Course outlines
Critical resources to help you make informed decisions on your academic journey.

Course outlines will help you understand learning outcomes, course requirements and assessments for each individual course. You can use these critical resources to make informed decisions on your course choices and to manage your workload throughout the term.
- Summer
- Term 1
- Term 2
- Term 3
ARTS2389 Philosophy as a Way of Life
ARTS2458 Along the Silk Road: Conquerors, Traders and Explorers
ARTS2542 Gods, Heroines and Heroes in Greek Myth
IEST7500 Environmental Technologies: Challenges & Opportunities
IEST8001 Environmental Leadership Practicum I: Project or Internship
IEST8003 Environmental Leadership Practicum II: Project or Internship
ARTS1250 Human Geography: Society, Space and Territory
ARTS1270 Global History: Exploring the First Globalization, 15th-19th Century
ARTS1361 Mind, Ethics, and Freedom: Introduction to Philosophy
ARTS1450 Chinese 1 for Non-Background Speakers
ARTS1452 Chinese 1 for Background Speakers
ARTS1690 The Structure of Language
ARTS2240 Environment, Sustainability and Development
ARTS2249 Environmental Philosophy
ARTS2361 Philosophy of Mind and Psychology
ARTS2450 Chinese 3 for Non-Background Speakers
ARTS2461 Chinese 3 for Background Speakers
ARTS2464 Chinese Ideas of Beauty and Erotica: Ancient to Modern
ARTS2694 Phonology: Theory and Description
ARTS2696, LING5005 The Grammar of English
ARTS2781 Britain, Europe and the World Since 1945: From Empire to Brexit
ARTS3216 Chinese Media and Communication
ARTS3242 Environmental History
ARTS3283 Roman Emperors: From Augustus to Nero
ARTS3295 Understanding Nazi Germany: Origins, Structures, Explanation
ARTS3360 Examining Pivotal Texts
ARTS3455 Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature
ARTS3460 Chinese English Translation
ARTS3640 Japan and Korea: Cultures in Conflict
ARTS3695 Urban Multilingualism
ARTS4247 Research Skills in the Humanities
ARTS4249 The Humanities, then and now
ARTS5505, HUMS1005 Personalised English Language Enhancement
ARTS5507 Personalised English Language Enhancement for HDR
ARTS5506, HUMS1012 Indigenous Languages of Australia
IEST5001 Frameworks of Environmental Relations & Leadership
IEST5007 Political Ecology: Sustainable Development & Justice
IEST5008 Large-scale Conservation in Practice
IEST7200 Demystifying Environmental Law: From Regulation to Rights of Nature
IEST8001 Environmental Leadership Practicum I: Project or Internship
IEST8003 Environmental Leadership Practicum II: Project or Internship
IEST6911 Climate Crisis & Action
INST1005 Key Debates in International Studies
LING5001 Second Language Acquisition
LING5006 Current Issues in Bilingualism
LING5022 Cross-cultural Pragmatics
LING5026 The Structure of Language
MODL5100 Research and Theories of Translation and Interpreting
MODL5101 Interpreting in Legal Settings
MODL5104 Specialised Translation
MODL5107 Translation Technology
ARTS1240 Environment and Society
ARTS1271 History of the Present: The World since 1900
ARTS1360 Truth and Human Existence: Introduction to Philosophy
ARTS1450 Chinese 1 for Non-Background Speakers
ARTS1452 Chinese 1 for Background Speakers
ARTS1782 Contemporary Europe in Crisis: Power and Culture
ARTS2244 The Animal: Worker, Wild, Extinct?
ARTS2278 Slavery and its Legacies
ARTS2362 Alienation and Social Critique
ARTS2457 China Imagined and Perceived
ARTS2485 Exploring French Linguistics
ARTS2633 A Cultural Survey of Japan: From Gods to Gadgets
ARTS2698 Intercultural Interaction
ARTS2785 Europe's Age of Catastrophe, 1914-1945
ARTS2900 Global Feminisms: Competing Visions, Varying Histories
ARTS2908 Sex and Power in Early Modern China and Japan
ARTS3241 Environmental Justice
ARTS3270 Reflecting on Histories and Historians
ARTS3290 Visions and Voices of Empire
ARTS3330 Languages Capstone: Translation and Interpreting
ARTS3373 Topics in Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Philosophy of Language
ARTS3377 Advanced Topics in Political Philosophy
ARTS3463 City and Chinese Culture
ARTS3483 French with a Purpose
ARTS3576 The Making of Modern Spain
ARTS3638 Learning Japanese through Manga and Anime
ARTS3639 Japan in Popular Culture
ARTS3690 Language Universals and Linguistic Typology
IEST5021 Corporations, Capitalism & Transforming Environments
IEST2022 Environmental Policy and Participation
IEST6001 Restorative Ecologies: Permaculture Principles & Practice
IEST7001 Engaging Science for Environmental Leadership
IEST8001 Environmental Leadership Practicum I: Project or Internship
IEST8003 Environmental Leadership Practicum II: Project or Internship
INST2003 Research Methods in International Studies
LING5024 The Sound System of English
LING5029 The Psychology of Language
MODL5103 Multimedia Translation
MODL5105 Conference Interpreting
MODL5108 Translation Certification Preparation
- Summer
- Term 1
- Term 2
- Term 3
ARTS1250 Human Geography: Society, Space and Territory
ARTS1271 History of the Present: The World since 1900
ARTS1361 Mind, Ethics, and Freedom: Introduction to Philosophy
ARTS1450 Introductory Chinese A for Non-Background Students
ARTS1452 Introductory Chinese for Background Speakers A
ARTS1570 Introductory Spanish A
ARTS1630 Introductory Japanese A
ARTS1660 Introductory Korean A
ARTS1690 The Structure of Language
ARTS2240 Environment, Sustainability and Development
ARTS2249 Environmental Philosophy
ARTS2361 Philosophy of Mind and Psychology
ARTS2450 Intermediate Chinese for Non-Background Speakers A
ARTS2452 Chinese English Translation
ARTS2461 Intermediate Chinese for Background Speakers A
ARTS2464 Chinese Ideas of Beauty and Erotica: Ancient to Modern
ARTS2480 Intermediate French A
ARTS2486 The French Speaking World
ARTS2511 Intermediate German B
ARTS2571 Intermediate Spanish B
ARTS2630 Intermediate Japanese A
ARTS2660 Intermediate Korean A
ARTS2694 Phonology: Theory and Description
ARTS2696 The Grammar of English
ARTS2698 Intercultural Interaction
ARTS2785 Europe's Age of Catastrophe, 1914-1945
ARTS2900 Global Feminisms: Competing Visions, Varying Histories
ARTS2908 Premodern Japan: Status, Sex and Power
ARTS3216 Chinese Media and Communication
ARTS3242 Environmental History
ARTS3283 Roman Emperors: From Augustus to Nero
ARTS3292 Migrants and Refugees in Australian History
ARTS3295 Understanding Nazi Germany: Origins, Structures, Explanation
ARTS3368 Modern European Philosophy
ARTS3452 Professional Chinese A
ARTS3455 Contemporary Chinese Literature
ARTS3462 Artistic Representations of China and the Diaspora
ARTS3482 Professional French A
ARTS3632 Professional Japanese A
ARTS3640 Japan and Korea: Cultures in Conflict
ARTS3695 Multilingualism and Language Planning
ARTS4247 Research Skills in the Humanities
ARTS4249 The Humanities, then and now
ARTS5505 Personalised English Language Enhancement
HUMS1005 Personalised English Language Enhancement
HUMS2006 Research Placement, Arts and Social Sciences
HUMS2007 Research Placement II, Arts and Social Sciences
IEST5001 Frameworks of Environmental Relations & Leadership
IEST5007 Political Ecology: Sustainable Development & Justice
IEST5008 Large-scale Conservation in Practice
IEST7001 Engaging Science for Environmental Leadership
IEST8001 Environmental Leadership Practicum I: Project or Internship
IEST8003 Environmental Leadership Practicum II
INST1005 Key Debates in International Studies
INST2003 Research Methods in International Studies
LING5001 Second Language Acquisition
LING5005 The Grammar of English
LING5006 Current Issues in Bilingualism
LING5022 Cross-cultural Pragmatics
LING5026 The Structure of Language
MODL5100 Research and Theories of T&I
MODL5101 Interpreting in Legal Settings
ARTS1240 Environment and Society
ARTS1270 Global History: Exploring the First Globalization, 15th-19th Century
ARTS1360 Truth and Human Existence: Introduction to Philosophy
ARTS1450 Introductory Chinese A for Non-Background Students
ARTS1452 Introductory Chinese for Background Speakers A
ARTS1480 Introductory French A
ARTS1510 Introductory German A
ARTS1571 Introductory Spanish B
ARTS1630 Introductory Japanese A
ARTS1660 Introductory Korean A
ARTS1782 Contemporary Europe in Crisis: Power and Culture
ARTS2242 The Politics of Climate Change
ARTS2244 The Animal: Worker, Wild, Extinct ?
