Seven UNSW Built Environment alumni were recognised at the 2018 NSW Australian Institute of Landscape Architecture (AILA) Awards.

Overall, fifteen projects were acknowledged over 12 categories, at an event where 165 of the industry’s leading professionals gathered to celebrate landscapes of all sizes across the state.

The annual awards program celebrates how landscape architects conceive, reimagine and transform the city, from streetscapes to parks and playgrounds, transport solutions to tourism strategies, new suburbs to new ways of living.

Speaking on the significance of the awards, AILA NSW President Mark Tyrrell said it was validation of the pivotal role landscape architects play in making cities more liveable, green and healthy.

“The entries show how landscape design and planning is the fundamental basis for the liveability of new urban areas and the remaking and re-imagining of existing urban areas,” he said.

“Ranging from broad landscape and urban management frameworks, to research that addresses climate change and better planning process, to exquisite detailed design, the entries are proof of a vital and rigorous profession in NSW.”

Mr Tyrrell said the expertise of landscape architects is being increasingly called upon by policy makers to deliver improved urban-planning outcomes.

“Landscape architects represent a profession increasingly dominating policy debate. “[They] are beginning to lead policy making to deliver exemplary outcomes for our cities, towns, regions and their inhabitants.”

Landscape Architecture alumnus Joshua French was also named a Fellow of AILA at the event.

Mr French, who works as the Director, Parklands Development and Strategy at Western Sydney Parklands, received his Fellowship nomination for his contributions to AILA and the advancement of the landscape architecture profession.

He was hailed for his leadership during his two-year tenure as the NSW Vice President of AILA which saw strong membership growth and industry engagement.

“This Fellowship acknowledges Josh’s leadership in government practice and his contribution to engaging other public sector landscape architects with AILA and the ongoing dialogue and cooperation between landscape architects in both the public and private sectors,” said a spokesman from AILA.

The AILA National Awards will be announced in October. 

The full list of UNSW Built Environment alumni award winners for AILA NSW is detailed below:


Project Name

Entry Practice



Excellence: Matron Ruby Grant Park

Martin Pell

Sprout Landscape Architecture in collaboration with CAB Consulting

The Council of the City of Sydney


Excellence: Bungarribee at Doonside, Western Sydney Parklands Trust

Anton James, Ingrid Mather and James Delaney


Joshua French, Western Sydney Parklands Trust


Excellence: The Ian Potter Children's Wild Play Garden at Centennial Parklands

Thea Harris

ASPECT Studios

Denise Ora / Botanic Gardens & Centennial Parklands


Excellence: Coal Loader Platform 

David Banbury

North Sydney Council

North Sydney Council


Excellence: Cape Byron Visitor Master Plan

Darren Mansfield

CONTEXT Landscape Design

NSW National Parks and Wildlife Services


Excellence: Greener Places

Barbara Schaffer

Government Architect NSW (GANSW)

NSW Department of Planning & Environment


The Bachelor of Landscape Architecture (Honours) teaches students to design and protect inspiring and resilient landscapes. Find out more about the course here.