The St Vincent’s Healthcare Clinical Campus in Darlinghurst encompasses the clinical facilities of St Vincent’s Hospital, St Vincent’s Private Hospital, St Vincent’s Clinic and its co-located medical research institutes and facilities. These include the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute and St Vincent’s Centre for Applied Medical Research. The campus allows students and staff to thrive in an atmosphere of dedication and excellence with state-of-the-art clinical skills, information and computing resources on site.
The campus has pioneered insights into some of the most widespread diseases affecting our community today. Together, we are committed to excellence in biomedical research, disseminating the results of our research widely to the medical and scientific community and the public. We provide the highest standards of diagnostic service and patient care.
The St Vincent’s Healthcare Clinical Campus has had medical students affiliated with UNSW since 1968, with a distinguished history of undergraduate medical student and postgraduate education, service and research for over five decades.
Campus leaders
Our association with the staff of St Vincent’s Hospital and its co-located research institutes and facilities allows students and staff to thrive in an atmosphere of dedication and excellence. State-of-the-art clinical skills, information and computing resources are available on site.
The Clinical School Campus is located on level 5 of the De Lacy building of the hospital. De Lacy Level 5 has several tutorial rooms where many in-person classes will be held.
Key locations
The main wards can be found on levels 7-10 and each level has North and South (e.g. 7 South, 10 North)
Level 2: Clinical Pharmacology, Inpatient Pharmacy, Mortuary, Nuclear Medicine, Medical Records (Health Information Services), Gastroenterology, Cardiac Imaging
Level 3 (street level): ED – public and ambulance entrance from Victoria St, Radiology, Outpatients, SydPath collection centre, Outpatient Pharmacy
Level 4: Dialysis/renal, Dentistry, IBAC, Heart & Lung Clinic, Anaesthetics; continues around to the O’Brien Centre which includes Drug & Alcohol, Psychiatry
Level 5: theatres, ICU, cath lab
Level 6: SydPath (reception, micro, AP etc.)
CCU: on 10 North
Sacred Heart (across Victoria St): Rehabilitation, Palliative Care, Radiation oncology
MRIs: Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute, St Vincent’s Applied Centre for Medical Research.
Click here to view our map to find out where you need to go, where our parking station is located, or to familiarise yourself with our extensive healthcare campus. You can also view our public transport map.
The Undergraduate Medicine Program at UNSW is divided into three phases.
At the School of Clinical Medicine, St Vincent's Healthcare Clinical Campus, Phase 1 students complete six-week terms in clinical studies. In Phase 2, students spend four to six weeks in integrated courses and in Phase 3, students will complete eight-week terms within the disciplines Medicine, Surgery and Critical Care.
As one of the world's top 50 medical faculties, UNSW Medicine & Health connects students, renowned clinicians, world-class teaching staff and pioneering researchers to deliver results with real-world impact.
Whether you're looking to pursue a career in medicine, exercise physiology, physiotherapy, pharmacy, dietetics & food innovation, international public health, vision science or clinical optometry, our undergraduate degrees will prepare you to lead the future of healthcare. Make a difference as you apply your skills to real patients and global health problems. Join a community that's taking on the world's most complex health challenges to improve life for all.
For further information please refer to:
Student dates
Phase 3 Clinical – September
Phase 3 Oral – September
Phase 3 Portfolio – September
Phase 1 OSCE – November
Phase 2 ICE – November
The School of Clinical of Medicine, St Vincent's Healthcare Clinical Campus, is one of the largest schools within the UNSW School of Medicine offering training in medical research. Prospective candidates can pursue either a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Master of Medicine or Surgery (MSc) in a wide range of research areas and clinical disciplines.
Our research is driven by active and dynamic collaborations with the clinicians and scientists of the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute (VCCRI), the Kinghorn Cancer Centre and St Vincent’s Centre for Applied Medical Research (AMR). With over 200 affiliated conjoint staff and academics involved in research, our focus is to foster interdisciplinary projects and translation research with world-leading health impacts while also providing exciting collaborative opportunities for our student researchers.
Research Programs
School Structure & Key Contacts:At SVHCC, we are responsible for the administration of the majority of UNSW HDR students based at the Garvan, VCCRI and the AMR.
- A/Prof Mark Danta – SVHCC Postgraduate Coordinator (PGC)
- Prof Boris Martinac – VCCRI PGC
- Dr Tracy Anderson – Garvan PGC
- Anna Ma – SVHCC HDR Administrator
View their contact details.
HDR Resources & Support
HDR Extend Your Career is a must-visit site with great resources for each phase of your research program. For first years this includes; what to expect of your first Research Progress Review (and PhD confirmation), how to plan/write literature review, refining your Research Proposal, etc.
Garvan Institute of Medical Research
The Garvan Institute of Medical Research has made significant breakthroughs in the understanding and treatment of disease. We are leaders in genomic and personalised medicine, use cutting-edge tech...
