The world of IT has changed dramatically in recent years and cyber security has become one of the fastest growing sectors in the world.

For IT professional Andrew Lynes, a cyber security degree was a logical step in his career.

“I’ve been in the IT industry for many years and was looking for a way to pivot my career towards cyber security,” Andrew said.

“This degree gave me exposure to various aspects of cyber security independently of the distractions of my day job.”

Andrew will graduate this week as a Master of Cyber Security.

His study comprised a combination of intensive delivery on campus and online study.

For intensive delivery, students attended classes for a week to work through course notes, labs and tutorials with the lecturer. For the remainder of the semester, work was completed online.

He said this approach to study was a very different experience to the bachelor’s degree he completed in the mid-90s.

“The use of e-learning added a completely new dimension,” Andrew said.

“It allowed for much greater flexibility than before, while the intensive delivery weeks helped overcome some of the limitations of purely remote delivery.”

Andrew said a number of the courses were taught by industry professionals.

“The insights they brought into the classroom were invaluable as I considered my future as a cyber security professional,” he said.

Andrew has already transitioned into a new role with his current employer to focus on cyber security.

“The degree not only allowed me to build on my knowledge, but it also demonstrated to my employer of my commitment to cyber,” he said.

Andrew said the degree has given him a solid foundation in the cyber security and he continues to learn as much as he can from the cyber professionals he works with.

“Looking forward, I see myself consulting with small and large organisations to help them proactively protect themselves from the threats of cyberspace.”


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