UNSW experts available for commentary and analysis on the US election
UNSW experts available for commentary and analysis on the US election
UNSW experts available for commentary and analysis on the US election
Gender, race and electoral fraud:
Dr Helen Pringle, Senior Lecturer in the School of Social Sciences and International Studies Contact: 9385 2346 or 0458 513 789 Subject areas: race, gender, electoral fraud, Congressional elections and Supreme Court nominations and issues.
Associate Professor Elaine Thompson teaches at UNSW through Michigan State summer school Contact: 0410 654 443 Subject areas: US domestic politics, elections, presidency and congress, race and gender as they impact on elections
Historical significance:
Professor Robin Archer, Director of the postgraduate program in political sociology at the London School of Economics and Political Science (Currently in Sydney, giving a series of guest lectures at UNSW) Contact: r.archer@lse.ac.uk or 9416 3788 Subject area: Viewing the US election in a longer historical context
Australia-US relations:
Dr Mark Rolfe, School of Social Sciences and International Studies Contact: 9385 2370, 0419 146 032 Subject areas: Propaganda, political leadership, Americanisation, Australian politics
International Relations and the Middle East:
Dr Anthony Billingsley, School of Social Sciences and International Studies Contact: 9385 3619 and 0407 250 308 Subject areas: Middle East; US foreign policy; international law.
International Finance and Regulation:
Professor Ross Buckley, Faculty of Law Contact: 0413 455 044 Subject areas: International Financial System
Climate change: Dr Ben McNeil, Senior Research Fellow, Climate Change Research Centre Contact: 0401 336 857 Subject areas: Policy implications of climate change and energy policy
Contact: Susi Hamilton | 9385 1583 | 0422 934 024 | susi.hamilton@unsw.edu.au