Micro-flight team hits new heights
A team of micro-choppers and self-guiding robot ground vehicles from UNSW Engineering has made a big impression at an international competition.
A team of micro-choppers and self-guiding robot ground vehicles from UNSW Engineering has made a big impression at an international competition.
The School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering's MAVSTAR unmanned air and ground micro-vehicle team has proven itself to be a world-class outfit by securing a major award - and a chance of research funding from the US Army - against tough international competition.
MAVSTAR (for Micro Aerial Vehicles for Search, Tracking and Reconnaissance) - a team of staff, postgraduate and undergraduate students - took part in MAV08, the first US-Asian Demonstration and Assessment of Micro-Aerial and Unmanned Ground Vehicle Technology, in Agra, India, earlier this year.
The UNSW team was one of only 12 teams shortlisted for participation in this international event and the only team invited from Australia. MAVSTAR took out the competition award for Best Unmanned Ground Vehicle Performance - and with it the opportunity to submit a research grant proposal to the US Army.
For more on this story visit the Faculty of Engineering news page
Media Contact: Peter Trute | 02 9385 1933 | 0410 271 826 | p.trute@unsw.edu.au