Chris Styles will be drawing on all his academic expertise as he finds himself heading the Australian School of Business just as the federal government opens the higher education sector to market forces.

A marketing scholar with an impressive list of publications, Professor Styles has a keen understanding of what’s needed to compete in the higher education landscape.

In what seems a serendipitous appointment, Styles takes up the role of Dean today after the departure of Professor Geoffrey Garrett who is heading to the US.

Fee deregulation and greater competition in the business-school sector – some of which is coming from nontraditional sources – means there will be an even greater need to be externally focused.

“There is a greater onus on us to be market responsive,” says Styles of the changes proposed in the federal budget. “If students have to contribute more to their degree they will be more discerning of what is on offer.

Read the full profile of Professor Styles in the latest issue of Uniken.

Read more about Professor Styles' international vision in BusinessBecause.

Media contact:  Janine MacDonald, ASB, 0478 492 110