ARTS2248 Disasters and Society
ARTS2270 Australia 1788-1900: Invasion to White Australia
ARTS2285 The Holocaust: Origins, Implementation, Aftermath
ARTS2360 Knowledge and Reality
ARTS2362 Alienation and Social Critique
ARTS2457 China Imagined and Perceived
ARTS2481 Intermediate French B
ARTS2485 Exploring French Linguistics
ARTS2486 The French Speaking World
ARTS2511 Intermediate German B
ARTS2633 A Cultural Survey of Japan: From Gods to Gadgets
ARTS2904 Dressed to Kill: Dress and Identity in History
ARTS2908 Sex and Power in Early Modern China and Japan
ARTS3220 Architecture and Urbanism in Asia
ARTS3241 Environmental Justice
ARTS3270 Reflecting on Histories and Historians: Capstone
ARTS3290 Visions and Voices of Empire
ARTS3330 Languages Capstone: Translation and Interpreting
ARTS3377 Advanced Topics in Political Philosophy
ARTS3453 Professional Chinese B
ARTS3463 City and Chinese Culture
ARTS3483 Professional French B
ARTS3490 Advanced French Conversation
ARTS3633 Professional Japanese B
ARTS3638 Learning Japanese through Manga and Anime
ARTS3639 Japan in Popular Culture
ARTS3690 Language Universals and Linguistic Typology
ARTS4249 The Humanities, then and now
ARTS5505 Personalised English Language Enhancement
HUMS1005 Personalised English Language Enhancement
HUMS2006 Research Placement, Arts and Social Sciences
HUMS2007 Research Placement II, Arts and Social Sciences
IEST5003 Addressing Environmental Issues: Pathways to Change-Making
IEST5021 Capitalism & Environments
IEST2022 Environmental Policy and Participation
IEST6001 Restorative Ecologies: Permaculture Principles & Practice
IEST7500 Environmental Technologies: Challenges & Opportunities
IEST7600 Indigenous Knowledge Partnerships inConservation & Caring for Country
IEST8001 Environmental Leadership Practicum I
LING5024 The Sound System of English
LING5029 The Psychology of Language
MODL5103 Multimedia Translation
MODL5105 Conference Interpreting
MODL5108 Translation Certification Preparation
ARTS1190 - Sydney: History, Landscapes, People
ARTS1211 - Australia's Asian Context
ARTS1241 - Environmental Advocacy and Activism
ARTS1362 - Critical Thinking for Today's World
ARTS1451 - Introductory Chinese B for Non-Background Students
ARTS1453 - Introductory Chinese for Background Speakers B
ARTS1481 - Introductory French B
ARTS1511 - Introductory German B
ARTS1541 - Introductory Greek B
ARTS1631 - Introductory Japanese B
ARTS1661 - Introductory Korean B
ARTS1691, LING5037 - The Use of Language
ARTS1900 - Gendered Worlds: Introduction to Gender Studies
ARTS2150 - A House Divided: The Making of Modern America
ARTS2213 - Asian Popular Culture
ARTS2271 - Inventing Modern Australia: 1900 to Now
ARTS2272 - The European World, 1500-1800
ARTS2362 Alienation and Social Critique
ARTS2383 - Ethics: Theory and Practice
ARTS2451 - Intermediate Chinese for Non-Background Speakers B
ARTS2462 - Intermediate Chinese for Background Speakers B
ARTS2570 - Intermediate Spanish A
ARTS2631 - Intermediate Japanese B
ARTS2661 - Intermediate Korean B
ARTS2690, LING5035 - Semantics and Pragmatics
ARTS2785 - Europe's Age of Catastrophe, 1914-1945
ARTS2906 - History of Sexuality
ARTS3218 - Japanese History: Modern Miracles and Mythologies
ARTS3270 - Reflecting on Histories and Historians: Capstone
ARTS3289 - Documentary Film and History
ARTS3360 - Philosophy Capstone: Examining Pivotal Texts
ARTS3373 - Topics in Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Philosophy of Language
ARTS3378 - Ethics: Advanced Topics
ARTS3454 - Chinese English Interpreting
ARTS3456 - Classical Chinese Literature
ARTS3574 - Discovering the Cinema of the Spanish-Speaking World
ARTS3634 - Contemporary Japanese Literature
ARTS3636 - Contextualising Japanese: Capstone
ARTS3643 - Advanced Writing in Japanese
ARTS3663 - Professional Korean
ARTS3667 - Insights into Korean as a Second Language
ARTS3780 - Contemporary Germany: History, Politics, Society
ARTS3786 - Confronting the Past in Contemporary Europe
ARTS5505 - Personalised English Language Enhancement
HUMS1005 - Personalised English Language Enhancement
IEST5005 - Environmental Communication: Discourse & Ecocultural Meaning Systems
IEST5006 - Rethinking Environment: Sociocultural Theory
IEST5022 - Environmental Participation: Publics & the Power to Change
IEST6912 - Living Cities: Promises & Risks of Urban Environments
IEST7600 Indigenous Knowledge Partnerships in Conservation & Caring for Country
IEST8001 - Environmental Leadership Practicum I: Project or Internship
IEST8003 - Environmental Leadership Practicum II: Project or Internship
INST1006 - The World in Transition
INST3900 - International Studies Advanced Seminar
LING5003 - Language Technology
LING5027 - Research Methods in Linguistics
MODL5100 - Research and Theories of Translation and Interpreting
MODL5102 - Interpreting in Community Settings
MODL5106 - Text Analysis for Translation
MODL5112 - Advanced Translation Technology and Industry Practice
MODL5116 - Advanced Conference Interpreting
MODL5117 - Interpreting in International Settings
- Summer
- Term 1
- Term 2
- Term 3
ARTS1250 Human Geography: Society, Space and Territory
ARTS1271 History of the Present: The World since 1900
ARTS1361 Mind, Ethics, and Freedom: Introduction to Philosophy
ARTS1450 Introductory Chinese A for Non-Background Students
ARTS1452 Introductory Chinese for Background Speakers A
ARTS1570 Introductory Spanish A
ARTS1630 Introductory Japanese A
ARTS1660 Introductory Korean A
ARTS1690 The Structure of Language
ARTS2240 Environment, Sustainability and Development
ARTS2249 Environmental Philosophy
ARTS2361 Philosophy of Mind and Psychology
ARTS2450 Intermediate Chinese for Non-Background Speakers A
ARTS2452 Chinese English Translation
ARTS2461 Intermediate Chinese for Background Speakers A
ARTS2464 Chinese Ideas of Beauty and Erotica: Ancient to Modern
ARTS2480 Intermediate French A
ARTS2486 The French Speaking World
ARTS2511 Intermediate German B
ARTS2571 Intermediate Spanish B
ARTS2630 Intermediate Japanese A
ARTS2660 Intermediate Korean A
ARTS2694 Phonology: Theory and Description
ARTS2696 The Grammar of English
ARTS2698 Intercultural Interaction
ARTS2785 Europe's Age of Catastrophe, 1914-1945
ARTS2900 Global Feminisms: Competing Visions, Varying Histories
ARTS2908 Premodern Japan: Status, Sex and Power
ARTS3216 Chinese Media and Communication
ARTS3242 Environmental History
ARTS3283 Roman Emperors: From Augustus to Nero
ARTS3292 Migrants and Refugees in Australian History
ARTS3295 Understanding Nazi Germany: Origins, Structures, Explanation
ARTS3368 Modern European Philosophy
ARTS3452 Professional Chinese A
ARTS3455 Contemporary Chinese Literature
ARTS3462 Artistic Representations of China and the Diaspora
ARTS3482 Professional French A
ARTS3632 Professional Japanese A
