3rd Annual MHELANZ Pre-Congress Meeting

Mental Health Education Leads of Australia and New Zealand

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View of ANU School of Medicine, Canberra

MHELANZ is delighted to invite you to our 3rd annual seminar day. Mental Health educators from Australia and New Zealand will gather in person and online to listen to, engage and network with leaders in mental health education from around the world. We'll work together to enhance the mental health education of our future health practitioners.


Time Activity
9.30am Introduction
10.00am Panel discussion: Strengthening Sibling Relationships with international guest representatives from:
ADSMEP: Association of Directors of Medical Student Education in Psychiatry
COUPE: Canadian Organization Undergraduate Psychiatry Educators  
11.30am Morning tea
11.45am First Nations Mental Health Education Showcase - Visions, Curriculum, Assessment and Delivery.
1.00pm Lunch
1.45pm Curriculum small groups: Meeting Australian and New Zealand community needs.
3.00pm Afternoon tea
3.30pm Curriculum small groups: Drafting an aspirational curriculum in Psychiatry and Mental Health for Australian and New Zealand medical schools.
4.30pm End of day

*Program is tentative and may be subject to change.


Saturday, 18th May
9.30 am - 4.00 pm


ANU School of Medicine, Canberra Hospital Campus, Video Conference Room. 

This is a HYBRID event – here's the Zoom link for those who wish to join online.


Please contact Thu Nguyen for more information.