Experts from government, industry, health and education sectors spoke about the development, clinical validation and funding models needed to bring medical technologies to the clinic in order to improve health across the community.
Deputy Principal of the UNSW Medicine Cancer Theme and workshop convenor, A/Prof Phoebe Phillips explained,
“The best chance for commercialisation of your medical technology is starting with a clinical problem, strategically select the best interdisciplinary team, have an intellectual property plan, ensure there is a market for your technology and integrate a regulatory approval strategy throughout pipeline,” she said.
“I was motivated by the willingness of the MedTech industry and entrepreneurs to share their expertise and advice freely with academics. I look forward to building these relationships to support academics and increase partnerships with industry to foster translation.”
Read the workshop program or watch the four workshop sessions for more tips:
The workshop was sponsored by UNSW Medicine and two clinical academic groups (CAGs) from the Maridulu Budyari Gumal (SPHERE) network, the Triple I CAG and Cancer CAG. It was facilitated by Professor Joanne Tipper from UTS.