ARTS3640 Japan and Korea: Cultures in Conflict
ARTS3695 Multilingualism and Language Planning
ARTS4247 Research Skills in the Humanities
ARTS4249 The Humanities, then and now
ARTS5505 Personalised English Language Enhancement
HUMS1005 Personalised English Language Enhancement
HUMS2006 Research Placement, Arts and Social Sciences
HUMS2007 Research Placement II, Arts and Social Sciences
IEST5001 Frameworks of Environmental Relations & Leadership
IEST5007 Political Ecology: Sustainable Development & Justice
IEST5008 Large-scale Conservation in Practice
IEST7001 Engaging Science for Environmental Leadership
IEST8001 Environmental Leadership Practicum I: Project or Internship
IEST8003 Environmental Leadership Practicum II
INST1005 Key Debates in International Studies
INST2003 Research Methods in International Studies
LING5001 Second Language Acquisition
LING5005 The Grammar of English
LING5006 Current Issues in Bilingualism
LING5022 Cross-cultural Pragmatics
LING5026 The Structure of Language
MODL5100 Research and Theories of T&I
MODL5101 Interpreting in Legal Settings
ARTS1240 Environment and Society
ARTS1270 Global History: Exploring the First Globalization, 15th-19th Century
ARTS1271 History of the Present: The World since 1900
ARTS1360 Truth and Human Existence: Introduction to Philosophy
ARTS1450 Introductory Chinese A for Non-Background Students
ARTS1452 Introductory Chinese for Background Speakers A
ARTS1480 Introductory French A
ARTS1510 Introductory German A
ARTS1571 Introductory Spanish B
ARTS1630 Introductory Japanese A
ARTS1660 Introductory Korean A
ARTS1782 Contemporary Europe in Crisis: Power and Culture
ARTS2242 The Politics of Climate Change
ARTS2244 The Animal: Worker, Wild, Extinct ?
ARTS2248 Disasters and Society
ARTS2270 Australia 1788-1900: Invasion to White Australia
ARTS2278 Slavery and its Legacies
ARTS2285 The Holocaust: Origins, Implementation, Aftermath
ARTS2360 Knowledge and Reality
ARTS2362 Alienation and Social Critique
ARTS2457 China Imagined and Perceived
ARTS2481 Intermediate French B
ARTS2485 Exploring French Linguistics
ARTS2486 The French Speaking World
ARTS2511 Intermediate German B
ARTS2633 A Cultural Survey of Japan: From Gods to Gadgets
ARTS2698 Intercultural Interaction
ARTS2785 Europe's Age of Catastrophe, 1914-1945
ARTS2900 Global Feminisms: Competing Visions, Varying Histories
ARTS2904 Dressed to Kill: Dress and Identity in History
ARTS2908 Sex and Power in Early Modern China and Japan
ARTS3220 Architecture and Urbanism in Asia
ARTS3241 Environmental Justice
ARTS3270 Reflecting on Histories and Historians: Capstone
ARTS3290 Visions and Voices of Empire
ARTS3330 Languages Capstone: Translation and Interpreting
ARTS3373 Topics in Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Philosophy of Language
ARTS3377 Advanced Topics in Political Philosophy
ARTS3453 Professional Chinese B
ARTS3463 City and Chinese Culture
ARTS3483 Professional French B
ARTS3490 Advanced French Conversation
ARTS3576 The Making of Modern Spain
ARTS3633 Professional Japanese B
ARTS3638 Learning Japanese through Manga and Anime
ARTS3639 Japan in Popular Culture
ARTS3690 Language Universals and Linguistic Typology
ARTS4249 The Humanities, then and now
ARTS5505 Personalised English Language Enhancement
HUMS1005 Personalised English Language Enhancement
HUMS2006 Research Placement, Arts and Social Sciences
HUMS2007 Research Placement II, Arts and Social Sciences
IEST5003 Addressing Environmental Issues: Pathways to Change-Making
IEST5021 Corporations, Capitalism, & Transforming Environments
IEST2022 Environmental Policy and Participation
IEST6001 Restorative Ecologies: Permaculture Principles & Practice
IEST7001 Engaging Science for Environmental Leadership
IEST7500 Environmental Technologies: Challenges & Opportunities
IEST7600 Indigenous Knowledge Partnerships inConservation & Caring for Country
IEST8001 Environmental Leadership Practicum I: Project or Internship
IEST8001 Environmental Leadership Practicum I: Project or Internship
IEST8003 Environmental Leadership Practicum II: Project or Internship
LING5024 The Sound System of English
LING5029 The Psychology of Language
INST2003 Research Methods in International Studies
LING5024 The Sound System of English
LING5029 The Psychology of Language
MODL5103 Multimedia Translation
MODL5105 Conference Interpreting
MODL5108 Translation Certification Preparation
ARTS1190 - Sydney: History, Landscapes, People
ARTS1211 - Australia's Asian Context
ARTS1241 - Environmental Advocacy and Activism
ARTS1362 - Critical Thinking for Today's World
ARTS1451 - Introductory Chinese B for Non-Background Students
ARTS1453 - Introductory Chinese for Background Speakers B
ARTS1481 - Introductory French B
ARTS1511 - Introductory German B
ARTS1541 - Introductory Greek B
ARTS1631 - Introductory Japanese B
ARTS1661 - Introductory Korean B
ARTS1691, LING5037 - The Use of Language
ARTS1900 - Gendered Worlds: Introduction to Gender Studies
ARTS2150 - A House Divided: The Making of Modern America
ARTS2213 - Asian Popular Culture
ARTS2271 - Inventing Modern Australia: 1900 to Now
ARTS2272 - The European World, 1500-1800
ARTS2362 Alienation and Social Critique
ARTS2383 - Ethics: Theory and Practice
ARTS2451 - Intermediate Chinese for Non-Background Speakers B
ARTS2462 - Intermediate Chinese for Background Speakers B
ARTS2570 - Intermediate Spanish A
ARTS2631 - Intermediate Japanese B
ARTS2661 - Intermediate Korean B
ARTS2690, LING5035 - Semantics and Pragmatics
ARTS2785 - Europe's Age of Catastrophe, 1914-1945
ARTS2906 - History of Sexuality
ARTS3218 - Japanese History: Modern Miracles and Mythologies
ARTS3270 - Reflecting on Histories and Historians: Capstone
ARTS3289 - Documentary Film and History
ARTS3360 - Philosophy Capstone: Examining Pivotal Texts
ARTS3373 - Topics in Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Philosophy of Language
ARTS3378 - Ethics: Advanced Topics
ARTS3454 - Chinese English Interpreting
ARTS3456 - Classical Chinese Literature
ARTS3574 - Discovering the Cinema of the Spanish-Speaking World
ARTS3634 - Contemporary Japanese Literature
ARTS3636 - Contextualising Japanese: Capstone
ARTS3643 - Advanced Writing in Japanese
ARTS3663 - Professional Korean
ARTS3667 - Insights into Korean as a Second Language
ARTS3780 - Contemporary Germany: History, Politics, Society
ARTS3786 - Confronting the Past in Contemporary Europe
ARTS5505 - Personalised English Language Enhancement
HUMS1005 - Personalised English Language Enhancement
IEST5005 - Environmental Communication: Discourse & Ecocultural Meaning Systems
IEST5006 - Rethinking Environment: Sociocultural Theory
IEST5022 - Environmental Participation: Publics & the Power to Change
IEST6912 - Living Cities: Promises & Risks of Urban Environments
