The Simpson Centre for Health Services Research focuses on challenging the current way that healthcare is delivered by working closely with clinicians, administrators, policy makers, researchers, and consumers.
Our goals
The Simpson Centre works closely with clinician researchers and the community to develop, implement and evaluate innovative ways to deliver health services. Our research informs key stakeholders and policy makers about more efficient and safer ways of enhancing healthcare practices.
Research Strengths
Develop, implement and evaluate new and innovative ways of providing health services.
Collaborate with clinicians who directly deliver healthcare.
Facilitate genuine and sustainable change in partnership with researchers and clinicians. Address problems with practical solutions to deliver better and safer patient care.
Assist clinicians/patients from the ground up to implement change at the clinician/patient interface while moving to scale across states, health districts, and countries.
Our results
Developed new ways of delivering elective surgery (Day of Surgery Admission) now adopted in most hospitals around the world.
Developed clinician led, hospital wide delivery of central line service which is world best practice.
Developed Rapid Response System or Medical Emergency Team to detect and respond to deteriorating patients in acute hospitals. Now implemented internationally.
Developed a system for identifying and responding to elderly frail people in the last year of life.