Mark Wright - Head of Sport and Local Community

Mark has selected an absolute classic of the genre, 1981's brilliant Chariots of Fire, the story of two men competing for gold in the 1924 Olympics.

"It's a universal story about two strong-willed characters, overcoming adversity and prejudice through persistence, skill, determination, and a good British stiff upper lip! Plus the brilliant score by Jon Anderson's mate "Vangelis". Its a movie that retains more power today than it even did in 1981."

Honourable mentions: Ali, The Damned United

Roger Carter - Sport Development Manager

Roger has gone with a more recent option, the powerful film 42 from 2013 that tells the story of the first African-American player to play in the modern era of the Major League Baseball.

"A great film regarding baseball and racism. On 15 April every year in the Major League Baseball, every single player on every single team all wear the number 42 on their jersey in respect to Jackie Robinson, the first black major league baseball player of the modern era in 1947. His debut with the Brookyln Dodgers ended approximately 80 years of baseball segregation."

Honourable mentions: Coach Carter, Rocky

Helen Bryson - Elite Athlete Program Manager

Helen has selected the brilliant English comedy, Bend it Like Beckham, from 2002. This movie tells the story of a young woman trying to live between two worlds - as the loving daughter in a traditional Indian family and a rising star on the women's football scene.

"Who can resist a bit of comedy, romance, sport and social commentary all rolled in to one feel good inspirational movie that also finishes off with a guest appearance by David Beckham himself. Great cast, easy to watch and a very relatable storyline for many women and girls in sport."

Honourable mentions: Blindside, A League of Their Own

David 'Maxi' Maxwell - Sport and Local Community Engagement Officer

Maxi has chosen Without Limits, the 1998 movie that tells the story of one of the world's most iconic runners, Steve Prefontaine.

"The life of renowned runner Steve Prefontaine and his relationship with legendary coach Bill Bowerman. Better known as Pre, his running philosophy is best summed up by, “I don’t want to win unless I know I’ve done my best. And the only way I know to do that is to run out front, flat out till I have nothing left”. The movie also addresses the terrorist attacks at the 1972 Munich Olympics, the amateur movement at the Olympics and the origins of Nike through the shoes that Bill Bowerman would custom make for his athletes using a waffle iron."

Megan Maurice - Sports Media and Communications Officer

Megan has gone for a seminal women's sport movie (of course) in the 1992 story of the All American Girls Professional Baseball League.

"I spent so many nights as a kid watching this movie whenever it got a run on TV, which was fortunately very often. Seeing the women overcome all the barriers in front of them and slowly winning over the crowds, while dealing with their own problems off the field was fascinating to watch. I loved the rivalry between Dottie and Kit and the transformation of Jimmy as the team's coach. It will always hold a very special place in my heart."

Honourable mentions: She's the Man, Stick It, Bend it Like Beckham