IEST7600 Indigenous Knowledge Partnerships in Conservation & Caring for Country
IEST8001 - Environmental Leadership Practicum I: Project or Internship
IEST8003 - Environmental Leadership Practicum II: Project or Internship
INST1006 - The World in Transition
INST3900 - International Studies Advanced Seminar
LING5003 - Language Technology
LING5027 - Research Methods in Linguistics
MODL5100 - Research and Theories of Translation and Interpreting
MODL5102 - Interpreting in Community Settings
MODL5106 - Text Analysis for Translation
MODL5112 - Advanced Translation Technology and Industry Practice
MODL5116 - Advanced Conference Interpreting
MODL5117 - Interpreting in International Settings
- Summer
- Term 1
- Term 2
- Term 3
ARTS1250 Human Geography: Society, Space and Territory
ARTS1271 History of the Present: The World since 1900
ARTS1361 Mind, Ethics, and Freedom: Introduction to Philosophy
ARTS1450 Introductory Chinese A for Non-Background Students
ARTS1452 Introductory Chinese for Background Speakers A
ARTS1570 Introductory Spanish A
ARTS1630 Introductory Japanese A
ARTS1660 Introductory Korean A
ARTS1690 The Structure of Language
ARTS2240 Environment, Sustainability and Development
ARTS2249 Environmental Philosophy
ARTS2361 Philosophy of Mind and Psychology
ARTS2450 Intermediate Chinese for Non-Background Speakers A
ARTS2452 Chinese English Translation
ARTS2461 Intermediate Chinese for Background Speakers A
ARTS2464 Chinese Ideas of Beauty and Erotica: Ancient to Modern
ARTS2480 Intermediate French A
ARTS2486 The French Speaking World
ARTS2511 Intermediate German B
ARTS2571 Intermediate Spanish B
ARTS2630 Intermediate Japanese A
ARTS2660 Intermediate Korean A
ARTS2694 Phonology: Theory and Description
ARTS2696 The Grammar of English
ARTS2698 Intercultural Interaction
ARTS2785 Europe's Age of Catastrophe, 1914-1945
ARTS2900 Global Feminisms: Competing Visions, Varying Histories
ARTS2908 Premodern Japan: Status, Sex and Power
ARTS3216 Chinese Media and Communication
ARTS3242 Environmental History
ARTS3283 Roman Emperors: From Augustus to Nero
ARTS3292 Migrants and Refugees in Australian History
ARTS3295 Understanding Nazi Germany: Origins, Structures, Explanation
ARTS3368 Modern European Philosophy
ARTS3452 Professional Chinese A
ARTS3455 Contemporary Chinese Literature
ARTS3462 Artistic Representations of China and the Diaspora
ARTS3482 Professional French A
ARTS3632 Professional Japanese A
ARTS3640 Japan and Korea: Cultures in Conflict
ARTS3695 Multilingualism and Language Planning
ARTS4247 Research Skills in the Humanities
ARTS4249 The Humanities, then and now
ARTS5505 Personalised English Language Enhancement
HUMS1005 Personalised English Language Enhancement
HUMS2006 Research Placement, Arts and Social Sciences
HUMS2007 Research Placement II, Arts and Social Sciences
IEST5001 Frameworks of Environmental Relations & Leadership
IEST5007 Political Ecology: Sustainable Development & Justice
IEST5008 Large-scale Conservation in Practice
IEST7001 Engaging Science for Environmental Leadership
IEST8001 Environmental Leadership Practicum I: Project or Internship
IEST8003 Environmental Leadership Practicum II
INST1005 Key Debates in International Studies
INST2003 Research Methods in International Studies
LING5001 Second Language Acquisition
LING5005 The Grammar of English
LING5006 Current Issues in Bilingualism
LING5022 Cross-cultural Pragmatics
LING5026 The Structure of Language
MODL5100 Research and Theories of T&I
MODL5101 Interpreting in Legal Settings
ARTS1240 Environment and Society
ARTS1270 Global History: Exploring the First Globalization, 15th-19th Century
ARTS1360 Truth and Human Existence: Introduction to Philosophy
ARTS1450 Introductory Chinese A for Non-Background Students
ARTS1452 Introductory Chinese for Background Speakers A
ARTS1480 Introductory French A
ARTS1510 Introductory German A
ARTS1571 Introductory Spanish B
ARTS1630 Introductory Japanese A
ARTS1660 Introductory Korean A
ARTS1782 Contemporary Europe in Crisis: Power and Culture
ARTS2242 The Politics of Climate Change
ARTS2248 Disasters and Society
ARTS2270 Australia 1788-1900: Invasion to White Australia
ARTS2285 The Holocaust: Origins, Implementation, Aftermath
ARTS2360 Knowledge and Reality
ARTS2362 Alienation and Social Critique
ARTS2457 China Imagined and Perceived
ARTS2481 Intermediate French B
ARTS2485 Exploring French Linguistics
ARTS2633 A Cultural Survey of Japan: From Gods to Gadgets
ARTS2904 Dressed to Kill: Dress and Identity in History
ARTS3220 Architecture and Urbanism in Asia
ARTS3241 Environmental Justice
ARTS3270 Reflecting on Histories and Historians: Capstone
ARTS3290 Visions and Voices of Empire
ARTS3330 Languages Capstone: Translation and Interpreting
ARTS3377 Advanced Topics in Political Philosophy
ARTS3453 Professional Chinese B
ARTS3463 City and Chinese Culture
ARTS3483 Professional French B
ARTS3633 Professional Japanese B
ARTS3638 Learning Japanese through Manga and Anime
ARTS3639 Japan in Popular Culture
ARTS3690 Language Universals and Linguistic Typology
ARTS4249 The Humanities, then and now
ARTS5505 Personalised English Language Enhancement
HUMS1005 Personalised English Language Enhancement
HUMS2006 Research Placement, Arts and Social Sciences
HUMS2007 Research Placement II, Arts and Social Sciences
IEST5003 Addressing Environmental Issues: Pathways to Change-Making
IEST5021 Capitalism & Environments
IEST6001 Restorative Ecologies: Permaculture Principles & Practice
IEST7500 Environmental Technologies: Challenges & Opportunities
IEST7600 Indigenous Knowledge Partnerships inConservation & Caring for Country
IEST8001 Environmental Leadership Practicum I
LING5024 The Sound System of English
LING5029 The Psychology of Language
MODL5103 Multimedia Translation
MODL5105 Conference Interpreting
MODL5108 Translation Certification Preparation
INST1006 - The World in Transition
INST3900 - International Studies Advanced Seminar
ARTS1451 - Introductory Chinese B for Non-Background Students
ARTS1453 - Introductory Chinese for Background Speakers B
ARTS2213 - Asian Popular Culture
ARTS2451 - Intermediate Chinese for Non-Background Speakers B
ARTS2462 - Intermediate Chinese for Background Speakers B
ARTS3454 - Chinese English Interpreting
ARTS3456 - Classical Chinese Literature
ARTS1481 - Introductory French B
ARTS1511 - Introductory German B
ARTS1541 - Introductory Greek B
ARTS2570 - Intermediate Spanish A
ARTS3574 - Topics in Latin American Cinema
ARTS1241 - Environmental Advocacy and Activism
IEST5005 - Environmental Communication: Discourse & Ecocultural Meaning Systems
IEST5006 - Rethinking Environment: Sociocultural Theory
IEST5022 - Environmental Participation: Publics & the Power to Change
IEST6912 - Living Cities: Promises & Risks of Urban Environments
