UTZON Lecture Collective

Discover a rich library of UNSW UTZON lectures featuring more than 50 global leaders in the field of the built environment. This decade long series was launched by the family of Danish architect, and designer of the Sydney Opera House Jorn Utzon AC.

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HERO Sydney Opera House

Recent UTZON Lecture

Gene Willsford UTZON Lecture with The Hon. Rose Jackson, MLC

The 2024 Gene Willsford Lecture - Housing as Critical Infrastructure - was presented by The Hon. Rose Jackson MLC and was followed by an all-female, expert panel discussion to discuss practical solutions to the current housing crisis. Chaired by Lucy Turnbull AO, the panel included Elle Davidson (Zion Engagement and Planning), Professor Hazel Easthope (UNSW City Futures) and Olivia Hyde (NSW Government Architects. Play below. 

A preview of the collective library

Professor Briony Rogers

Monash University

This year's address was delivered by Professor Briony Rogers and focused on strengthening Australia's climate resilience through the lens of the Built Environment.

Alison Killing

Pulitzer Prize-winning Architect, Killing Architects

Investigating Xinjiang's network of detention camps

Francine Houben

Founding Partner, Mecanoo Architects, Delft, The Netherlands

People, Place, Purpose, Poetry

Hank Koning and Julie Eizenberg

Founding Principals, Koning Eizenberg, USA

Australian Institute of Architects Gold Medal

Dame Jo da Silva OBE

Global Director of International Development, Arup Group, United Kingdom

Reducing Risk, Building Resilience

Jan Utzon

Utzon Architects, Denmark

Sydney Opera House: The Past, Present and Future

Join the UTZON community

For information about upcoming UTZON lectures and to stay connected to UNSW Built Environment, please contact us at ada.events@unsw.edu.au

The extensive collective library

What is the UTZON Lecture Collective?