Environmental science and conservation science aim to protect our planet – the natural resources and biodiversity within Earth’s many ecosystems. Research within environmental conservation looks to protect the world’s environments and provide solutions for their long-term sustainability.

At UNSW, honours projects in environmental science and conservation explore Australian environments, seeking to understand natural and human impacts on Earth’s ecosystems, marine, freshwater and terrestrial and their dependent organisms, to identify solutions for management. View our current projects and connect with an honours project supervisor to learn how you can get involved.

Animal ecology & evolution

Animal ecology and evolution looks at the ecological causes and evolutionary consequences of changes within species. It can be broadly defined as the relationship and interactions between animals and their environment.

Biogeography, geography & spatial analysis

Honours projects involving biogeography, geography and spatial awareness seek to understand human activity, species and their sense of spatial configuration, and how technology can help us analyse the environment.

Climate science

The Climate Change Research Centre offers a wide range of thesis-driven honours projects in many climate-related research areas.

Environmental science & conservation

Research within Environmental Conservation looks to protect the world’s environments and provide solutions for their long-term sustainability.


Genetic research is used widely across the fields of evolution, ecology and wildlife management.

Marine science

From oceanography to geology, Marine Science explores all aspects of the marine environment and how they interact with one another.

Palaeo, Earth, water & geoscience

The study of Earth history opens windows into conditions, worlds and systems of the past, present and future.

Plant ecology & evolution

At UNSW, you’ll have the chance to study plants in relation to the impact of climate change, geographic location, rising CO2 levels and more.