IEST7200 - Demystifying Environmental Law: From Regulation to Rights of Nature
IEST8001 - Environmental Leadership Practicum I: Project or Internship
IEST8003 - Environmental Leadership Practicum II: Project or Internship
ARTS1190 - Sydney: History, Landscapes, People
ARTS1211 - Australia's Asian Context
ARTS1900 - Gendered Worlds: Introduction to Gender Studies
ARTS2150 - The Making of Trump's America
ARTS2271 - Inventing Modern Australia: 1900 to Now
ARTS2272 - The European World, 1500-1800
ARTS2906 - History of Sexuality
ARTS3218 - Japanese History: Modern Miracles and Mythologies
ARTS3270 - Reflecting on Histories and Historians: Capstone
ARTS3289 - Documentary Film and History
ARTS3786 - Confronting the Past in Contemporary Europe
ARTS1631 - Introductory Japanese B
ARTS1661 - Introductory Korean B
ARTS2631 - Intermediate Japanese B
ARTS2661 - Intermediate Korean B
ARTS3634 - Contemporary Japanese Literature
ARTS3636 - Contextualising Japanese: Capstone
ARTS3667 - Insights into Korean as a Second Language
ARTS1691, LING5037 - The Use of Language
ARTS2690, LING5035 - Semantics and Pragmatics
LING5003 - Language Technology
LING5027 - Research Methods in Linguistics
MODL5100 - Research and Theories of Translation and Interpreting
MODL5102 - Interpreting in Community Settings
MODL5106 - Text Analysis for Translation
MODL5112 - Advanced Translation Technology and Industry Practice
MODL5116 - Advanced Conference Interpreting
MODL5117 - Interpreting in International Settings
HUMS1005 - Personalised English Language Enhancement
ARTS5505 - Personalised English Language Enhancement
ARTS1362 - Critical Thinking for Today's World
ARTS2383 - Ethics: Theory and Practice
ARTS3360 - Philosophy Capstone: Examining Pivotal Texts
ARTS3378 - Ethics: Advanced Topics
ARTS3373 - Topics in Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Philosophy of Language
2020 Course outlines
- Summer
- Term 1
- Term 2
- Term 3
ARTS1250 Human Geography: Society, Space and Territory
ARTS1271 History of the Present: The World since 1900
ARTS1361 Mind, Ethics, and Freedom: Introduction to Philosophy
ARTS1450 Introductory Chinese A for Non-Background Students
ARTS1452 Introductory Chinese for Background Speakers A
ARTS1570 Introductory Spanish A
ARTS1630 Introductory Japanese A
ARTS1660 Introductory Korean A
ARTS1690 The Structure of Language
ARTS2211 East Asia
ARTS2240 Environment, Sustainability and Development
ARTS2249 Environmental Philosophy
ARTS2361 Philosophy of Mind and Psychology
ARTS2450 Intermediate Chinese for Non-Background Speakers A
ARTS2452 Chinese English Translation
ARTS2461 Intermediate Chinese for Background Speakers A
ARTS2464 Chinese Ideas of Beauty and Erotica: Ancient to Modern
ARTS2480 Intermediate French A
ARTS2486 The French Speaking World
ARTS2511 Intermediate German B
ARTS2571 Intermediate Spanish B
ARTS2630 Intermediate Japanese A
ARTS2660 Intermediate Korean A
ARTS2694 Phonology: Theory and Description
ARTS2696 The Grammar of English
ARTS2698 Intercultural Interaction
ARTS2785 Europe's Age of Catastrophe, 1914-1945
ARTS2900 Global Feminisms: Competing Visions, Varying Histories
ARTS2908 Premodern Japan: Status, Sex and Power
ARTS3216 Chinese Media and Communication
ARTS3242 Environmental History
ARTS3283 Roman Emperors: From Augustus to Nero
ARTS3292 Migrants and Refugees in Australian History
ARTS3295 Understanding Nazi Germany: Origins, Structures, Explanation
ARTS3368 Modern European Philosophy
ARTS3452 Professional Chinese A
ARTS3455 Contemporary Chinese Literature
ARTS3462 Artistic Representations of China and the Diaspora
ARTS3482 Professional French A
ARTS3632 Professional Japanese A
ARTS3640 Japan and Korea: Cultures in Conflict
ARTS3695 Multilingualism and Language Planning
ARTS4247 Research Skills in the Humanities
ARTS4249 The Humanities, then and now
ARTS5505 Personalised English Language Enhancement
HUMS1005 Personalised English Language Enhancement
HUMS2006 Research Placement, Arts and Social Sciences
HUMS2007 Research Placement II, Arts and Social Sciences
IEST5001 Frameworks of Environmental Relations & Leadership
IEST5007 Political Ecology: Sustainable Development & Justice
IEST5008 Large-scale Conservation in Practice
IEST7001 Engaging Science for Environmental Leadership
IEST8001 Environmental Leadership Practicum I: Project or Internship
IEST8003 Environmental Leadership Practicum II
INST1005 Key Debates in International Studies
INST2003 Research Methods in International Studies
LING5001 Second Language Acquisition
LING5005 The Grammar of English
LING5006 Current Issues in Bilingualism
LING5022 Cross-cultural Pragmatics
LING5026 The Structure of Language
MODL5100 Research and Theories of T&I
MODL5101 Interpreting in Legal Settings
ARTS1250 Human Geography: Society, Space and Territory
ARTS1271 History of the Present: The World since 1900
ARTS1361 Mind, Ethics, and Freedom: Introduction to Philosophy
ARTS1450 Introductory Chinese A for Non-Background Students
ARTS1452 Introductory Chinese for Background Speakers A
ARTS1570 Introductory Spanish A
ARTS1630 Introductory Japanese A
ARTS1660 Introductory Korean A
ARTS1690 The Structure of Language
ARTS2211 East Asia
ARTS2240 Environment, Sustainability and Development
ARTS2249 Environmental Philosophy
ARTS2361 Philosophy of Mind and Psychology
ARTS2450 Intermediate Chinese for Non-Background Speakers A
ARTS2452 Chinese English Translation
ARTS2461 Intermediate Chinese for Background Speakers A
ARTS2464 Chinese Ideas of Beauty and Erotica: Ancient to Modern
ARTS2480 Intermediate French A
ARTS2486 The French Speaking World
ARTS2511 Intermediate German B
ARTS2571 Intermediate Spanish B
ARTS2630 Intermediate Japanese A
ARTS2660 Intermediate Korean A
ARTS2694 Phonology: Theory and Description
ARTS2696 The Grammar of English
ARTS2698 Intercultural Interaction
ARTS2785 Europe's Age of Catastrophe, 1914-1945
ARTS2900 Global Feminisms: Competing Visions, Varying Histories
ARTS2908 Premodern Japan: Status, Sex and Power
ARTS3216 Chinese Media and Communication
ARTS3242 Environmental History
ARTS3283 Roman Emperors: From Augustus to Nero
ARTS3292 Migrants and Refugees in Australian History
ARTS3295 Understanding Nazi Germany: Origins, Structures, Explanation
ARTS3368 Modern European Philosophy
ARTS3452 Professional Chinese A
ARTS3455 Contemporary Chinese Literature
ARTS3462 Artistic Representations of China and the Diaspora
ARTS3482 Professional French A
ARTS3632 Professional Japanese A
ARTS3640 Japan and Korea: Cultures in Conflict
ARTS3695 Multilingualism and Language Planning
ARTS4247 Research Skills in the Humanities
ARTS4249 The Humanities, then and now
ARTS5505 Personalised English Language Enhancement
HUMS1005 Personalised English Language Enhancement
HUMS2006 Research Placement, Arts and Social Sciences
