At UNSW, honours projects involving biogeography, geography and spatial awareness seek to understand human activity, species and their sense of spatial configuration, how technology can help us analyse the environment and much more.

View our current projects and connect with an honours project supervisor to learn how you can get involved.

Getting more out of charcoal: Has fire severity changed in the recent past?

Use the physical and chemical characteristics of charcoal to consider the simple question: have fires in the Blue Mountains become more severe over the last few decades? Supervisor: A/Prof. Scott Mooney

Beach safety awareness of international students to Australia

The primary aim of this project is to establish an evidence-based profile of beach safety knowledge of international students in Australia. Supervisor: Prof. Rob Brander

How is big data affecting scientists?

The project aims to build an understanding of people's opinions and reactions to Big Data in their respective fields. Supervisor: Dr Malte Ebach

Will climate change increase desertification?

This project will use a combination of satellite vegetation data and climate observations and projections to determine if and where climate change will lead to desertification. Supervisors: Jason Evans and Arden Burrell

Plant and soil responses to animal disturbance

In this study, we will simulate natural disturbances by animals and examine how plants and soils respond to herbivory and disturbance in a dry woodland. Supervisor: Professor David Eldridge