, poster presentation prize, ICONN 2010, Sydney, 22-26 February 2010, one of 6 winners from over 300 posters.

    Kyloon Chuah, 2nd place in RACI NSW Analytical Chemistry Branch honours presentation evening. 2010.

    Sook Mei Khor, Symposium 11 poster prize, 61st Annual Conference of the International Society of Electrochemistry, Nice, Sept 26-Oct 1st, 2010.

    Stephen Parker, poster presentation prize, ARC Centre of Excellence in Functional Nanomaterials, 7th Annual Conference, Gold Coast, QLD, November 24th to 26th, 2010.

  • Dr. Kris Kilian, winner, U Committee award for Research Excellence in Science 2009 for the best PhD thesis in the science faculty from 2007.

    Leo Lai, winner, oral presentation prize, ARC Centre of Excellence in Functional Nanomaterials, 6th Annual Conference, Coffs Harbour, NSW, November 9th to 11th, 2009.

    Sven Sylvester, University Medal in Nanotechnology 2009.

    Will Rousenel, poster presentation prize, ARC Centre of Excellence in Functional Nanomaterials, 6th Annual Conference, Coffs Harbour, NSW, November 9th to 11th, 2009.

    Yanfang Wu, Dean’s Award for Outstanding PhD Thesis, 2019

  • Jarred Shein, University Medal in Nanotechnology 2008.

    Simone Ciampi, poster prize at the Symposium on New Materials and New Methods in Electrochemistry of the Electrochemistry Chemistry of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute 2008.

  • Dr. Bakul Gupta, winner, Royal Australian Chemical Institute Cornforth Medal 2008 for the best Australian PhD awarded in 2007.

    Dr. Kris Kilian, winner, U Committee award for Research Excellence in Science 2009 for the best PhD thesis in the science faculty from 2007.

  • Kris Kilian, winner poster prize for "Optimization of Nanostructured Porous Silicon Surface Chemistry towards Biophotonic Sensors" presented at the International Conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, in Brisbane held July 3-7, 2006.

  • Elicia Wong, Winner of 1 of only 20 travel scholarships open to the entire world to researchers under the age of 40 to attend the main chemistry conference, the World Chemistry Congress, in Beijing, China, in September 2005.

  • Freya Mearns, Australian Academy of Science Travel Fellowship for Young Researchers, 2004.

  • Edith Chow, People’s Choice Prize Winner at UNSW School of Chemical Sciences Poster Day, 2003..

    Edith Chow, 2nd Prize at UNSW School of Chemical Sciences Poster Day, 2003.

    Freya Mearns, The University of New South Wales Chemical Society, Best student seminar award, 2003.

  • Elicia Wong, People’s Choice Prize Winner at UNSW School of Chemical Sciences Poster Day, 2002.

    Elicia Wong, 2nd Prize at UNSW School of Chemical Sciences Poster Day, 2002.

    Wenrong Yang, won Alan Walsh Bursary to attend 9th International Conference on Chemical Sensors, Boston, 7-10th July 2002.

  • Manihar Situmorang, Short-listed for student poster prize, Eleventh Australasian Electrochemistry Conference, University of Western Sydney, Parramatta, Australia, Dec 10-14th, 2000.

    Manihar Situmorang, Third Place in Student oral presentation prize, 8th Research and Development Topics 2000, Wagga Wagga, 6-8 December 2000.

  • Dusan Losic, received award for best student poster, 11th AINSE Conference on Nuclear Techniques of Analysis and 6th Vacuum Society of Australia Congress, 24-26th Nov. 1999.

    Lina Pugliano, received the best postgraduate student award for excellence in presentation and content of a research paper at ASB99/Asia-Pacific Biosensors Symposium, Gold Coast, Queensland, Sept 30th – Oct 3rd, 1999.