HUMS2007 Research Placement II, Arts and Social Sciences
IEST5001 Frameworks of Environmental Relations & Leadership
IEST5007 Political Ecology: Sustainable Development & Justice
IEST5008 Large-scale Conservation in Practice
IEST7001 Engaging Science for Environmental Leadership
IEST8001 Environmental Leadership Practicum I: Project or Internship
IEST8003 Environmental Leadership Practicum II
INST1005 Key Debates in International Studies
INST2003 Research Methods in International Studies
LING5001 Second Language Acquisition
LING5005 The Grammar of English
LING5006 Current Issues in Bilingualism
LING5022 Cross-cultural Pragmatics
LING5026 The Structure of Language
MODL5100 Research and Theories of T&I
MODL5101 Interpreting in Legal Settings
ARTS1190 Sydney: History, Landscapes, People
ARTS1211 Australia's Asian Context
ARTS1241 Environmental Advocacy and Activism
ARTS1362 Critical Thinking for Today's World
ARTS1451 Introductory Chinese B for Non-Background Students
ARTS1453 Introductory Chinese for Background Speakers B
ARTS1541 Introductory Greek B
ARTS1631 Introductory Japanese B
ARTS1661 Introductory Korean B
ARTS1691 The Use of Language
ARTS1780 Concepts of Europe
ARTS1900 Gendered Worlds: Introduction to Gender Studies
ARTS2150 The Making of Trump's America
ARTS2212 Southeast Asia
ARTS2213 Asian Popular Culture
ARTS2243 Waste and Society
ARTS2244 Rethinking Wildlife: Philosophy, Biodiversity, Extinction
ARTS2272 The European World, 1500-1800
ARTS2360 Knowledge and Reality
ARTS2363 Chinese Philosophy
ARTS2383 Ethics: Theory and Practice
ARTS2451 Intermediate Chinese for Non-Background Speakers B
ARTS2455 Gender in China
ARTS2462 Intermediate Chinese for Background Speakers B
ARTS2480 Intermediate French A
ARTS2485 Exploring French Linguistics
ARTS2510 Intermediate German A
ARTS2570 Intermediate Spanish A
ARTS2631 Intermediate Japanese B
ARTS2661 Intermediate Korean B
ARTS2690 Semantics and Pragmatics
ARTS2906 History of Sexuality
ARTS3212 Contemporary India Through Bollywood: Politics, Society and Culture
ARTS3218 Japanese History: Modern Miracles and Mythologies
ARTS3240 Environmental Humanities Capstone
ARTS3270 Reflecting on Histories and Historians: Capstone
ARTS3289 Documentary Film and History
ARTS3360 Philosophy Capstone: Examining Pivotal Texts
ARTS3366 Contemporary Debates in Moral and Political Philosophy
ARTS3454 Chinese English Interpreting
ARTS3456 Classical Chinese Literature
ARTS3458 Chinese Capstone: Re-Visioning China and Chinese Studies
ARTS3481 Advanced French B
ARTS3510 Advanced German A
ARTS3570 Advanced Spanish A
ARTS3574 Topics in Latin American Cinema
ARTS3631 Advanced Japanese B
ARTS3636 Contextualising Japanese: Capstone
ARTS3643 Advanced Writing in Japanese
ARTS3661 Advanced Korean B
ARTS3665 Korean Interpreting
ARTS3786 Confronting the Past in Contemporary Europe
ARTS3991 Arts and Social Sciences Capstone
ARTS5505 Personalised English Language Enhancement
HUMS1005 Personalised English Language Enhancement
HUMS2006 Research Placement, Arts and Social Sciences
HUMS2007 Research Placement II, Arts and Social Sciences
IEST5003 Addressing Environmental Issues: Pathways to Change-Making
IEST5004 Environmental Management Research Internship
IEST5005 Environmental Communication: Discourse & Ecocultural Meaning Systems
IEST5012 Environmental Management Project Paper
IEST5500 Environmental Participation: Publics & the Power to Change
IEST7200 Demystifying Environmental Law: From Regulation to Rights of Nature
INST1006 The World in Transition
INST3900 International Studies Advanced Seminar
LING5015 Discourse Analysis
LING5024 The Sound System of English
LING5027 Research Methods in Linguistics
LING5035 Semantics and Pragmatics
LING5037 The Use of Language
MODL5100 Research and Theories of Translation and Interpreting
MODL5102 Interpreting in Community Settings
MODL5112 Advanced Translation Technology and Industry Practice
MODL5116 Advanced Conference Interpreting
MODL5117 Interpreting in International Settings
PPEC2001 Politics and the Market
2019 Course outline
- Summer
- Term 1
- Term 2
- Term 3
ARTS1240 - Environment and Society
ARTS1271 - History of the Present: The World since 1900
ARTS1360 - Truth and Human Existence: Introduction to Philosophy
ARTS1450 - Introductory Chinese A for Non-Background Students
ARTS1452 - Introductory Chinese for Background Speakers A
ARTS1480 - Introductory French A
ARTS1510 - Introductory German A
ARTS1570 - Introductory Spanish A
ARTS1630 - Introductory Japanese A
ARTS1660 - Introductory Korean A
ARTS1690 - The Structure of Language
ARTS2210 - Modern India: Violence and Nonviolence in Colonial South Asia, 1750-1947
ARTS2240 - Environment, Sustainability and Development
ARTS2271 - Australia's Longest Century: Sex, Society, Culture and Race Since 1900
ARTS2360 - Knowledge and Reality
ARTS2384 - Political Philosophy
ARTS2450 - Intermediate Chinese for Non-Background Speakers A
ARTS2452 - Chinese English Translation
ARTS2461 - Intermediate Chinese for Background Speakers A
ARTS2464 - Chinese Ideas of Beauty and Erotica: Ancient to Modern
ARTS2480 - Intermediate French A
ARTS2484 - The Lives of the Impressionists and Other Artists
ARTS2570 - Intermediate Spanish A
ARTS2630 - Intermediate Japanese A
ARTS2660 - Intermediate Korean A
ARTS2698 - Intercultural Interaction
ARTS2785 - Europe's Age of Catastrophe, 1914-1945
ARTS2900 - Global Feminisms: Competing Visions, Varying Histories
ARTS2908 - Premodern Japan: Status, Sex and Power
ARTS3217 - History of Modern China: Contested Visions
ARTS3242 - Environmental History
ARTS3243 - Remaking Nature: The Politics of Biotechnology
ARTS3283 - Roman Emperors: From Augustus to Nero
ARTS3292 - Migrants and Refugees in Australian History
ARTS3375 - Modern German Philosophy
ARTS3452 - Professional Chinese A
ARTS3455 - Contemporary Chinese Literature
ARTS3482 - Professional French A
ARTS3486 - Approaches to Spoken French
ARTS3575 - Spanish Popular Culture
ARTS3630 - Advanced Japanese A
ARTS3632 - Professional Japanese A
ARTS3640 - Japan and Korea: Cultures in Conflict
ARTS3695 - Multilingualism and Language Planning
ARTS3900 - Gender and Queer Critiques: Rethinking History and Other Studies
ARTS3991 - Arts and Social Sciences Capstone
ARTS4247 - Research Skills in the Humanities
ARTS4249 - The Humanities, then and now
INST1005 - Key Debates in International Studies
INST2003 - Research Methods in International Studies
LING5001 - Second Language Acquisition
LING5006 - Current Issues in Bilingualism
LING5024 - The Sound System of English
LING5026 - The Structure of Language
MODL5100 - Research and Theories of Translation and Interpreting
MODL5101 - Interpreting in Legal Settings
MODL5104 - Specialised Translation
MODL5106 - Text Analysis for Translation
MODL5107 - Translation Technology
