NSW lags way behind on updating its abortion laws
NSW law remains fixed in the 19th century in treating a woman who chooses to terminate her pregnancy as a criminal, writes George Williams.
NSW law remains fixed in the 19th century in treating a woman who chooses to terminate her pregnancy as a criminal, writes George Williams.
OPINION: The NSW Parliament will soon revisit the law on abortion. The notice paper for next week's sittings of the Legislative Council foreshadows a debate to decriminalise abortion, as well as to counter measures by Fred Nile. He wants women considering a termination to undergo counselling and to view an ultrasound of their unborn child. They would also be informed that the procedure may cause pain to their foetus.
It says a lot about the state of NSW law that any of these proposals will be debated. With the exception of Queensland, every other state and territory has already passed measures into law that enable a woman to choose a termination. South Australia led the way in 1969, followed by the Northern Territory in 1974, Western Australia in 1998, Victoria in 2008 and Tasmania in 2013.
Some states have gone well beyond decriminalising abortion to protecting women who seek the service. Victoria and Tasmania have introduced jail terms of up to one year for harassing, intimidating, threatening or obstructing a woman or other person within 150 metres of an abortion clinic. The ACT has also introduced protected areas around medical facilities in order to protect patient privacy generally.
These laws show how other parts of Australia have moved on from whether women can lawfully choose to terminate the pregnancy. Elsewhere, the key question is whether the protection of women can justify restricting the rights of people to protest outside of abortion clinics.
By contrast, NSW law remains fixed in the 19th century in treating a woman who chooses to terminate her pregnancy as a criminal. Section 82 of the NSW Crimes Act says that "a woman with child" can be jailed for up to 10 years if she "unlawfully administers to herself any drug or noxious thing, or unlawfully uses any instrument or other means" to end her pregnancy. Jail terms are also set down for doctors and others who assist a woman with the procedure.
Terminations are only possible in NSW because the Crimes Act has not been enforced according to its terms. Its apparent clear intention has been modified by a ruling by Judge Levine in 1971. He held that an abortion is not unlawful if the doctor "had an honest belief on reasonable grounds that what they did was necessary to preserve the women involved from serious danger to their life, or physical or mental health".
This view has been applied ever since. It provides an important exception to the Crimes Act, but its ambit is limited and uncertain. Termination clinics operate in NSW in the shadow of the law by relying on the police to apply a generous interpretation of the exception. Prosecutions are rare, but this remains an insecure and problematic basis on which to operate. Unsurprisingly, many medical practitioners are reluctant to work in the area for this reason.
The mantle of reforming the law has been taken up by Greens MLC Mehreen Faruqi. She has introduced a bill to decriminalise abortion in NSW and provide safe zones for women seeking a termination. The bill is far from radical. It would replicate what has been done elsewhere in Australia.
Labor member Penny Sharpe has put forward a second bill. It would do no more than establish safe access zones around abortion clinics in NSW. This would produce the odd result of providing protection for a practice that is otherwise outlawed. Her bill is a pragmatic reflection of the difficulty in passing any measure in NSW to decriminalise abortion.
Even starting a conversation in the NSW Parliament is proving difficult. No cross-party group has been formed to champion the reform, despite similar groups backing initiatives such as voluntary euthanasia and same-sex marriage. It is surprising that public supporters of abortion law reform are so thin on the ground, despite this having been enacted nearly a half century ago in South Australia.
This reflects the membership of the NSW Parliament, and the social conservatism that pervades the state's major political parties. However, it does not reflect the mindset of the community. Polls have shown that the people overwhelmingly believe that women should be able to obtain an abortion in NSW. An independent survey commissioned by Faruqi showed 87 per cent of respondents in favour of this. Only 6 per cent believed that abortion should not be allowed under any circumstances.
This should come as no surprise. On abortion, as with other social issues, the NSW community is not markedly different from the nation at large. The view has long taken hold across Australia that women should be entitled to choose whether to terminate their pregnancy. What does differ are the views of NSW parliamentarians. As a result, it seems unlikely that NSW law on abortion will change anytime soon.
Professor George Williams is Dean of Law at UNSW.
This opinion piece was first published in the Sydney Morning Herald.