Gender, race and electoral fraud:

Dr Helen Pringle, Senior Lecturer in the School of Social Sciences and International Studies Contact: 9385 2346 or 0458 513 789 Subject areas: race, gender, electoral fraud, Congressional elections and Supreme Court nominations and issues.

Associate Professor Elaine Thompson teaches at UNSW through Michigan State summer school Contact: 0410 654 443 Subject areas: US domestic politics, elections, presidency and congress, race and gender as they impact on elections

Historical significance:

Professor Robin Archer, Director of the postgraduate program in political sociology at the London School of Economics and Political Science (Currently in Sydney, giving a series of guest lectures at UNSW) Contact: or 9416 3788 Subject area: Viewing the US election in a longer historical context

Australia-US relations:

Dr Mark Rolfe, School of Social Sciences and International Studies Contact: 9385 2370, 0419 146 032 Subject areas: Propaganda, political leadership, Americanisation, Australian politics

International Relations and the Middle East:

Dr Anthony Billingsley, School of Social Sciences and International Studies Contact: 9385 3619 and 0407 250 308 Subject areas: Middle East; US foreign policy; international law.

International Finance and Regulation:

Professor Ross Buckley, Faculty of Law Contact: 0413 455 044 Subject areas: International Financial System

Climate change: Dr Ben McNeil, Senior Research Fellow, Climate Change Research Centre Contact: 0401 336 857 Subject areas: Policy implications of climate change and energy policy

Contact: Susi Hamilton | 9385 1583 | 0422 934 024 |