MODL5116 - Advanced Conference Interpreting
ARTS1452 - Introductory Chinese for Background Speakers A
ARTS1510 - Introductory German A
ARTS1570 - Introductory Spanish A
ARTS2450 - Intermediate Chinese for Non-Background Speakers A
ARTS2452 - Chinese English Translation
ARTS2510 - Intermediate German A
ARTS3216 - Chinese Media and Communication
ARTS3780 - Contemporary Germany: History, Politics, Society
IEST5001 - Frameworks for Environmental Management
IEST5003 - Addressing Environmental Issues
IEST5004 - Environmental Management Research Internship
IEST5012 - Environmental Management Project Paper
IEST7100 - Environmental Management: Economics Fundamentals
IEST7400 - Environmental Management: Social Science Fundamentals
IEST8025 - Major Research Project
ARTS1270 - Global History: Exploring the First Globalization, 15th-19th Century
ARTS1361 - Mind, Ethics, and Freedom: Introduction to Philosophy (1B)
ARTS1481 - Introductory French B
ARTS1511 - Introductory German B
ARTS1540 - Introductory Greek A
ARTS1571 - Introductory Spanish B
ARTS1620 - Introductory Italian A
ARTS1630 - Introductory Japanese A
ARTS1782 - Contemporary Europe in Crisis: Power and Culture
ARTS2242 - The Politics of Climate Change
ARTS2248 - Disasters and Society
ARTS2270 - Australia 1788-1900: Invasion to White Australia
ARTS2285 - The Holocaust: Origins, Implementation, Aftermath
ARTS2362 - Alienation and Social Critique
ARTS2375 - Philosophical Logic
ARTS2457 - China Imagined and Perceived
ARTS2663 - Korea and Japan: Chinese Cultural Transmission
ARTS2694 - Phonology: Theory and Description
ARTS2696 - Contemporary English Grammar
ARTS2750 - Modern Latin America: Dependency and Development
ARTS2904 - Dressed to Kill: Dress and Identity in History
ARTS3220 - Asian Cities: Studies in History, Culture and Trade
ARTS3241 - Environmental Justice
ARTS3270 - Reflecting on Histories and Historians: Capstone
ARTS3290 - Empires in World History
ARTS3330 - Languages Capstone: Translation and Interpreting
ARTS3366 - Advanced Moral Theory
ARTS3453 - Professional Chinese B
ARTS3484 - On Love and Friendship in French Texts and Films
ARTS3631 - Advanced Japanese B
ARTS3633 - Professional Japanese B
ARTS3638 - Learning Japanese through Manga and Anime
ARTS3639 - Japan in Popular Culture
ARTS3667 - Teaching Korean as a Foreign Language
ARTS3690 - Language Universals and Linguistic Typology
ARTS5505 - Personalised English Language Enhancement
HUMS1005 - Personalised English Language Enhancement
IEST5002 - Tools for Environmental Management
IEST5004 - Environmental Management Research Internship
IEST5007 - Environment and Development
IEST5012 - Research Project Part B
IEST5021 - Corporale Environmental Sustainability Reporting
IEST6001 - Field Ecology for Environment Management
IEST7500 - Environmental Management: Engineering Fundamentals
IEST8025 - Major Research Project
LING5005 - The Grammar of English
LING5022 - Cross-cultural Pragmatics
LING5029 - Psycholinguistic Inquiry
LING5031 - Issues in Second Language Acquisition
MODL5103 - Multimedia Translation
MODL5105 - Conference Interpreting
MODL5108 - Preparation for Accreditation in Translation
ARTS1190 - Sydney: History, Landscapes, People
ARTS1211 - Australia's Asian Context
ARTS1241 - Environmental Advocacy and Activism
ARTS1362 - Critical Thinking for Today's World
ARTS1451 - Introductory Chinese B for Non-Background Students
ARTS1453 - Introductory Chinese for Background Speakers B
ARTS1541 - Introductory Greek B
ARTS1621 - Introductory Italian B
ARTS1631 - Introductory Japanese B
ARTS1661 - Introductory Korean B
ARTS1691/LING5037 - The Use of Language
ARTS1900 - Gendered Worlds: Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies
ARTS2150 - The Making of Trump's America
ARTS2213 - Asian Popular Culture
ARTS2244 - Rethinking Wildlife: Philosophy, Biodiversity, Extinction
ARTS2272 - The European World, 1500-1800
ARTS2383 - Ethics: Theory and Practice
ARTS2451 - Intermediate Chinese for Non-Background Speakers B
ARTS2462 - Intermediate Chinese for Background Speakers B
ARTS2480 - Intermediate French A
ARTS2481 - Intermediate French B
ARTS2485 - Exploring French Linguistics
ARTS2486 - The French Speaking World
ARTS2510 - Intermediate German A
ARTS2511 - Intermediate German B
ARTS2570 - Intermediate Spanish A
ARTS2571 - Intermediate Spanish B
ARTS2631 - Intermediate Japanese B
ARTS2661 - Intermediate Korean B
ARTS2690/LING5035 - Semantics and Pragmatics
ARTS2906 - History of Sexuality
ARTS3212 - Contemporary India Through Bollywood: Politics, Society and Culture
ARTS3218 - Japanese History: Modern Miracles and Mythologies
ARTS3240 - Environmental Humanities Capstone
ARTS3270 - Reflecting on Histories and Historians: Capstone
ARTS3289 - Documentary Film and History
ARTS3295 - Understanding Nazi Germany: Origins, Structures, Explanation
ARTS3360 - Philosophy Capstone: Examining Pivotal Texts
ARTS3370 - Topics in the Philosophy of Mind and Psychology
ARTS3454 - Chinese English Interpreting
ARTS3456 - Classical Chinese Literature
ARTS3458 - Chinese Capstone: Re-Visioning China and Chinese Studies
ARTS3483 - Professional French B
ARTS3574 - Topics in Latin American Cinema
ARTS3634 - Contemporary Japanese Literature
ARTS3636 - Contextualising Japanese: Capstone
ARTS3786 - Confronting the Past in Contemporary Europe
ARTS5505 - Personalised English Language Enhancement
HUMS1005 - Personalised English Language Enhancement
IEST5001 - Frameworks for Environmental Management
IEST5003 - Addressing Environmental Issues
IEST5004 - Environmental Management Research Internship
IEST5005 - Environmental Communication
IEST5012 - Research Project Part B
IEST5500 - Understanding Environmental Policy
IEST7200 - Environmental Managements: Law Fundamentals
IEST7300 - Environmental Management: Physical Science Fundamentals
IEST8025 - Major Research Project
INST1006 - The World in Transition
INST3900 - International Studies Advanced Seminar
LING5027 - Research Methods in Applied Linguistics
LING5037 - The Use of Language
MODL5102 - Interpreting in Community Settings
MODL5106 - Text Analysis for Translation
MODL5112 - Translation and Interpreting Practicum B
2018 Course outlines
- Summer
- Semester 1
- Semester 2
ARTS1240 - Environment and Society
ARTS1270 - Global History: Exploring the First Globalisation, 15th - 19th Century
ARTS1360 - Introducing Moral, Social and Political Philosophy
ARTS1450 - Introductory Chinese for Non-Background Speakers A
ARTS1452 - Introductory Chinese for Background Speakers A
ARTS1480 - Introductory French A
ARTS1510 - Introductory German A
ARTS1540 - Introductory Greek A
ARTS1570 - Introductory Spanish A
ARTS1620 - Introductory Italian A
ARTS1630 - Introductory Japanese A
ARTS1660 - Introductory Korean
ARTS1690 - The Structure of Language