Medicine: Surgery:
Research program application requirements
The minimum entry requirements for Research study at UNSW, including PhD, Masters by Research, and Masters of Philosophy, are available online through the UNSW Research website. In addition to University requirements, applicants to UNSW Medicine Higher Degree Research programs must also meet faculty's eligibility requirements, available on the UNSW Medicine & Health website.
All applicants, domestic and international, must meet the UNSW English language entry requirements before they can be offered admission.
You may also find it helpful to use the UNSW HDR Self-Assessment Tool in order to determine your eligibility for admission and scholarship.
Preparing your application
All applications for Higher Degree Research programs is administered by the UNSW Graduate Research School, and their website is a great resource to assist in your research application preparations.
It is highly recommended that you have established contact with an affiliated SVCS supervisor before submitting an application. To search for a supervisor or project that best align with your research interest, please see UNSW Find a Researcher page.
Applications for PhDs and Masters by Research must be submitted online via UNSW Apply Online. Supporting documentation including transcripts, research proposals and proof of contact with your potential supervisor should be submitted at the same time through the online application portal.
Key Dates
UNSW introduced a new HDR Academic Calendar, please note that there are now three main enrolment intakes.
If you are applying for a UNSW Research Scholarship, please note that there are three rounds throughout the year, open to both International and Domestic candidates. Please ensure that in your admission application you select the scholarship round which aligns with the term you wish to start your research degree. Find out more information regarding UNSW Research Scholarship Rounds and deadlines.
Mandatory Training
Mandatory ICH-GCP Certification – All students who are undertaking research on the St Vincent’s Healthcare Clinical Campus (incl. Garvan, VCCRI, AMR) must provide evidence of their ICH-GCP Certification. Could you please email a copy of the certificate back to this email address? If you have not already undertaken this training please see: ICH-GCP course
Compulsory HDR Training Modules - All research candidates are required to complete the Research Integrity Module and the Research Data Management Training Module (RDMT) within their first term of enrolment. Module information and log-in details will be sent to your UNSW email in the coming weeks.
St Vincent’s Clinical Campus takes pride in recognising and celebrating outstanding student & Academic achievements and contributions to the field.
Tutors of the Year Awards
- JMO Tutor of the Year:
- RMO Tutor of the Year:
- Registrar Tutor of the Year:
- Consultant Tutor of the Year (SVH):
- Consultant Tutor of the Year (SVPH/SVC):
Undergraduate Student Awards
- St Vincent’s Clinical School Prize:
- Doug Tracy Prize for Surgery:
- John Hickie Prize for Medicine:
- ILP/Honours Grand Rounds Presentation Prize:
- ILP/Honours Project Prize:
- Student Researcher of the Year Award:
- Phase 3 Elective Term: Big Picture Competition
- Higher Degree Research Student Award – HDR Thesis Award
- Publication of the Year
- Quarterly Publications (Jan-March, April-June, July-Sept, Oct-Dec)
Teaching Recognition Award – Monthly
Each month we highlight exceptional teaching Conjoint staff members in our School. The Clinical School would not function without the generous assistance and support of our exceptional Conjoint staff, who make an outstanding contribution to teaching, by taking a group of students on a bedside, offering procedural skills sessions, marking assignments, stepping in at the last minute to help out etc. There are many talented, inspiring and dedicated doctors and professionals who positively impact student’s learning despite their busy work schedule.
UNSW Medical Society - MedSoc
MedSoc is the peak representative body for Medical Students at UNSW, we aim to advocate for our students, create fulfilling and enriching experiences and ultimately form a close and supportive community across our six years and six campuses. Our 200+ yearly events and initiatives enrich the lives of all our students both creatively and academically.
Learn more about our 2024 team.
St Vincent’s representatives:
- Kirsty Brodbeck – Third year
- Anna Maxwell – Fifth year
- Angus Hall – ILP representative
- Mevni Fonseka – Honours representative
- Chistopher Cunio – Sixth year
Health & Wellbeing Ambassadors | UNSW Current Students
UNSW Health & Wellbeing Ambassadors
Health and Wellbeing Ambassadors (HWA) are students who are passionate about health and wellbeing. Working in partnership with the UNSW Health Promotion Unit they make a difference to the health and wellbeing of UNSW students through peer education, peer outreach, health promotions campaigns and communications and advocating for changes to the university environment.
Faculty of Medicine and Health HWAs Health & Wellbeing Ambassadors
- The HWAs are a team of HDR students from the Faculty of Medicine & Health who have been trained as Mental Health First Aid officers.
- We are here to provide confidential peer support for HDR candidates who have concerns about their mental health or general wellbeing, or that of other candidates.
- There are HWAs from every school and institute across the faculty.
- We will be hosting events and sharing content for health and wellbeing awareness, and to build the Medicine and Health HDR community.
You can contact the School’s HWAs below or email us at HDRMedHWA@unsw.edu.au.
Remember, we provide confidential support from one HDR to another.
Marcel Schulz
St Vincent's Hospital
Email: m.schulz@unsw.edu.auJemma Rezitis
Garvan Institute of Medical Research
Email: j.rezitis@unsw.edu.auAllegra Freelander
Garvan Institute of Medical Research
Email: a.freelander@unsw.edu.au