The late mathematician Alan Turing, famous for cracking Nazi codes during WWII, is widely considered to be the father of modern computer science and artificial intelligence.

To celebrate the 100th anniversary year of his birth, UNSW’s School of Computer Science and Engineering will host a lecture delivered by one of today’s leading international authorities on computer science, Professor Christos H. Papadimitriou from the University of California, Berkeley

Papadimitriou earned his PhD in electrical engineering and computer science from Princeton University in 1976, and has since taught at prestigious universities such as Harvard and the MIT.  He is a member of the US National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and the National Academy of Engineering.   

Papadimitriou will examine Turing’s monumental works and legacy, and compare his legacy to that of another influential thinker whose theories and writings radically changed our scientific understanding of biology and the natural world, Sir Charles Darwin.  

“Turing, like Darwin, transformed scientific and human culture through a singularly disruptive work written in a brilliantly self-conscious style,” says Papadimitriou. “I shall recount the stories of these two classics, concluding with certain unexpected connections between computational ideas and evolution.”

Maurice Pagnucco, Head of UNSW’s School of Computer Science and Engineering, says: “Alan Turing was a great mind and highly creative thinker, whose legacy continues to impact contemporary research across a range of computer science domains.

“Professor Papadimitriou is a foremost expert, and very welcome guest, who will help us pay tribute to this lasting contribution.”

What: Free Public Lecture – The Origin of Computable Numbers: A Tale of Two Classics
When: 4–6 pm, Monday 3 December, 2012
Where: Law Theatre, Room G04, University of New South Wales, Kensington

Media Contact: Steve Offner, UNSW Media Office, 02 9385 1583