ARTS2210 - Modern India: Violence and Nonviolence in Colonial South Asia, 1750-1947
ARTS2240 - Environment, Sustainability and Development
ARTS2270 - Australia 1788-1900: Invasion to White Australia
ARTS2272 - The European World, 1500-1800
ARTS2375 - Philosophical Logic
ARTS2382 - Philosophy of Religion: Defenders and Critics
ARTS2384 - Political Philosophy
ARTS2450 - Intermediate Chinese for Non-Background Speakers A
ARTS2452 - Chinese English Translation
ARTS2461 - Intermediate Chinese for Background Speakers A
ARTS2464 - Chinese Ideas of Beauty and Erotica: Ancient to Modern
ARTS2480 - Intermediate French A
ARTS2482 - French Cinema and Society
ARTS2510 - Intermediate German A
ARTS2570 - Intermediate Spanish A
ARTS2630 - Intermediate Japanese A
ARTS2660 - Intermediate Korean A
ARTS2690 - Semantics and Pragmatics
ARTS2698 - Intercultural Interaction
ARTS2785 - Europe's Age of Catastrophe, 1914-1945
ARTS2906 - History of Sexuality
ARTS2908 - Premodern Japan: Status, Sex and Power
ARTS3217 - History of Modern China: Contested Visions
ARTS3220 - Asian Cities: Studies in History, Culture and Trade
ARTS3242 - Environmental History
ARTS3270 - Reflecting on Histories and Historians: Capstone
ARTS3330 - Languages Capstone: Translation and Interpreting
ARTS3368 - Identity, Recognition and Power
ARTS3370 - Tipics in the Philosophy of Mind and Psychology
ARTS3452 - Professional Chinese A
ARTS3455 - Contemporary Chinese Literature
ARTS3482 - Professional French A
ARTS3488 - French Discourse Studies
ARTS3575 - Spanish Popular Culture
ARTS3630 - Advanced Japanese A
ARTS3632 - Professional Japanese A
ARTS3640 - Japan and Korea: Cultures in Conflict
ARTS3641 - Commercial Japanese
ARTS3695 - Multilingualism and Language Planning
ARTS3780 - Contemporary Germany: History, Politics, Society
ARTS3991 - Arts and Social Sciences Capstone
ARTS4247 - Research Skills in the Humanities
ARTS4248 - The Humanities, Then and Now
ARTS5505 - Personalised English Language Enhancement
HUMS1005 - Personalised English Language Enhancement
IEST5001 - Frameworks for Environmental Management
IEST5002 - Tools for Environmental Management
IEST5007 - Environment and Development
INST1005 - Key Debates in International Studies
INST2003 - Research Methods in International Studies
LING5001 - Second Language Acquisition
LING5006 - Current Issues in Bilingualism
LING5022 - Cross-Cultural Pragmatics
LING5024 - Linguistics of Spoken English
LING5026 - The Structure of Language
LING5035 - Semantics and Pragmatics
MODL5100 - Research and Theories of Translation and Interpreting
MODL5101 - Interpreting in Legal Settings
MODL5103 - Multimedia Translation
MODL5107 - Translation Technology
MODL5108 - Preparation for Accreditation in Translation
MODL5111 - Translation and Interpreting Practicum A
ARTS1211 - Australia's Asian Context
ARTS1241 - Environmental Advocacy and Activism
ARTS1271 - History of the Present
ARTS1361 - Philosophy, Knowledge, Reality
ARTS1362 - Critical Thinking for Today's World
ARTS1451 - Introductory Chinese B for Non-Background Students
ARTS1453 - Introductory Chinese for Background Speakers B
ARTS1481 - Introductory French B
ARTS1511 - Introductory German B
ARTS1541 - Introductory Greek B
ARTS1571 - Introductory Spanish B
ARTS1621 - Introductory Italian B
ARTS1631 - Introductory Japanese B
ARTS1661 - Introductory Korean B
ARTS1691 - The Use of Language
ARTS1782 - Contemporary Europe in Crisis: Power and Culture
ARTS1900 - Gendered Worlds: Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies
ARTS2213 - Asian Popular Culture
ARTS2242 - The Politics of Climate Change
ARTS2244 - Rethinking Wildlife
ARTS2248 - Disasters and Society
ARTS2271 - Australia's Longest Century
ARTS2362 - Alienation and Social Critique
ARTS2363 - Chinese Philosophy
ARTS2383 - Ethics: Theory and Practice
ARTS2388 - Philosophy of Science
ARTS2451 - Intermediate Chinese for Non-Background Speakers B
ARTS2457 - China Imagined ane Perceived
ARTS2462 - Intermediate Chinese for Background Speakers B
ARTS2481 - Intermediate French B
ARTS2487 - French Popular Culture
ARTS2511 - Intermediate German B
ARTS2571 - Intermediate Spanish B
ARTS2631 - Intermediate Japanese B
ARTS2661 - Intermediate Korean B
ARTS2696 - Contemporary English Grammar
ARTS2750 - Modern Latin America
CRIM2041 - Crime and Punishment in Historical Perspective
ARTS3216 - Chinese Media and Communication
ARTS3218 - Japanese History: Modern Miracles and Mythologies
ARTS3240 - Environmental Humanities Capstone
ARTS3243 - Remaking Nature: The Politics of Biotechnology
ARTS3270 - Reflecting on Histories and Historians: Capstone
ARTS3283 - Roman Emperors: From Augustus to Nero
ARTS3290 - Empires in World History
ARTS3292 - Migrants and Refugees in Australian History
ARTS3295 - Understanding Nazi Germany: Origins, Structures, Explanation
ARTS3360 - Philosophy Capstone: Examining Pivotal Texts
ARTS3373 - Topics in Analytic Philosophy
ARTS3375 - Modern German Philosophy
ARTS3453 - Professional Chinese B
ARTS3454 - Chinese English Interpreting
ARTS3456 - Classical Chinese Literature
ARTS3458 - Chinese Capstone: Re-Visioning China and Chinese Studies
ARTS3483 - Professional French B
ARTS3487 - Key French Texts
ARTS3574 - Topics in Latin American Cinema
ARTS3631 - Advanced Japanese B
ARTS3633 - Professional Chinese B
ARTS3636 - Contextualising Japanese: Capstone
ARTS3639 - Japan in Popular Culture
ARTS3643 - Advanced Writing in Japanese
ARTS3665 - Korean Interpreting
ARTS3690 - Language Universals and Linguistic Typology
ARTS3786 - Confronting the Past in Contemporary Europe
ARTS3900 - Gender and Queer Critiques: Rethinking History and Other Studies
ARTS3991 - Arts and Social Sciences Capstone
ARTS5505 - Personalised English Language Enhancement
HUMS1005 - Personalised English Language Enhancement
IEST5003 Addressing Environmental Issues
IEST5005 Environmental Communication
IEST5021 Corporate Environmental Sustainability Reporting
IEST5500 Understanding Environmental Policy
IEST6909 Environmental Management Systems
IEST7300 Environmental Management: Physical Science Fundamentals
IEST7400 Environmental Management: Social Science Fundamentals
INST1006 The World in Transition
INST3900 - International Studies Advanced Seminar
LING5005 - The Grammar of English
LING5027 - Research Methods in Applied Linguistics
LING5029 - Psycholinguistics Inquiry
LING5031 - Issues in Second Language Acquisition
LING5037 - The Use of Language
MODL5100 - Research and Theories of Translation and Interpreting
MODL5102 - Interpreting in Community Settings
MODL5104 - Specialised Translation
MODL5105 - Conference Interpreting
MODL5106 - Text Analysis for Translation
MODL5108 - Preparation for Accreditation in Translation
MODL5111 - Translation and Interpreting Practicum A
MODL5112 - Translation and Interpreting Practicum B